Você está recebendo feedback conflitante sobre seu desempenho. Como você navega pelas opiniões variadas?
Quando o feedback sobre seu desempenho é um saco misto, é crucial examiná-lo com um olhar perspicaz. Para navegar pelas diferentes opiniões:
- Identifique consistências. Procure tópicos comuns nos comentários para determinar insights acionáveis.
- Considere as fontes. Pese o feedback com base na experiência do doador e em sua relação de trabalho.
- Reflita e planeje. Use o feedback para refletir sobre seu desempenho e criar um plano de desenvolvimento pessoal.
Como você lida com feedback conflitante? Compartilhe como você transforma isso em uma mudança construtiva.
Você está recebendo feedback conflitante sobre seu desempenho. Como você navega pelas opiniões variadas?
Quando o feedback sobre seu desempenho é um saco misto, é crucial examiná-lo com um olhar perspicaz. Para navegar pelas diferentes opiniões:
- Identifique consistências. Procure tópicos comuns nos comentários para determinar insights acionáveis.
- Considere as fontes. Pese o feedback com base na experiência do doador e em sua relação de trabalho.
- Reflita e planeje. Use o feedback para refletir sobre seu desempenho e criar um plano de desenvolvimento pessoal.
Como você lida com feedback conflitante? Compartilhe como você transforma isso em uma mudança construtiva.
To navigate conflicting feedback, I’d first seek clarification from each source to understand their perspective fully. I’d identify common themes and areas of agreement, while acknowledging the differences. By focusing on actionable insights, I’d create a plan to address concerns, showing openness to improvement and aligning with my goals for growth.
As a fresher in the HR field, I view conflicting feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow. I listen carefully, ask questions to understand different perspectives, and focus on aligning my efforts with the team’s goals. For me, feedback is a valuable tool to improve and develop my skills in this exciting journey.
Navigating conflicting feedback on your performance can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and improvement. So the best approach to that is - 1. Stay open minded. 2. Distinguish between subjective opinions and objective observations. 3. Set a goal, communicate and discuss more about business. 4. Take action rather then waiting for the right time. 5. Stay positive and calm. you are all set !!
When receiving conflicting feedback, it's important to stay calm and assess each perspective. I would seek clarification on specific points and identify common themes. This helps me understand different viewpoints and focus on areas for improvement. Ultimately, I use the feedback to adapt and grow in my role.
When feedback on my performance is a mixed bag, it's crucial to sift through it with a discerning eye. I would listen to all feedback and try to respond and resolve.
I follow a 3 step process. Hope you find it useful. When we receive feedback about ourselves it’s important to treat it the same way you would treat any feedback on anyone. Step 1 Separate your emotion from the analysis. It’s crucial to be as objective as possible. Step 2 Understand the context of the feedback. What is the action, behaviour, or outcome that is being mentioned. Step 3 Know the Pre-text. Every feedback, especially at senior levels will have its pre-text. What I mean by this is to know the biases and prejudices of the person or team giving the feedback. Their role in a process or organisation. Their fears and motivations. As a HR Leader I have seen people giving feedback to ruin people’s careers. Be watchful.
If I receive any conflicting feedback on my performance I would first listen to it carefully and will understand why did it happen and what was the main cause of it. After understanding the feedback I will go through each point of action where I was working on and will see whether I missed anything or made any mistake by any chance. If do not find any missed points then I surely will appreciate the person for the feedback that I heard something which I need to work on. If I really made any mistake then I surely will improve the work with a proper plan for future references and will assure the person for the future.
If I were navigating varying opinions on my performance, I would be sure to listen for understanding and hold any defensiveness in check. Next, I would evaluate the opinions shared based on who was sharing, what was shared and how I would have rated my own performance. I would seek an objective opinion from another leader, mentor or coach. I would use the feedback and objective information as a snapshot in time, clearly define how I wanted my work perceived, then craft an actionable plan with adjustments to my performance as needed. Finally, I would discuss my plan with my leader to ensure alignment between my goals for performance and what was expected.
When provided negative feedback, ask for examples of what you could have said differently. If the feedback is genuine, then they should have no problem providing further clarification. If they can't, then then don't put too much faith in what was said.
Customer point of view * Feedback is gold. * Analyze data and information. Break it down. * Positive one motivate and push to improve *Negative inputs shows different expectations or allow to explain. * improvement only done by self evolution, feedback help to set priority. * It is also possible +ve feedback may not hv right data and constructive one add to long term growth. Value all feedback, take it important.
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