
Trouble Sleeping? These 10 Sleep Products Actually Work & They’re Backed by Science

There are so many sleep products on the market, it can be tough to tell which ones are real and which are B.S. Will that tea really help you doze off earlier? What about the eye mask that promises to help you stay asleep all night? To separate the gems from the gimmicks, we turned to the pros: sleep specialists. Here are ten sleep products that they actually recommend.

Related: 7 Must-Haves for a Good Night’s Sleep, According to Former Insomniacs

1. therapedic Reversible Weighted Blanket
Bed Bath and Beyond

It’s no coincidence that you pass out on the couch every time you cozy up with your weighted blanket. According to the National Sleep Foundation, that’s because they decrease anxiety, increase serotonin levels and reduce restlessness for some people. “I’ve had a number of patients report benefit from these,” confirms Dr. Alex Dimitriu, M.D., double board-certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine and the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. This particular blanket has racked up over 200 five-star reviews on Bed Bath & Beyond, many of which claim that it has solved their sleep woes.

Bed Bath and Beyond

2. this Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray

Lavender, vetiver and chamomile oil join forces to take you to dreamland in this calming pillow spray. The brand claims that the fragrance will help you enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. While he doesn’t outright confirm that this product will promote slumber, Dr. Dimitriu suggests that it could help you relax before bed. “There is some evidence that lavender has a calming effect, with some potential to lower heart rate and induce relaxation,” he says.


3. hum Nutrition Beauty Zzzz Sleep Support Supplement

Wary of supplements? Us too. But Dr. Dimitriu says that melatonin is worth trying because it can help some people fall asleep faster. Hum Nutrition’s variation contains 3mg of the popular sleep aid, plus 10mg of vitamin B6 to aid in serotonin production, which is thought to regulate sleep patterns. But whether you try a gummy, a patch or a spray, the exact form hasn’t been proven to make a difference yet, Dr. Dimitriu emphasizes. To help your body produce its own melatonin, you should dim the lights before bed, avoid screens and set a regular bedtime.


4. snooz White Noise Sound Machine

Some white noise machines are better than others, and this one is rumored to be the best of the best. That’s because it has a fan inside it, so it offers a peaceful, real sound rather than a looping track. Dr. Joshua Tal, Ph.D., a New York City-based psychologist specializing in insomnia notes that while he’d have to hear it for himself before fully endorsing it, the SNOOZ sounds pretty promising since fan-based white noise machines are considered to be the most effective.


5. Felix Gray Blue Light Glasses
Felix Gray

We’ve noticed that we have a harder time falling asleep when we watch a couple of episodes of Succession before bed, and the research backs it up. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, exposure to blue light suppresses the body’s melatonin production for twice as long as another light source of comparable brightness. It also shifted circadian rhythms by twice as much, meaning it threw off the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. And while the best solution is to avoid blue light in the hours before bed, sometimes we just need a Netflix binge. The solution? Blue light glasses. They filter blue light rays to protect your eyes against the negative impacts of screen time.

Felix Gray

6. The Honest Company Ultra Calming Bubble Bath

We’ll use any excuse to take a bubble bath—but this one is actually pretty convincing. A 2019 study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews found that 10 to 15 minutes in a warm bath before bed helped participants fall asleep 10 minutes faster on average. Plus as Dr. Dimitriu mentioned earlier, the lavender in this formula may aid in relaxation, making it easier to catch some zzz’s after use.


7. manta Sleep Mask

Move over, silk eye mask. The Manta Sleep Mask is basically a blackout shade for your eyeballs. The unique eye cups are designed to mold to your face and block out 100 percent of light. The whole thing is fully adjustable, because what good is an uncomfortable eye mask that keeps you up at night? “This one looks like it’s well designed,” confirms Dr. Tal. He explains that blocking out light keeps your circadian rhythm(the internal process that regulates your body’s sleep-wake cycle) in check, helping you finally get an uninterrupted snooze.


8. dodow Sleep Aid Device

If the idea of guided breathing sounds helpful, try the Dodow. It projects a circle of light on the ceiling—inhale when the circle expands, then exhale as the circle contracts. It slows your breathing down to about six breaths per minute, which signals to your body that it’s time to rest. This exercise is especially helpful for people who find their minds racing at night, because it gives you something to focus on, Dr. Tal says.


9. ayo Premium Light Therapy Glasses


Dr. Tal has recently recommended these light therapy glasses to quite a few of his patients. “They’re really good for resetting your circadian rhythm, dealing with jet lag and fighting seasonal affective disorder (SAD),” he explains. The glasses work like a portable light box, increasing your energy levels and alertness during the day and adjusting your body’s rhythm so you’ll sleep better at night.

$249 at Amazon


10. somnox Sleep Robot

A sleep robot? That’s right. Cuddling this bean-shaped bot will help you fall asleep by simulating a calm breathing pattern you can sync your breath to. “This would be especially helpful for someone who benefits from a sensory approach—so kids or someone who likes a lot of pillows,” Dr. Tal says. Deep breathing, which he refers to as diaphragmatic breathing, can help you fall asleep by activating the body’s relaxation response.

