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Insurance and risk management staffing

The Questpro blog is the top hub for professionals in the risk management and insurance industries, featuring key industry updates, interview guides, graduate resources, and hiring insights.

What Does It Take To Become A Commercial Insurance Underwriter?

The role of a commercial insurance underwriter is crucial within the insurance industry. These professionals are tasked with evaluating and analyzing the risks involved in insuring a business or organization. Their decisions directly impact the profitability and sustainability of insurance companies, making their expertise and judgment highly valuable. In this

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Job seeking strategies in personal lines

Job Seeking Strategies in Personal Lines

Mass layoffs. Unsustainable rate increases. The personal lines career market is a mess! There’s a surplus of applicants for every discipline, whereas once top talent only had to change that “open to work” button to start a firehose of weekly opportunities. Not so much these days. If you’re currently seeking a career in

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Looking into the Future of Insurance Jobs

The Future of Insurance Jobs in 2024

The year 2024 promises to bring new opportunities and trends to the insurance industry. Whether you’re looking to enter insurance or are a seasoned insurance professional, the future of insurance jobs is promising. Here are some of our projections for what the future of insurance jobs looks like in the

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