1. Memo
To: Jill Cropsey
From: Kelly Desotell
Date: December 14, 2015
Re: Professional Meeting
I attended a meeting at the Tundra Lodge Hotel Resort and ConferenceCenterfor the Tourico
Holiday meeting. This is a company that is in the hospitality industry. I was able to meet
Michael Breske and Jonathon Tilles. They were the hosts of the meeting and are both Product
Directors for Tourico Holiday.
The meeting was about how Green Bay can improve and how to have more people stay in
Green Bay and have the city have more business. At the meeting, I was given a sheet of
vocabulary terms that may be incorporatedin the presentation.The presentation included their
company background and what they accomplish as a company, such as marketing and putting
cities on the map for travel purposes. The hosts know of companies worldwide that are part of
the Tourico Holiday business networks and how popular that area is. They determine the
popularity of a destination by looking at how many searches that city has. The estimated
number of searches for GreenBay with them was one search a second. The searches can be
based on United States searches, as well as worldwide searches. The hosts stated that this
year alone they were looking to hire 240 new career positions. This creates opportunity to
network with worldwide clients.
Some suggestions that Michael and Jonathon shared were how they stated in the business
and how far people have moved in the company.They shared insight into whattheir jobs were
and how that affects the company.There are new opportunities for growth and this business
can help build relationships and help network. This relates back to the administrative
professional field because they have support for employees and customers who need
assistance. Customerservice skills are important for the administrative professional field and a
position in the Tourico Holiday Company becauseconnecting with others is what they do on a
daily basis and how they provide their service.
This memo demonstrates how Iwill
use real life experiences to share my
knowledge effectively to people of a
certain business standpoint.
2. 2
Michael Breske
Product Director
220 East Central Parkway, Suite 400
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Phone Number: 407-667-8700 ext. 18690
Michael.Breske@ TouricoHolidays.com
Jonathon Tilles
Product Director
220 East Central Parkway, Suite 400
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701