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Your May 2020 Horoscopes

Buckle up because May is another wild ride. The great news is that this month’s vibe is completely different from what we experienced in March and April. But of course, different doesn’t always mean better. Though things likely feel lighter and less restricted, the experience is just as intense.

The full moon in mysterious Scorpio on the 7th brings our secrets to the surface. Maybe our head has been in the game, but has our heart been on the same page? Let’s get ready for some deep emotional breakthroughs, lengthy vent sessions and cathartic tears on this day.

Mercury moves into quick-witted Gemini on the 11th, and we start getting lots of brilliant ideas. On the 13th, Mars finally leaves Aquarius for intuitive Pisces suggesting that we can soon move more freely. On the very same day, Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. From now until June 25th, all that is Venusian—love, money, aesthetics—doesn’t function like it usually does. Let’s watch our spending and try to ignore whatever ghosts slide into our DMs. (We’re looking at you, Chad.) Jupiter and Saturn also station retrograde this same week as there really is so, so, so much to review.

The sun enters fresh, funky and flaky Gemini on the 20th (happy birthday to our mischievous twins!). At the new moon in Gemini on the 22nd, we are likely to have a brilliant idea. Let’s write it all down or at least talk it all out with everyone we know.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

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As you finish up your birthday season, Venus retrograde begins on the 13th in your earned income sector. Retrogrades bring blasts from the past as well as clues about the future, so don’t be surprised if you finally receive some checks you’ve been waiting on since last July or a friend forwards you an application for your dream job out of the blue. Six months from now, how much cash do you want to have in your savings account? Devise a plan to make that happen.

Love Horoscope: The full moon on the 7th falls in your partnership sector and may bring a particularly fraught relationship to its natural end. When there are too many secrets between you and someone you love, it’s impossible to grow with them. Either lay it all out on the table or excuse yourself for good.

Money Horoscope: As we already mentioned, this month really is all about the cash flow for you, especially with Venus retrograde in your money sector. That said, Venus retrogrades are a time for assessment, not quick decisions. A climax arrives with a job offer or intriguing new rental agreement at the new moon on the 22nd, but don’t commit to anything until you’re really sure it’s what you want.

Like last month, May is divided into three distinct vibes. Through the 11th, you’re either totally zen or stuck in a cycle of self-loathing. A breakthrough comes on the 4th as you accept that certain things are out of your control. Mercury glides into your sign on the 11th, and you finally feel like yourself again. Phew. This good feeling continues as your season begins on the 20th—happy birthday to you!—and peaks at the new moon on the 22nd,which is all about self-care. Spend the last few days of the month focused on abundance.

Love Horoscope: Whether it’s officially postponing your wedding until 2021 or discussing whether you should move in together post-quarantine, if you’re in a relationship, things get real on the 6th. If you’re single, some ghosts of hookups past start haunting you on the 13th. Ignore them if they aren’t any fun.

Money Horoscope: Though your finances are mostly flowing smoothly, an issue may start rearing its ugly head around the 14th. The steady stream of client referrals dries up or you’re finally hit with the credit card bill from all that quarantine online shopping. Try to spend less than usual in the first half of the month so you have a cushion…just in case.

How about letting yourself have a little fun, dear moonchild? At the full moon on the 7th, a romance or a creative project that you began last October reaches its culmination. Do something sweet for your lover or send those rough recordings of a new song to a friend in the “biz.” The second half of the month is all about rest and relaxation, which peaks at the new moon in Gemini on the 22nd. RSVP “no” to all those virtual catch ups and meditate instead. No one is going to forget you if you don’t participate in everything.

Love Horoscope: If you’re single, the full moon on the 7th is a great day to put yourself out there. Download the apps, rekindle a fling via text or finally tell that acquaintance from your Bachelor crew that you have a crush on her. Life is short so why not? If you’re in a relationship, the major growth you’ve been experiencing together slows down around the 14th. How can you keep things fresh as you settle into your routine?

Money Horoscope: If you’re a freelancer, new clients that you’ve been pursuing since March finally sign on the dotted line around the 11th. With new streams of income coming your way, you may want to think about consolidating debts.

Something important to your emotional health comes to a culmination in your home and family life at the full moon in Scorpio on the 7th. If you moved back in October, you’re finally feeling settled. And if you had a vulnerable heart-to-heart with your sister last fall, you find yourself feeling immensely grateful that you started that dialogue. In the second half of the month, your productivity is at an all-time (at least for quarantine) high, especially on the 15th through the 17th. At the new moon on the 22nd, get back in touch with a friend who has fallen out of your periphery. What you discuss might inspire your next big project.

Love Horoscope: Though this month should be more focused on friends than lovers, some particularly romantic days are the 8th through the 10th. Make a virtual date with that hottie you’ve been DMing for the entire lockdown and see what happens. If you’re in a relationship, tensions that have been building between you and your partner since March start waning on the 11th. Finally, you’re comfortable again.

