Remix and Licensing
With so much content and creations out there, be it songs, shows, artworks, books or photographs, there are many more works that re-create or take inspiration from these original concepts. Nowadays it is difficult to come up with something original, and a lot easier to take someone else’s work, re-arrange it, or combine their ideas with your own. This is what we consider a ‘remix’.
Take note of this video by Kirby Ferguson:
This video gives further insight into the world of remixing, what is considered a legal remix and what is considered a breach of copyright laws.
Now take a look at these two videos:
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Steamboat Willie
Steamboat Itchy
Is the second video considered a remix and a breach of copyright?
Taking note from Ferguson’s analysis, these two videos are visually similar with similar concepts, and it is clear the second video takes inspiration from the first. However it is not considered a breach of copyright laws, because it has been changed enough to be considered original, despite taking inspiration from another video.
How does remixing shape our online identity?
Today, remixing can be quite a controversial subject when someone does ‘remix’ another’s work. However we see remixes everywhere, in online posts, memes, videos etc, and they are very easy to make. We have become a culture where remixing is another way of creating original content.