Vincent P. Clark


Director Psychology Clinical Neuroscience Center (PCNC)

Photo: Vincent Clark
[email protected]
(505) 277-2223 or (505) 272-4939
Logan Hall Rm 280 OR MRN Office Location at Mind Research Network, Pete & Nancy Domenici Hall, 1101 Yale Blvd. NE, Rm 2018
Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Lab Website
Curriculum vitae

Research Area/s:

Cognition, Brain and Behavior

Research Interests:

  • Developing neuroscience-based methods to reduce suffering from brain and mental illness and to create positive change for everyone.
  • Brain stimulation for neuroenhancement in healthy people and to reduce symptoms of dementia, addiction, chronic pain and schizophrenia.
  • Understanding the brain basis of attention, perception, learning, memory and other aspects of human cognition.
  • Multimodal neuroimaging including MRI, fMRI, EEG, MEG and fNIRS.
  • Electrical neuromodulation including tDCS, tACS, tRNS.
  • Developing and safely using different forms of energy as neuromodulators, including magnetism (TMS), ultrasound (TUS and fTUS), light (tPBS), Closed Loop Audible Sound Stimulation (CLASS), physical pressure (dental appliances) and others.


Accepting students?  Dr. Clark may be accepting students for Fall 2024.  Please email Dr. Clark if you are interested in pursuing graduate studies.

Director, Psychology Clinical Neuroscience Center 
Professor, Translational Neuroscience, Mind Research Network
Founding Chair, Brain Stimulation and Imaging Meeting
Editorial Board Member, Human Brain Mapping
Editorial Board Member, Brain Stimulation
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Associate Editor, Brain Sciences 

Hobbies and Interests

Cycling, hiking, scuba, photography and travel

Selected Publications

Jones AP, Bryant NB, Robert BM, Mullins TS, Trumbo MCS, Ketz NA, Howard MD, Pilly PK, Clark VP.  (2023). Closed-loop tACS delivered during slow-wave sleep reduces retroactive interference on a paired-associates learning task. Brain Sciences, 13(3):468.

Robert, B, Jones, A, Mullins, TS, Trumbo, M, Ketz, NA, Howard, MD, Pilly, PK, Clark, VP. (2022). Closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation of slow wave oscillations during sleep reduces declarative learning the next day. Brain Stimulation, 15(6):1565-1566.

Gibson, BC, Claus, ED, Sanguinetti, J, Witkiewitz, K, Clark, VP (2022). A review of functional brain differences predicting relapse in substance use disorder: Actionable targets for new methods of noninvasive brain stimulation.   Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 141: in press.

Gibson, BC, Vakhtin, A, Clark, VP, Abbott, CC, Quinn, DK. (2022). Revisiting hemispheric asymmetry in mood regulation: Implications for rTMS for major depressive disorder.  Brain Sciences, 12:112.

Jones, AP, Goncalves-Garcia, M, Gibson B, Trumbo, MCS, Coffman, BA, Robert, B, Gill, HA, Mullins, T, Hunter, MA, Robinson, CSH, Combs, A, Khadka, N, Bikson, M, Clark, VP. (2021). Investigating the brain regions involved in tDCS-Enhanced category learning using finite element modeling. Neuroimage: Reports, 1, 100048.

Adair, D, Truong, D, Esmaeilpour, Z, Gebodh, N, Borges, H, Hoa, L, Bremner, JD, Badran, BW, Napadow, V, Clark, VP, Bikson, M. (2020). Electrical stimulation of cranial nerves in cognition and disease.  Brain Stimulation, 13(3):717-750.

Gibson, BC, Mullins, TS, Heinrich, MD, Witkiewitz, K, Yu, AB, Hansberger, JT, Clark, VP. (2020). Transcranial direct current stimulation facilitates category learning. Brain Stimulation, 13:393-400.

Lerner, I, Ketz, NA, Jones, AP, Bryant, NB, Robert, B, Skorheim, SW, Hartholt, A, Rizzo, AS, Gluck, MA, Clark, VP, Pilly, PK. (2019). Transcranial current stimulation during sleep facilitates insight into temporal rules, but does not consolidate memories of individual sequential experiences. Scientific Reports, 9(1):1516.

