2024 GQ STYLE FEST 潮流文化祭

2024 GQ STYLE FEST 潮流文化祭

2024-07-06 (四) 12:00 ~ 2024-07-07 (四) 20:00 (GMT+8) 加入行事曆
台北花博公園 爭艷館

【 2024 GQ STYLE FEST 潮流文化祭】 

台灣潮流圈年度盛事即將登場!2024年 7/6(六) 到 7/7(日) 將在台北花博爭豔館,集結時尚、街頭、亞洲跨國交流的潮流集散地!今年 GQ STYLE FEST 不只引領潮人們回歸街頭,更帶著 ASIA RISE 的野心。無論是相互交流、聯乘抑或是 BATTLE,在街頭總有答案。



• 報到時間:07/06 (六) 11:00-19:00、07/07 (日) 11:00-19:00 

• 活動時間:07/06 (六) 12:00-20:00、07/07 (日) 12:00-20:00 

• 活動地點:台北花博公園 爭艷館

【Event Information】

• Date: July 6th (Saturday) - 7th (Sunday), 2024

• Time: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM

• Location: Taipei Expo Park, Dome


• 潮流早鳥雙日票 $1,200 《4/25-5/7 期間限定優惠》

• 潮流早鳥雙日快速通關套票 $2,000 《4/25-5/7 期間限定優惠》

• 7/6潮流玩家單日票 $850

• 7/7潮流玩家單日票 $850

• 7/6潮流玩家單日快速通關套票 $1,200

• 7/7潮流玩家單日快速通關套票 $1,200

• 7/6潮流菁英單日票 $1,800 (含快速通關資格)

• 7/7潮流菁英單日票 $1,800 (含快速通關資格)


※ 此活動票券皆為電子票券,無實體票券寄送,當日現場出示QRcode驗證即可入場。

※ 請務必於時間內完成報到,潮流專屬好禮僅限活動當日報到時間領取,逾期及活動後恕不補發,敬請見諒。
※ 潮流專屬好禮數量有限,送完為止

【Ticket Categories】

• Early Bird Two-Day Pass: NT$1,200 

• One-Day Pass: NT$850

• Elite One-Day Pass: NT$1,800

*This event is a ticketed event*

※ Tickets for this event are electronic only. Please present your QR code for entry. 

※ Please be sure to check-in on time to receive your exclusive gift, which will only be made available on the day of the event itself.

※ Exclusive gifts dispatch until zero (stock) due to limited quantity.

|2024 GQ STYLE FEST 潮流文化祭 活動亮點

《名人二手市集KOL Flea Market》|攜手 10 位街頭潮流KOL出攤販售二手潮物

《音樂舞台 Music Stage 》|潮流嘻哈音樂舞台 8 小時狂歡不間斷

《潮流品牌市集Brand Booths》|嚴選海內外 30 間潮人必逛品牌區

《潮流美食Food Market》|精選多間排隊美食名店推出限定餐點

《藝術互動展覽 Interactive Art Exhibition》|滑板競技場、街頭籃球、刺青體驗、球鞋改造工作坊

《時尚潮流講座 Fashion Trends Forum》|多組海內外潮流知名主理人限定講座

《潮流菁英包廂VIP Room》|專屬包廂、限定餐酒、提前兩小時入場、潮流講座入場資格

《2024 GQ Style Fest 國際大使》

韓國樂壇傳奇 TAEYANG 7/7 出席確認!作為 BIGBANG 主唱,TAEYANG 出道至今獲得了超過 100 多個獎項,不僅是樂壇的傑出人物,也是潮流圈中的指標之一,憑藉強大魅力贏得全球粉絲的喜愛與關注。

《音樂舞台 Music Stage 》|潮流嘻哈音樂舞台 8 小時狂歡不間斷(名單陸續更新...)

《潮流品牌市集Brand Booths》|嚴選海內外 30 間潮人必逛品牌區(名單陸續更新...) 無論是精品名牌,還是小眾潮牌,只有在GQ潮流文化祭,才有機會一次逛遍所有指標性品牌!所有你該知道的潮牌,不論經典或新銳,一次大集結,古著潮服或搶手潮鞋,都有機會成為你的新收藏。

《名人二手市集KOL Flea Market》|攜手 7組街頭潮流KOL出攤販售二手潮物


《潮流美食Food Market》|精選多間排隊美食名店推出限定餐點


《藝術互動展覽 Interactive Art Exhibition》|滑板競技場、街頭籃球、刺青體驗、球鞋改造工作坊

除了主視覺由台灣知名插畫家周建安操刀,GQ潮流文化祭更邀請了眾多潮流界的藝術家相互交流,例如,讓海外球鞋改製藝術家Ann & Shun相互Battle、滑板選手柯家恩等人進行展演,為活動帶來獨一無二的視覺與互動體驗,打造超炸的話題,更有多家亞洲潮牌名店共襄盛舉,打造一身最新潮味。

《時尚潮流講座 Fashion Trends Forum》|多組海內外潮流知名主理人限定講座


更多詳情請至活動官網 >> https://www.gq.com.tw/stylefest/
最新活動消息請鎖定FB活動專頁 >> https://fb.me/e/6N7XeSHZP


