With the goal of obtaining a suitable animal model for voluntary oral consumption of ethanol, the investigators selectively bred lines of alcohol-preferring and alcohol-nonpreferring rats, with preference considered as a function of the concentration of ethanol ingested. Studies with these animals showed that drinking is voluntary and not contingent on caloric restriction; that they will work to obtain ethanol even when food and water are freely available, and in so doing, show psychological or behavioral tolerance; that the amount of ethanol voluntarily consumed approaches their apparent maximum capacity for ethanol elimination. This amount of ethanol was capable of altering brain neurotransmitter content, thus exerting a CNS pharmocologic effect. In addition, the rats will bar-press for intravenous administration of ethanol, and with prolonged, free-choice consumption, ethanol intake increases to as much as 12 g per kg body weight per day without producing behavioral deficits, suggesting the development of tolerance.