Money Horoscope: As Mars enters Pisces and your shared resources sector on the 13th, you are prepared to take on all of your financial skeletons-in-the-closet with gusto! Set aside a day during the second week of May to power through all those unopened bills or Venmo requests. On the 25th, a collaborative opportunity at work may lead to more pay.

Like April, this month is divided into three distinct sections for you, Virgo. Through the 11th, you find yourself hard at work studying or learning a new technical skill. An intellectual breakthrough comes on the 4th and makes something usually stressful to you way more palatable. As Mercury moves into Gemini on the 11th, pressure builds at work and you may find yourself leading more meetings and taking more initiative. The new moon on the 22nd marks a fresh start for your career. What feels good in your current position? And how do you want to grow? Your social life picks up after the 28th. Even if it’s all digital, prioritize spending time with friends to close out the month.

Love Horoscope: Around the 13th, a long-brewing conflict finally comes to a head with your partner. Things are less sweet this month than they have been. To get through the tension, you must work together. If you’re single, your energy is focused more on work and yourself than it is on love. Keep your eye on the prize—there’s nothing wrong with that.

Money Horoscope: This month is a huge one for your career, and, as weird as it may sound in these circumstances, it might just be time to ask for a raise. As Venus retrograde begins on the 13th, you are reminded of all the ways you have worked for less than your worth in the past. Don’t let it happen again. Seek what you deserve.

On the 13th, your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde for the first time since November 2018. The planet of love wants you to review your relationship to education, travel and authority figures. Who teaches you? And who can you teach? Though you’re feeling nostalgic, be sure to match every dig through the archives with taking in something new. (Classic movies you’ve never seen? Records you’ve never spun?) Especially on the 3rd and 20th, follow your intuition about what to consume, whether that’s what you read, watch or bake. Remember: Abundance comes through exploration.

Love Horoscope: Back in March, just as you had hatched a plan to really up your romance game, well…the pandemic cancelled everything. As Venus goes retrograde on the 13th, think back to what happened in May and June of 2012 (Venus’ last retrograde in Gemini). What dating mistakes did you make back then that you’re thrilled to be avoiding now? Calling an old friend on the 22nd reminds you of how much you have to offer to any relationship.

Money Horoscope: The full moon on the 7th falls in your earned income sector and marks a culmination of any financial ventures you started around the new moon in Scorpio on October 27th of last year. Cash seems to flow easily at the top of the month, so save as much as you can.

As May begins, you are still in the throes of the sticky family matter or troubling home situation that started causing you grief in March. If you’re not being honest with yourself about how much you’re hurting, the full moon in your sign on the 7th brings all your feels to the surface. Have a good cry and write it all out. Things start to lighten up around the 11th, which means on the 13th you can finally put out the literal or metaphorical fire. Instead, bring the heat to your romantic or creative life.

Love Horoscope: If your love language is words of affirmation, get ready to be blown away on the 4th when your partner writes you the sweetest note ever. If you’re single, this missive might come from an ex, and it will probably be more sentimental than expected. As mentioned, your romantic life picks up around the 13th. If you are dating and unsure about where a relationship is headed, an unexpected twist makes things clear on the 25th.

Money Horoscope: Major shifts happen in your financial life this month. Venus stations retrograde on the 13th in your shared resources sector and by the new moon on the 22nd, you are ready to face some skeletons in your financial closet. A money issue that’s been overwhelming you for years may not be such a big deal when you shine the light of day on it.

Despite how much the world has slowed down, it seems like all you’re doing is speeding up: A friend needs you to help her move; your kids are getting restless; and things are busier than ever at work. At the full moon in Scorpio on the 7th though, let go of what’s out of your control and take a much-needed break for yourself. You will want to be rested for the 13th when maintenance issues at your home start taking up even more of your time. Luckily at the new moon on the 22nd, a new relationship—whether it’s romantic or business—renews your zest for life.

Love Horoscope: May is all about commitment for you, Sagittarius. With Venus retrograde kicking off in your one-on-one relationships sector on the 13th, you may be contacted by more than a few former exes throughout the second half of the month. But as mentioned before, the new moon on the 22nd is all about forming a fresh commitment or simply reminding your special someone just how much you care.

Money Horoscope: Since December, you have been carefully budgeting, saving funds and figuring out how to make yourself secure. After meeting a major goal on or around the 14th, you feel like you’re in a good place. Some details may need to be worked out around a loan or credit card bill on the 28th but otherwise, all is well.

You are feeling burned out on Zooms and FaceTimes and HouseParty hangs, so why not try out some old-fashioned phone calls? In the second half of the month, you are in for a series of administrative delays. Keep that in mind before launching a project. At the new moon on the 22nd, you are inspired to begin a new exercise routine. This summer, you’ll be feeling extra fit and may even want to show off your abs.