Hunter, MA, Lieberman, G, Coffman, BA, Trumbo, MC, Armenta, ML, Robinson, CSH, Bezdek, MA, O’Sickey, AJ, Jones, AP, Romero, V, Elkin-Frankston, S, Gaurino, S, Eusebi, L, Schumacher, EH, Witkiewitz, K, Clark, VP.  (2018) Mindfulness-based training with transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal resource allocation in working memory: A randomized pilot study with a nonequivalent control group.  Heliyon, 4(7):e00685.

Ketz N, Jones AP, Bryant NB, Clark VP, Pilly PK. (2018). Closed-loop slow-wave tACS improves sleep dependent long-term memory generalization by modulating endogenous oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(33):7314-7326.

Patel AN, Howard MD, Roach SM, Jones AP, Bryant NB, Robinson CSH, Clark VP, Pilly PK. Mental state assessment and validation using personalized physiological biometrics. (2018). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:221.

Bikson M, Brunoni AR, Charvet LE, Clark VP, Cohen LG, Deng ZD, Dmochowski J, Edwards DJ, Frohlich F, Kappenman ES, Lim KO, Loo C, Mantovani A, McMullen DP, Parra LC, Pearson M, Richardson JD, Rumsey JM, Sehatpour P, Sommers D, Unal G, Wassermann EM, Woods AJ, Lisanby SH. (2018).  Rigor and reproducibility in research with transcranial electrical stimulation:  An NIMH-sponsored workshop. Brain Stimulation, 11(3): 465–480.

Aine, CJ, Bockholt, HJ, Bustillo, JR, Cañive, JM, Caprihan, A, Gasparovic, C, Hanlon, FM, Houck, JM, Jung, RE, Lauriello, J, Liu, J, Mayer, AR, Perrone-Bizzozero, NI, Posse, S, Stephen, JM, Turner, JA, Clark, VP, Calhoun, VD. (2017). Multimodal neuroimaging in schizophrenia: Description and dissemination. Neuroinformatics,15(4):343–364.

Godwin, CA, Hunter, MA, Bezdek, MA, Lieberman, G, Elkin-Frankston, S, Romero, VL, Witkiewitz, K, Clark, VP, Schumacher, EH. (2017). Functional connectivity within and between intrinsic networks correlates with trait mind wandering.  Neuropsychologia, 103:140-153.

Giordano, J, Bikson, M, Kappenman, ES, Clark, VP, Coslett, HB, Hamblin, MR, Hamilton, R, Jankord, R, Kozumbo, WJ, McKinley, RA, Nitsche, MA, Reilly, JP, Richardson, J, Wurzman, R, Calabrese, E (2017). Mechanisms and effects of transcranial direct current stimulation. Dose-Response, January-March:1-22, 15(1):1559325816685467.

Trumbo, M, Matzen, LE, Coffman, BA, Hunter, MA, Jones, AP, Robinson, R, Clark, VP. (2016). Enhanced working memory performance via transcranial direct current stimulation: The possibility of near and far transfer.  Neuropsychologia, 93(Pt A):85-96.

Clark, V.P. (2014) The ethical, moral and pragmatic rationale for brain augmentation.  Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8: 130.

Clark, V.P., Beatty, G., Anderson, R.E., Kodituwakku, P., Phillips, J., Lane, T.D.R., Kiehl, K.A, & Calhoun, V.D. (2014).Reduced fMRI activity predicts relapse in patients recovering from stimulant dependence. Human Brain Mapping, 35(2), 414-428.

Sims, A.B., Clark, V.P. & Cooper, M.S. (2012). Suppression of movement disorders by jaw realignment. Pain Medicine, 13(5), 731-732.

Clark, V.P. (2012). A history of randomized task designs in fMRI. NeuroImage, 62(2), 1190–1194.

Clark, V.P., Coffman, B.A., Mayer, A.R., Weisend, M.P., Lane, T.D.R., Calhoun, V.D., Raybourn, E.M., Garcia, C.M., & Wassermann, E.M. (2012). TDCS guided using fMRI
significantly accelerates learning to identify concealed objects. NeuroImage, 59(1), 117-128.

Clark, V.P., Coffman, B.A., Trumbo, M.C., Gasparovic, C. (2011). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) produces localized and specific alterations in neurochemistry: A 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Neuroscience Letters, 500(1), 67-71.

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 2250 Brain and Behavior

  • PSYC 450/650 Introduction to Functional Neuroimaging

  • PSYC 450/650 Advanced Functional Neuroimaging

  • PSYC 450/650 Clinical Neuroimaging

  • PSYC 641 Seminar in Cognition, Brain and Behavior


Potential students may email me for more information about my lab.