Visit Lisboa

Visit Lisboa

Atividades de organizações sem fins lucrativos

Welcome to the World's Leading City Break Destination 2019!

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LISBON TOURISM ASSOCIATION - VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU Established in 1997, the main objectives are: The sustained tourism development in its area of intervention. The promotion of Lisbon as a tourist destination in leisure articles. The promotion of Lisbon as a venue for congresses, fairs and as an incentive trip destination. The provision of Information and support for visiting tourists. The Lisbon Tourism Association is a nonprofit Private Association: It is the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency for the Region of Lisbon since 2004, maintaining international tourism promotion as its main activity. It is responsible for promotion and tourist information of Lisbon. It collaborates in the organization of events in the city of Lisbon. It is Vice-President of the Portuguese Tourism Confederation. It is a member of the Strategic Business Council of the Portuguese Industrial Association. It is a member of the Strategic Council for Tourism Promotion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lisboa Convention Bureau was founded in 1987 and has 200 members, including hotels, meeting facilities, DMC´s and PCO´s. In addition to guaranteeing the quality of its members and their services, the 'LCB' offers impartial advice and assistance to MICE buyers and event organizers looking to hold events in the Lisbon Region. A Lisbon experience: . culture/history/World heritage sites . modernity / The Nations Park . entertainment and nightlife . gastronomy & wines . 24 golf courses . activities to develop within the city, the river, the ocean, the mountain . all the tourism infra-structures . still a new destination

Atividades de organizações sem fins lucrativos
Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários
Sem fins lucrativos


Funcionários da Visit Lisboa


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    Can you hear Lisbon's soundscape speaking to you? Here, the land awakens through its sounds, tastes, tradition and innovation. Meet us and let our welcoming spirit warm your heart. Lisbon, where everything sounds different. — Consegue ouvir a paisagem sonora de Lisboa a falar consigo? Aqui, a terra desperta através dos seus sons, dos sabores, da tradição e da inovação. Venha conhecer-nos e deixe que a nossa hospitalidade lhe aqueça o coração. Lisboa, onde tudo soa diferente. #VisitLisboa#LisbonWhereEverythingSoundsDifferent

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    𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 that the São Jorge Cinema was opened in 1950 and opened with the film “The Red Shoes”, by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger? — 𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞 o Cinema de São Jorge foi inaugurado em 1950 e abriu com o filme “Os Sapatos Vermelhos”, de Michael Powell e Emeric Pressburger? #VisitLisboa 📍 Cinema São Jorge 📷 @48hourfilmbrighton

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  • Ver página da empresa de Visit Lisboa, gráfico

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    Lisboa conquista o prémio de Melhor Destino MICE da Europa, em 2024, na 5.ª edição dos World MICE Awards, realizada em Ho Chi Minh City, Vietname. Esta é a segunda vez consecutiva que Lisboa ganha esta distinção europeia.  — Lisbon won the award for Best MICE Destination in Europe in 2024 at the 5th edition of the World MICE Awards, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This is the second time in a row that Lisbon has won this European distinction. #VisitLisboa

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    O dia 22 de janeiro marca mais um aniversário da morte de São Vicente, o santo que já foi o padroeiro de Lisboa e do Reino de Portugal, até ser substituído por Santo António, hoje imbatível na preferência dos lisboetas. — January 22nd marks another anniversary of the death of Saint Vincent, the saint that was once the patron saint of Lisbon and the Kingdom of Portugal, until he was replaced by Saint Anthony, today unbeatable in the preference of Lisboners. #VisitLisboa

    A barge and two crows: Saint Vincent, the ancient patron saint of Lisbon

    A barge and two crows: Saint Vincent, the ancient patron saint of Lisbon

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    𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: In 2018, what was previously known as Campo das Cebolas was renamed "Largo José Saramago", two decades after the Portuguese writer was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Saramago's ashes were buried in this park under an olive tree brought from his native village. — 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞: Em 2018, o anteriormente conhecido como Campo das Cebolas passou a chamar-se Largo José Saramago, duas décadas após o escritor português ter sido galardoado com o Prémio Nobel da Literatura. As cinzas de Saramago foram enterradas neste parque debaixo de uma oliveira trazida de sua aldeia natal. #VisitLisboa 📍 Largo José Saramago 📷 @rubenmneves

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    O Palácio do Grilo é um palácio-museu-restaurante-bar-teatro, o que o visitante quiser. Com mais de 200 divisões para visitar, a atmosfera leva-nos para uma outra dimensão, para os sonhos, para um filme ao vivo, para o fantástico. — Palácio do Grilo is many things: a palace-museum-restaurant-bar-theatre, whatever the visitor wants. With more than 200 rooms to visit, the Palace's atmosphere takes you to another dimension, to dreams, to a live movie, to the fantastic. #VisitLisboa

    Palácio do Grilo in Beato, a place to dream

    Palácio do Grilo in Beato, a place to dream

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    The 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑢𝑚 is housed in the Angeja-Palmela Palace and features clothing from the 18th through the 20th centuries. The exhibit includes examples of men's and women's court dress from the 18th century in a room that allowed 360 degree access, which is a real treat to any visitor. — O 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑢 𝑁𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑜 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑗𝑒 está instalado no Palácio Angeja-Palmela e apresenta peças de vestuário do século XVIII ao século XX. A exposição inclui exemplares de trajes de corte masculinos e femininos do século XVIII, numa sala com acesso de 360 graus, o que é um verdadeiro deleite para qualquer visitante. #VisitLisboa 📍 Museu Nacional do Traje 📷 @joseluispeixoto

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    A Rua do Arsenal fica próxima do Cais do Sodré e é o lar das lojas de bacalhau em Lisboa. Já foram 11 a ter o peixe seco que os portugueses adoram, em especial o bacalhau, que é símbolo obrigatório para os lisboetas na ceia de Natal. — There was a time when Rua do Arsenal was the home of many of the cod shops in Lisbon. Eleven of them displayed the delicatessen in their windows and nine of them exclusively sold this type of fish caught in the cold waters of Scandinavia and brought by tradition to the portuguese tables. #VisitLisboa

    Rua do Arsenal, home of the cod shops, witness to history

    Rua do Arsenal, home of the cod shops, witness to history

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    2.540 seguidores

    Nos painéis da Gare Marítima de Alcântara, Almada contou as histórias de Portugal e dos Descobrimentos: a lenda da Nau Catrineta e o milagre de D. Fuas Roupinho, que foram aliás alvo de grande polémica para o regime do Estado Novo - um regime que não a desejava. Mas mais polémica houve ainda com os trípticos da Gare Marítima da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos, onde se ilustra a vida dos cais e o drama da partida dos migrantes - algo impensável para o regime, que, aliás, tinha pedido que as Gares mostrassem um visão positiva da cidade aos turistas, aos que chegavam e não aos que partiam. — On the panels at the Alcântara Maritime Station, Almada drew the stories of Portugal and the Discoveries: the legend of the Nau Catrineta and the miracle of D. Fuas Roupinho, which were the subject of great controversy for the Estado Novo regime. But there was even more controversy with the triptychs of the Rocha do Conde de Óbidos Maritime Station, showing the poor life of the docks’ people and exposing the drama of the departure of many migrants - who in these years were heading portuguese African colonies. This was something unthinkable for the regime, which had asked that the stations showed a positive vision of the city to tourists. To those who arrived and not to those who left. #VisitLisboa

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    Lisboa OFFICIAL Site

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