Love Horoscope: Though this isn’t a particularly romantic month for you, a brief but very much needed breakthrough in your dating life happens on the 4th. Though Venus retrograde is going to cause more upheaval in your daily routine than your love life, you are feeling nostalgic about lovers past on both the 3rd and the 20th. Focus on the sweet memories only.

Money Horoscope: On the 11th, as your ruling planet Saturn stations retrograde in your earned income sector, you are given very limited time to make a financial decision. Is this a risk worth taking? Don’t base your decision on adrenaline alone, especially because your energy begins to wane on the 13th. Go for the long-term benefit rather than the short-term high.

The full moon on the 7th marks a huge moment for your career. Though you usually try to downplay your achievements, milk this time in the spotlight for what it’s worth. Look, if this coincides with your boss gushing about your performance, at least all your coworkers on the Zoom call won’t know how much you’re blushing! Venus stations retrograde in your romance and creativity sector on the 13th, and your dating life starts—as the kids say—popping off. At the new moon on the 22nd, a sweet gesture or creative gift will make you feel like the most loved person the world.

Love Horoscope: As mentioned above, your love life takes center stage this month. On the 3rd and 20th especially, you are more willing than usual to put yourself out there and flirt with a cutie you’ve had your eye on for a long time. Get in there while you’re feeling down to take a risk. This period lasts through the end of June and continues throughout the summer, so have fun and experiment while you can.

Money Horoscope: Aggressive Mars makes his big entrance to your earned income sector on the 13th and you either get a raise or have to work way harder than usual to keep up with your bills.

At the full moon on the 7th, whether it’s finally getting into a headstand during Zoom yoga or starting the online French class you’ve been meaning to take for years, a major goal is unlocked. So…celebrate! Pop a bottle of prosecco for the occasion. With Venus retrograde kicking off in your home and family sector on the 13th, you may have to revisit some painful parts of your past in the second half of the month. As much as these memories may consume you, remember that you are capable of creating your own personal sanctuary.

Love Horoscope: May is really about both your family and taking some meditative time for yourself, but on the 3rd and the 20th especially, watch out for missives from past lovers from high school or your hometown. With Mars moving into your sign on the 13th, you get a major confidence boost and around the 25th, your texts get especially flirty.

Money Horoscope: Your money situation remains pretty stable this month, but you may want to use the days leading up to the full moon (the 4th, 5th and 6th) to plant some seeds for future investments. Whatever you start now fully materializes later this year. Choose something and let it grow.

A friend spills her guts to you at the full moon in Scorpio on the 7th and though you’re happy to lend an ear, you’re hurt when she can’t seem to return the favor a few days later. If this incident leaves you feeling invisible, especially after your ruling planet Mars moves into Pisces on the 13th, take it as a hint to look deeper within. Perhaps you already have all the answers you need. On the 22nd, the new moon in Gemini is a chance to get involved in a neighborhood initiative or start a virtual book club with those cool acquaintances you want to get to know better.

Love Horoscope: If you’re single, this is unfortunately not the best month for you to be dating. Over the summer and through the fall, you will feel almost forced to put yourself out there, so take time this month to meditate on what you really want. Venus retrograde brings some jokers out of the woodwork, so try to ignore their messages ––especially on the 3rd and the 20th when communications might be extra confusing.

Money Horoscope: On the 4th, you might get a promotion, a bonus or just receive that check that’s been “in the mail” since the end of February. And on the 7th, you get even better news about an investment. Rather than celebrating with a shopping spree, use the cash influx to pay off a debt.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram, @jaimeallycewright, or subscribe to her newsletter.

Related: How You Act on Every Zoom Call, According to Your Zodiac Sign


Oven-Baked Super-Green Falafel

Oven-baked Super-green Falafel
Donna Hay/Week Light
Makes 16 falafel patties
5 min
5 min
35 min
Con Poulos/Week Light

Crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, falafel are easy to love. The only thing that’s not? Deep-frying them. To lighten things up and avoid the mess, Donna Hay has blessed us with a recipe for oven-baked super-green falafel (from her newest title, Week Light: Super-Fast Meals to Make You Feel Good). They’re also packed with peas and broccoli, which aren’t traditional but are a welcome nutritional boost.

“I used charcoal flatbreads,” Hay writes, “not just for taste—they also look so striking against the fresh colors of the vegetables. You can use any type of flatbread you wish, from seeded to Lebanese to whole wheat—the choice is yours!”

Text credit to Donna Hay from Week Light: Super-Fast Meals to Make You Feel Good, published by HarperCollins Publishers.

Related: Broccoli Margherita Pizza

63 calories

2g fat

9g carbs

3g protein

2g sugars

One 14-ounce can (400g) chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 onion, finely chopped

1 cup (120g) frozen peas, slightly thawed

2 tablespoons white chia seeds

1 cup (90g) finely chopped broccoli

2 cups (70g) firmly packed shredded kale leaves

1 cup (24g) fresh parsley leaves

½ cup (8g) fresh mint leaves

1½ teaspoons ground cumin

½ teaspoon baking powder

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Extra-virgin olive oil, for brushing

Flatbreads, arugula, sliced radishes and labne, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place the chickpeas, onion, peas, chia seeds, broccoli, kale, parsley, mint, cumin, baking powder, salt and pepper in a food processor and process until very finely chopped.

