Woolman, John. Journal of John Woolman
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Front Matter
Chapter I. 1720-1742. His Birth and Parentage -- Some Account of the Operations of Divine Grace on his Mind in his Youth -- His first Appearance in the Ministry -- And his Considerations, while Young, on the Keeping of Slaves.
Chapter II. 1743-1748. His first Journey, on a Religious Visit, in East Jersey -- Thoughts on Merchandising, and Learning a Trade -- Second Journey into Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina -- Third Journey through part of West and East Jersey -- Fourth Journey through New York and Long Island, to New England -- And his fifth Journey to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and the Lower Counties on Delaware.
Chapter III. 1749-1756. His Marriage -- The Death of his Father -- His Journeys into the upper part of New jersey, and afterwards into Pennsylvania -- Considerations on keeping Slaves, and Visits to the Families of Friends at several times and places -- An Epistle from the General Meeting -- His journey to Long Island -- Considerations on Trading and on the Use of Spirituous Liquors and Costly Apparel -- Letter to a Friend.
Chapter IV. 1757, 1758. Visit to the Families of Friends at Burlington -- Journey to Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina -- Considerations on the State of Friends there, and the Exercise he was under in Travelling among those so generally concerned in keeping Slaves, with some Observations on this Subject -- Epistle to Friends at New Garden and Crane Creek -- Thoughts on the Neglect of a Religious Care in the Education of the Negroes.
Chapter V. 1757, 1758. Considerations on the Payment of a Tax laid for Carrying on the War against the Indians -- Meetings of the Committee of the Yearly Meeting at Philadelphia -- Some Notes on Thomas a Kempis and John Huss -- The present Circumstances of Friends in Pennsylvania and New Jersey very Different from those of our Predecessors -- The Drafting of the Militia in New Jersey to serve in the Army, with some Observations on the State of the Members of our Society at that time -- Visit to Friends in Pennsylvania, accompanied by Benjamin Jones -- Proceedings at the Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Meetings in Philadelphia, respecting those who keep Slaves.
Chapter VI. 1758, 1759. Visit to the Quarterly Meetings in Chester County -- Joins Daniel Stanton and John Scarborough in a Visit to such as kept Slaves there -- Some Observations on the Conduct which those should maintain who speak in Meetings for Discipline -- More Visits to such as kept Slaves, and to Friends near Salem -- Account of the Yearly Meeting in the Year 1759, and of the increasing Concern in Divers Provinces to Labor against Buying and Keeping Slaves -- The Yearly Meeting Epistle -- Thoughts on the Small- pox spreading, and on Inoculation.
Chapter VII. 1760. Visit, in Company with Samuel Eastburn, to Long Island, Rhode Island, Boston, etc. -- Remarks on the Slave-Trade at New- port; also on Lotteries -- Some Observations on the Island of Nantucket.
Chapter VIII. 1761, 1762. Visits Pennsylvania, Shrewsbury, and Squan -- Publishes the Second Part of his Considerations on keeping Negroes -- The Grounds of his appearing in some Respects singular in his Dress -- Visit to the Families of Friends of Ancocas and Mount Holly Meetings -- Visits to the Indians at Wehaloosing on the River Susquehanna.
Chapter IX. 1763-1769. Religious Conversation with a Company met to see the Tricks of a Juggler -- Account of John Smith's Advice and of the Proceeding of a Committee at the Yearly Meeting in 1764 -- Contemplations on the Nature of True Wisdom -- Visit to the Families of Friends at Mount Holly, Mansfield, and Burlington, and to the Meetings on the Sea-Coast from Cape May towards Squan -- Some Account of Joseph Nichols and his Followers -- On the different State of the First Settlers in Pennsylvania who de depended on their own Labor, compared with those of the Southern Provinces who kept Negroes -- Visit to the Northern Parts of New Jersey and the Western Parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania; also to the Families of Friends at Mount Holly and several Parts of Maryland -- Further Considerations on keeping Slaves, and his Concern for having been a Party to the Sale of One -- Thoughts on Friends exercising Offices in Civil Government.
Chapter X. 1769, 1770. Bodily Indisposition -- Exercise of his Mind for the Good of the People in the West Indies -- Communicates to Friends his Concern to visit some of those Islands -- Preparations to embark -- Considerations on the Trade to the West Indies -- Release from his Concern and return Home -- Religious Engagements -- Sickness, and Exercise of his Mind therein."
Chapter XI. 1772. Embarks at Chester, with Samuel Emlen, in a Ship bound for London -- Exercise of Mind respecting the Hardships of the Sailors -- Considerations on the Dangers of training Youth to a Seafaring Life -- Thoughts during a Storm at Sea -- Arrival in London.
Chapter XII. 1772. Attends the Yearly Meeting in London -- Then proceeds towards Yorkshire -- Visits Quarterly and other Meetings in the Counties of Hertford, Warwick, Oxford, Nottingham, York, and Westmoreland -- Returns to Yorkshire -- Instructive Observations and Letters -- Hears of the Decease of William Hunt -- Some Account of him -- The Author's Last Illness and Death at York.