Você se depara com um entrevistado defensivo. Como você lida com questões desafiadoras com sutileza?
Entrevistar um indivíduo cauteloso pode ser complicado, mas com a abordagem certa, você pode aliviar a tensão e reunir as informações de que precisa. Para enfrentar este desafio:
- Use perguntas abertas que incentivem respostas narrativas, o que pode diminuir as defesas.
- Mantenha um tom neutro e linguagem corporal para evitar aumentar qualquer defensividade.
- Reconheça sua perspectiva sem concordar, para construir um relacionamento e manter o diálogo aberto.
Como você gerencia entrevistas difíceis? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Você se depara com um entrevistado defensivo. Como você lida com questões desafiadoras com sutileza?
Entrevistar um indivíduo cauteloso pode ser complicado, mas com a abordagem certa, você pode aliviar a tensão e reunir as informações de que precisa. Para enfrentar este desafio:
- Use perguntas abertas que incentivem respostas narrativas, o que pode diminuir as defesas.
- Mantenha um tom neutro e linguagem corporal para evitar aumentar qualquer defensividade.
- Reconheça sua perspectiva sem concordar, para construir um relacionamento e manter o diálogo aberto.
Como você gerencia entrevistas difíceis? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
When faced with a defensive interviewee, it's important to remain calm and composed, guiding the conversation with empathy and professionalism. Acknowledge their perspective by actively listening, then gently reframe challenging questions to focus on their strengths and experiences. Ask open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and create a safe space for them to elaborate. Maintain a positive and supportive tone, helping the interviewee feel comfortable while still gathering the information you need. This approach fosters trust and helps you assess their fit for the role effectively.
When dealing with a defensive interviewee, I focus on creating a relaxed and open atmosphere. Starting with a warm introduction and showing empathy helps ease tension. If questions are met with resistance, I’ll reframe them to sound less confrontational—for example, shifting from “Why did this fail?” to “What challenges did you face?” Listening actively and rephrasing their answers ensures they feel heard. If defensiveness persists, I pivot to general or hypothetical questions like, “How would you approach this now?” to take the pressure off. Wrapping up on a positive note reinforces respect and leaves the conversation on good terms. It’s about maintaining a calm, respectful tone throughout.
Lidar com um entrevistado defensivo exige empatia, comunicação clara e construção de confiança. Comece criando um clima de conforto, mostrando interesse genuíno pela experiência e pelas perspectivas do candidato. Utilize uma linguagem neutra e amigável, evitando termos que possam soar como críticas ou julgamentos. Mostre que você valoriza a perspectiva do candidato. Mantenha-se paciente e evite interromper. Muitas vezes, o entrevistado defensivo precisa de tempo para organizar as ideias antes de responder. Se o candidato continuar defensivo, evite insistir na mesma questão. Conduza a conversa para outro ponto e retorne mais tarde, se necessário.
Typically there are reasons behind the scenes that we in HR may or may not be aware of for why they are defensive when we have our interview. Many times the reasons are warranted if we looked from the candidate view on the situation/s that built up to that point. I suggest asking about the experience they have had so far with the interview process in general terms. The reality is that people just need to be human and be treated like a human instead of a number. Giving grace to both sides of the table will serve both parties better with interviewing in the short and long term. Be honest about the interview process, timeline, expectations, and facts about the role. This will build trust and open up dialogue.
Warm up the interview in the first few minutes by telling the candidate about yourself and the company. Engage in a little small talk. Tell them a bit about the position. When the candidate feels like they are talking with a friend who wants to listen and help them, they are less likely to be defensive. Instead they will share their concerns more openly.
When faced with a defensive interviewee, maintain a calm and empathetic tone to create a more comfortable environment. Rephrase challenging questions to sound collaborative and non-confrontational. Focus on open-ended inquiries that encourage dialogue rather than defensiveness. If resistance persists, shift to neutral topics to rebuild rapport and revisit sensitive points later.
When an interviewee is defensive, stay calm and ask questions that let them explain more. Be respectful and listen carefully. Focus on their strengths and skills, and keep the conversation positive and constructive. Stay friendly but clear about what you need to know.
Start with casual conversation to ease tension. Use empathy: Acknowledge their perspective before diving into tough questions. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage elaboration rather than yes/no answers. Stay neutral: Avoid argumentative tones; maintain a calm demeanor. Reframe questions: If met with defensiveness, rephrase to sound less confrontational. Use behavioral examples: Focus on past actions, not opinions or assumptions. Pause strategically: Allow time for them to think before responding. Acknowledge emotions: If they seem upset, validate their feelings without judgment. Provide context: Explain why the question is important to the role. Redirect as needed: If the interview becomes unproductive, guide it back to relevant topics.
Occasionally I will have a defensive interviewee. It starts with the guarded body language and carries into the dialogue. Often this is someone that just needs to vent with someone who will listen. Searching for a new job can be frustrating and disappointing. Sympathize, validate, and offer that they are not alone in their experience. Treat them with respect and keep it from getting personal. Bring the conversation back to them and the position they are interviewing for. Close the conversation with what they can expect in terms of timing and followup - then deliver on this.
Dealing with a defensive interviewee can be challenging, but it’s also a great way to learn more about them. One tactic I use is giving feedback during the interview to see how they react. If they get defensive, it’s usually a red flag—they might struggle with receiving feedback, which is essential in any role. But for those who take it constructively, it shows emotional intelligence and a growth mindset. I also feel this approach helps job seekers improve their CV or interview skills, even if they don’t land the role with us. I want everyone to walk away with something valuable from the my HR call —sometimes, it helps them get the next job elsewhere!
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