3. Press the mixture into 2-tablespoon patties and place on the baking sheet. (You should have about 16 patties.) Brush the patties generously with oil and bake for 15 minutes. Brush the patties with more oil, then return to the oven and bake until golden and crisp, 13 to 15 minutes more.

4. To serve, divide the flatbreads between serving plates and top with arugula, radish, labne and the falafels.


Disney is Giving Free Online Illustration Lessons & We’re About to Become Pros at Drawing Mickey Mouse

Disney theme parks may be closed while social distancing protocols are in place, but you can still participate in a little Disney magic thanks to a series of quick instructional videos showing how to draw characters including Mickey Mouse, Tinkerbell and Queen Elsa from Frozen.

In a video that was posted this week, Disney show artist Stephen Ketchum demonstrates how to turn a few circles and shadings into Mickey’s face, a process that takes just over four minutes. Naturally, the video includes a quick visit from both Mickey and Minnie Mouse, who stop by to admire Ketchum’s work. In another tutorial, actor Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf in the Frozen films, tries his hand at drawing the goofy snowman.

Besides how fast drawings are, the biggest surprise you’ll find is that Mickey’s features have actually changed since he was first drawn in the 1920s (because, yay, he’s celebrating his 92nd birthday this year). There are separate videos for the Steamboat Willie-era version and the version shown in the animated tv series that began in 2013 (he’s got so-called “pie eyes” because there’s a triangle like a pie slice carved out of each eye).

Any of the Mickey drawings are easy enough for non-professional artists and even children to master. So, clear room on your refrigerator for some original artwork that’s almost as good as visiting Mickey in person.

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Ashlee Simpson Reveals She’s Pregnant with Baby No.3

<code><p class = "instagram-media"></p></code>

Baby news alert!

Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross just revealed they are expecting their second child together. The family of four (make that five) shared the happy news via Instagram today.

“We are pregnant and we are so excited to share it with everyone. Baby #3,” she captioned a photo of herself and Ross smiling and holding up a positive pregnancy test. Ross shared the same snap to his own page, writing, “The fam is growing. Ash and I can’t wait to welcome the newest addition.”

The couple are already parents to a 4-year-old daughter, Jagger, while Simpson shares an 11-year-old son, Bronx, with ex-husband Pete Wentz. 

The news doesn’t come as too much of a shock, considering the two have been planning on growing their family for some time now. They previously revealed to Entertainment Tonight that more kids were part of their plan. “Definitely more kids in the future,” Simpson said. “Well, a kid, another kid.”

And we can’t help but wonder if the delivery will be drama-free this time around, considering Evan said last go-around his mom barged into the hospital before it was time. In an interview from 2018, the 31-year-old opened up about the incident. “While [Ashlee] was having the baby, we said we were going to do it just us, but then we saw both our parents behind the curtain watching. Also, those nurses can’t stop my mom! Like, Diana Ross just walks in.” 

As she should (and hope she does for a second time). 

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Royal News Roundup: Meghan & Harry’s Tell-All Book, Camilla’s Massive Engagement Ring & Eugenie’s Makeup-Free Selfies

Here, all the royal news you need to know for the week of April 30, 2020.

ROTA/Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images

  • This week, the royal family released a complete list of the hundreds—we repeat, hundreds—of gifts that were accepted by Queen Elizabeth, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and even baby Archie while carrying out official duties in 2019. Wait, we thought they weren’t allowed to accept those?!
  • Speaking of Archie, in a statement to the Sunday Times, a spokesperson for Meghan and Harry revealed that in honor of their son’s first birthday, May 6, they will be sharing a never-before-seen photo of the birthday boy, “You can expect to see him.”
  • But prepping for the big day isn’t all the couple has been up to. According to a new report, the duo has opened up to two reporters who are writing a book about their time as senior members of the royal family. A tell-all book? We’re not sure how the rest of the royal fam is going to like that.
ROTA/Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images
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  • Over the weekend, Princess Eugenie celebrated her tenth dating anniversary with her husband, Jack Brooksbank, by sharing candid photos on her personal Instagram account. The 30-year-old royal posted two makeup-free selfies, and damn, self-isolation is treating her well.

  • Camilla Parker Bowles is continuing her royal duties from home—her home in Scotland, that is. And while taking part in a phone call with one of her patronages, Silver Line, the Duchess of Cornwall showed off her seriously impressive engagement ring (she also made sure to show off a photo of her five grandchildren).

  • On Monday, Prince Harry officially launched his first project since stepping back from his royal duties. Well, it’s actually been in the works for years, but it still counts. The Duke of Sussex released the new initiative called HeadFIT for Life, an online platform designed to help army personnel and veterans to stay mentally fit at work and at home.

Over the weekend, Princess Eugenie celebrated her tenth dating anniversary with her husband, Jack Brooksbank, by sharing candid photos on her personal Instagram account. The 30-year-old royal posted two makeup-free selfies, and damn, self-isolation is treating her well.

Camilla Parker Bowles is continuing her royal duties from home—her home in Scotland, that is. And while taking part in a phone call with one of her patronages, Silver Line, the Duchess of Cornwall showed off her seriously impressive engagement ring (she also made sure to show off a photo of her five grandchildren).

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  • The U.K. is currently in the midst of celebrating National Gardening Week (meanwhile we can’t manage to keep any of our plants alive). And in honor of the spring-themed celebrations, Queen Elizabeth’s most trusted gardener has been giving followers a rare glimpse into the foliage of Buckingham Palace. He’s also asking for individuals to reach out with any garden-related questions they may have for a special Q&A.
  • Sorry, Meghan, but it looks like there’s room on the small screen for Harry, too. After their recent choice to step down as senior members of the royal family and their subsequent move to Los Angeles, it seems Harry’s already landed his first gig: introducing a special 75th anniversary episode of Thomas and Friends called “Thomas and the Royal Engine.”
  • We can’t believe it’s been almost a decade since Kate Middleton and Prince William tied the knot at Westminster Abbey. But it’s true—the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrated nine years of marriage this week. And they honored the major milestone as we plebeians would—with a throwback photo on Instagram.
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  • On Wednesday, Smart Works, which aims to provide underprivileged women with interview-appropriate clothing and prepare them for the job market, revealed that the Duchess of Sussex recently spoke with one of their clients. The topic of conversation? Just a casual pep talk before the client’s big interview.
  • On May 8, 2020, Queen Elizabeth will give a rare speech via the BBC, just as her father King George VI did three-quarters of a century ago on May 8, 1945, celebrating the Allies’ formal acceptance of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender.
  • Earlier this week, Camilla Parker Bowles was unveiled as vice-patron of the Royal Academy of Dance and took part in a video chat with important members of the dance community. In honor of her new role, she revealed her secret to staying in shape—dance classes with friends. And of course, the Duchess of Cornwall continued the virtual tour around her Birkhall estate, this time giving a glimpse of her living room.
  • Princess Anne followed in the footsteps of her famous relatives Prince Charles and Prince William by virtually opening a new emergency field hospital in Glasgow. The new NHS Louisa Jordan Hospital, which was constructed in 20 days in response to the coronavirus outbreak, was officially declared open by Anne via video chat from her home.

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How to Make the Most of a Virtual Doctor’s Appointment for Your Kids: Tips from a Pediatrician

Welcome to the new normal, where social distancing has moved birthday parties, graduation ceremonies and gym classes online. And in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, even doctor’s appointments have gone virtual. 

On one hand, it’s nice to no longer have to wrestle your toddler into the car seat and then try to entertain them in the waiting room (while making sure they don’t touch anything). But then again, if your kid is sick or due for a check-up, you want to make sure they are getting the care and attention they need.

“Now more than ever, pediatricians want every child to receive care for illness, wellness visits and routine vaccinations,” says Dr. Natasha Burgert from Pediatric Associates in Overland Park, Kansas. “As the pandemic continues, it’s important to learn about the measures your pediatrician’s office has taken to continue to care for your community. In most areas, one way to get cared for by your child’s medical professional is through virtual visits,” she adds.

Depending on your doctor and area, many regularly scheduled well-child visits and last-minute sick visits can be conducted online. Call your pediatrician and ask them if they recommend an in-person visit or a virtual appointment. (Virtual appointments are not appropriate for serious conditions that require immediate attention or emergency care.)

Has your doc scheduled you in for a virtual session? Great. Here are some tips to make the most out of your appointment.

Check with your health insurance company. The situation with COVID-19 is changing rapidly, so it’s a good idea to double-check ahead of time with your provider to make sure that your virtual appointment will be covered.

Familiarize yourself with the technology. Virtual pediatric appointments can take place over Zoom, FaceTime or dedicated telehealth apps. Meaning that if you can’t figure out how to mute yourself (or your screaming five-year-old) on Zoom, there’s probably another alternative. Pediatric appointments typically work better over smartphones than web cameras so you can better show your doctor what’s going on (like a rash on your kid’s leg, for example). Just make sure to download the required app or software ahead of time and that you have a good internet connection.

Get set up before the appointment. Here are few items to have nearby: pen and paper, a scale, a tape measurer, a thermometer, any medications your child is taking and a flashlight (to look inside throats or at rashes).

Arrive early. Getting connected is inevitably going to take a few minutes so plan on being set up and ready to go ten minutes before your appointment time.

Plan for your appointment like you would an in-person visit. That means having a written timeline of symptoms on hand and a list of questions or concerns, plus your kid’s medical history if this is a new doctor you’re seeing. And just as you would do for in-person appointments, send any relevant photos or documents to your doctor ahead of time. Many telehealth platforms have a specific function for sending these types of documents.

Sit in a quiet, well-lit space. Don’t sit in a loud or heavily-trafficked area of your home (like in the backyard or kitchen). You’ll also want to avoid positioning yourself in front of a bright window since that will obscure the view of your face (and your kid’s). Where’s a good place to go? Try the bathroom, says Dr. Burgert. 

Bring a toy. Depending on your kid’s age, they might be a little apprehensive (or, uh, bored) about seeing their pediatrician via a screen. Keeping their favorite stuffed animal or another toy handy can help. Introducing Elly the elephant to their doctor just might put them at ease before the examination can begin.

Don’t stress. These are strange times and your virtual appointment might not go seamlessly from start to finish—you might lose the connection, your kid might decide to throw a tantrum or the family dog might decide to come and say hello. Hey, these things happen. Just try to keep you cool and remember to be kind to yourself (and your doctor).

Related: The Best Activities for Your Family During COVID-19


‘Masked Singer’ Alum Says the Cast Communicated Via ‘Cryptic Code Sign Language & Fist Bumps’

*Warning: Spoilers ahead*

Last week, the contestants on The Masked Singer were back to business and we found out who was headed to the “Battle of the Sixes.” However, yesterday, we had to say goodbye to one of the show’s strongest competitors and even got the inside scoop as to what goes on behind the scenes.


Kitty started things off by putting her own twist on “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” by Marilyn Monroe, followed by Rhino (who, in our opinion, gave his best performance to date) with his cover of Thomas Rhett’s “Die a Happy Man.” Next up was Frog, who surprised the audience when he decided to ditch the hip-hop and sing Imagine Dragons’ “Whatever It Takes.” Night Angel seriously impressed the judges (especially Jenny McCarthy) with a jaw-dropping performance of “Black Velvet” by Alannah Myles, before Astronaut gave his rendition of One Direction’s “Story of My Life.” Turtle ended the night with his version of Alessia Cara’s “Stay.”

And, now, the results. Sadly, Astronaut will not be headed to the top five and revealed himself to be country star Hunter Hayes. This means another one of our predictions was absolutely correct! We (along with the rest of the internet) pegged the musician earlier this season.



And now that his time on the hit show is over (*insert crying emoji*), Hayes is wasting no time in opening up about his experience, specifically, why he opted for the Astronaut costume.

“In my music, I talk a lot about flying and I think music is flying, so I went with the astronaut,” the 28-year-old revealed in an Us Weekly exclusive. “I’m working on a three-part album trilogy and the second one is the unknown, so into the unknown and flying—it was a beautiful, poetic way of speaking to that.” Ah, makes sense.

The hardest part about being on the show? Making connections with the other contestants. “It’s all weird! Every step of it is bizarre, even if you want to make friends with other cast members, you can’t until you leave the show,” Hayes continued. “I never saw the stage or any of the spaces I worked in, until the last day. It was so strange.”

But perhaps the most revealing and interesting part of the “Wanted” singer’s interview, was what went down behind the scenes that the audience couldn’t see. “I’m standing backstage with the super nine—this 9-foot tall tiger and all these other characters. I wanted to talk to them, but couldn’t,” Hayes said. “There’s a lot of cryptic code sign language and fist bumps. Those were our interactions!”

We honestly couldn’t imagine being on a show where you couldn’t talk or interact with the rest of the cast for five months, but congrats on making it this far, Hunter.

The Masked Singer returns on Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. PT/ET on Fox.



Here’s What to Cook Every Night This Week (May 4 – 10)

Raise your hand if you could use a hug. Same, friend. We’d even settle for a fist bump. Sadly, we’re not getting much in-person connection these days, but this week, we’re bringing you something else to lift your spirits: healthy comfort food that’s packed with mood-boosting fruits and veggies. Below, everything you need to make a healing dinner every night for the next seven days.

Related: 12 Spring Fruits and Veggies to Eat This Season, From Asparagus to Strawberries

10’000 Hours/Getty Images

1 shallot
9 garlic cloves
1 red onion
2 bunches scallions
2 pounds asparagus
5 pints cherry tomatoes
3 bell peppers
4 stalks celery
2 large zucchini
3 ears of corn on the cob
1 European cucumber
1 jalapeño
6 cups fresh spinach leaves
1 bunch Swiss chard
2 large lemons
2 oranges
1 lime
1 bunch fresh basil
1 bunch fresh parsley
1 bunch fresh rosemary
1 bunch fresh thyme
1 bunch fresh cilantro

7 large eggs
Four 6-ounce cod fillets
1½ pounds flank steak
1 rotisserie chicken

1 cup heavy cream
1 stick unsalted butter
8 ounces Greek yogurt
8 ounces fontina cheese
2 ounces Gruyère cheese
8 ounces Parmesan cheese
One 5-ounce log goat cheese

8 ounces dried orecchiette
1 pound lasagna noodles
1 store-bought 9-inch pie crust
One 14-ounce sheet frozen puff pastry (such as Dufour)
12 white corn tortillas

Canned and Packaged Goods
One 14-ounce can quartered artichoke hearts
1 jar capers

Pantry Ingredients: kosher salt, garlic salt, freshly ground black pepper, crushed red-pepper flakes, extra-virgin olive oil, all-purpose flour, cayenne pepper, chile powder, garlic powder, dried coriander, dried cumin, Dijon mustard, seasoned rice vinegar.

10’000 Hours/Getty Images

Monday: Joanna Gaines’s Asparagus And Fontina Quiche
Amy Neunsinger/Magnolia Table

Breakfast for dinner? We’re always in. And if it’s in the form of a veggie-stuffed quiche by shiplap queen Joanna Gaines, even better. (If you can’t find Gruyère and Fontina, swap in whatever melty cheese you have on hand.)

Amy Neunsinger/Magnolia Table

Tuesday: Goat Cheese Pasta With Spinach And Artichokes
Colin Price/Two Peas & Their Pod Cookbook

We know what you’re thinking. “Goat cheese is for salads. What the heck is it doing on this pasta?” But hear us out: it’s actually a killer secret ingredient that makes the pasta super creamy and tangy. Add a heaping portion of spinach and artichokes and Tuesday night is really shaping up.

Colin Price/Two Peas & Their Pod Cookbook

Wednesday: Pan-fried Cod With Orange And Swiss Chard
Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

Oranges are packed with mood-boosting folate, and Swiss chard will give you an instant boost of magnesium. This also happens to be the most foolproof fish dish on the planet, and it’ll be ready to eat in 30 minutes. Who could ask for anything more? (Well, maybe a glass of chenin blanc.)

Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

Thursday: Cheater’s Skillet Lasagna With Corn And Cherry Tomatoes
Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

You love lasagna, but the grating, layering and baking? Not so much. Try this shortcut recipe that’s made in one skillet and uses bright spring veggies instead of heavy tomato sauce. Does dinner in 35 minutes sound OK to you? We thought so.

Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

Friday: Cherry Tomato Galette With Garlic And Herbs
Photo: Mark Weinberg/Styling: Erin McDowell

Tonight, we’re having pie for dinner. (You heard us.) Use store-bought puff pastry so you can spend less time cooking and more time eating.

Photo: Mark Weinberg/Styling: Erin McDowell

Saturday: Flank Steak Tacos With Cucumber Salsa
Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

For rookies, the idea of cooking steak at home can be slightly terrifying. But we promise, it’s much, much easier than it looks. You’ve got this (and if you don’t, you can easily swap in grilled chicken).

Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

Sunday: Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad Stuffed Peppers
Photo: Liz Andrew: Styling: Erin McDowell

Spend a little extra time on Sunday afternoon meal prepping these adorable little chicken salad boats, then eat the leftovers for lunch throughout the week. You multitasker, you.

Related: 61 Easy Family Dinners Everyone at the Table Will Eat

Photo: Liz Andrew: Styling: Erin McDowell

Michelle Krusiec Just Spilled the Deets on Ryan Murphy’s New Netflix Series ‘Hollywood’

Michelle Krusiec just shared never-before-heard details about Ryan Murphy’s upcoming Netflix series, Hollywood, and it sounds even better than expected.

The 45-year-old actress recently sat down for an exclusive interview with PureWow, where she opened up about her character, the “legendary” Anna May Wong, who is considered to be the first successful Chinese American movie star.

“She was a true movie star in the early 1920s, but her career was actually quite tragic,” Krusiec told PureWow. “She never had a Dorothy Dandridge moment, where she was given an opportunity to really shine as an actor and as an artist. In a way, her story is quite sad and really heartbreaking.”

Unlike Murphy’s previous projects (such as American Horror Story), Hollywood will be told through the eyes of a group of actors—both real and fictional—who are prominent figures in the industry.

“The series follows a group of young actors in the 1940s in Hollywood and tracks their trajectory to become filmmakers,” Krusiec said. “It’s a very sexy romp about Hollywood that explores the private lives of some of these real-life celebrities that existed during this time.”

However, Hollywood isn’t considered historically accurate, since Murphy put his own spin on the iconic story. “It’s Ryan Murphy’s attempt to rewrite history,” Krusiec explained. “It’s his own revisionist version of what happened and what could have happened if you took a band of outsiders and placed them in Hollywood and allowed them to succeed.”

Krusiec also confirmed that another season isn’t totally out of the picture, adding, “I think there’s some talk about a second season. I haven’t heard confirmation myself, since this was a limited series, but I think there’s some talk about another season.”

When asked what season two would entail, Krusiec teased the possibility of Hollywood becoming an anthology series. “I think [Murphy] would cast past actors, but in different roles,” she said.

Hollywood will hit Netflix tomorrow, May 1 (just in time for the weekend).

Related: Rob Lowe & Ryan Murphy Are Tackling ‘Tiger King’ as Their Next Project