 1. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意下列所有活動注意事項: - 根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制」之規定共有四種方案之退換票規定,本活動退票選擇方案二訂定如下說明。(退票限購票後三日內以購買明細為憑。) 相關服務費、轉帳、取票手續費用非屬票價部分不在退費範圍之內。 購票後 (不含購票當日) 三日內得退票,第四日起即不接受退票申請。購票後 (不含購票當日) 之第三日若遇假日,則順延至下一個工作日截止收件,換票視同退票處理。 例:2023/6/10 購票,退票截止日期為 2023/6/13,2023/6/14 (含) 起的退票即不再收件。 例:2023/6/21 購票,退票截止日期為 2023/6/24,2023/6/25 (含) 起的退票即不再收件。後續退票,以此類推。
- 活動若取消,全額退款予消費者 (依據政府政策訂定)。
- 本活動部分攤位為名人/KOL銷售二手私物,物品由名人/KOL直接銷售,與主辦單位無涉。請依物品現況購買,銷售者不提供退換貨。
- 為維護商品銷售品質,本活動恕不提供試穿,以免因人為瑕疵毀損造成後續爭議。 - 本活動不得攜帶飲料食物入場,需於場外食用完畢或丟棄後才可入場,場內設有美食市集。
2. 本活動六歲以下(含)之兒童可由購票之大人陪同免費入場,六歲以上之兒童需購票入場。
3. 活動相關異動訊息公布或票務相關事宜,可隨時於FB活動專頁查詢獲得第一手資訊,恕不另行通知。
4. 請於報名時詳實填寫資料,包含姓名、電話、Email、出生年月日,如有不實狀況,進而影響個人權益,與主辦單位無涉。
5. GQ PASS 和 Klook 為本活動指定購票管道,請注意私下換票或其他網站購票的情況,可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛,若發生現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位概不負責。
6. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事經查屬實者,將依社會秩序維護法第64條第2款逕向警方檢舉。
7. 個人物品請自行保管,本活動不提供寄物。
8. 嚴禁攜帶危險物品或具攻擊性武器進場 ,如 : 刀子、剪刀、煙火、球棒等。如查獲違禁品均以沒收處理,並向警方檢舉。
9. 在活動現場,將有酒精相關飲品,請務必理性飲酒,如情節嚴重者,主辦單位有權請求強制離場。現場購買實時請配合年齡審核。未滿 18 歲禁止飲酒,禁止酒駕,飲酒過量,有害健康。
10. 活動前如遇人力不可抗力之天災,由主辦單位以民眾安全為考量,活動將以延期或取消,參加民眾不得異議。 11. 主辦單位有權將此項活動之錄影、相片及成績於世界各地播放、展出、登錄於本活動網站與大會刊物上暨參加者必須同意肖像與成績,用於相關活動之宣傳與播放活動上。
12. 購票完成代表您已同意康泰納仕時尚網使用者條款與隱私權聲明:https://www.gq.com.tw/club/privacy/
13. 購買本活動票券,即視為同意活動期間所拍攝之參加者肖像,做為GQ後續花絮報導,集團行銷或社群露出宣傳使用。 有關肖像使用權參閱下列事項:
- GQ謹遵守肖像為紙本雜誌報導、網路報導與影音花絮之使用,非其他用途。
- 參加者同意拍攝肖像歸GQ所有,並可依上述需要,製作剪輯或說明。
- GQ已事前徵求參加者同意,事後不再另行通知。
- 活動規定依現場及官方網站、FB活動專頁公告為主,上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動變更、修改或終止之權利。

- 若有任何問題請洽主辦單位:[email protected]

【 Tickets Terms and Conditions】

1.Before purchasing tickets, please carefully read the following precautions. Once the ticket purchase is successful, it is considered as an agreement to the following terms and conditions:

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Culture's "Standardized Contract for Arts and Cultural Performance Tickets - Items to be Included and Not Included," there are four options for the ticket refund and exchange policy. For this event, the refund policy under Option 2 is defined as follows (refund requests must be made within three days of the ticket purchase, based on the purchase details).

Service fees, transfer fees, and ticket collection fees are not refundable and are not included in the refund amount.

Tickets can be refunded within three days after the purchase (excluding the day of purchase). Starting from the fourth day, no refund requests will be accepted. If the third day after the purchase (excluding the day of purchase) falls on a holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next working day. Exchange requests will be treated as refund requests.

Example: If the ticket is purchased on June 10, 2023, the deadline for refunds will be June 13, 2023. Refund requests made from June 14, 2023, onwards will not be accepted.

Example: If the ticket is purchased on June 21, 2023, the deadline for refunds will be June 24, 2023. Refund requests made from June 25, 2023, onwards will not be accepted. Subsequent refund requests will follow this pattern.
-If the event is canceled, a full refund will be given to the consumer (in accordance with government policy).

-For certain booths in this event, celebrities/KOLs will be selling second-hand personal items. The items are sold directly by the celebrities/KOLs themselves and are not related to the organizers. Please make purchases based on the current condition of the items, as the sellers do not provide returns or exchanges.

-In order to maintain the quality of the merchandise sold, we do not offer trial wear for this event to avoid subsequent disputes caused by human defects. 

- No beverages or food can be brought to this event, but must be consumed or discarded outside the venue before entering.

2.Children under the age of six (inclusive) may be admitted free of charge when accompanied by a ticketed adult; children over the age of six must purchase a ticket.

3.For event-related announcements or ticketing-related matters, please feel free to check the FB event page for first-hand information without prior notice.

4.Please fill in the details of the application, including name, telephone number, Email, date of birth, and any inaccuracies that may affect your rights and interests.

5.GQ PASS is the designated ticketing channel for this event. Please note that private ticket exchanges or ticket purchases from other websites may lead to fraudulent cases or transaction disputes, and the organizer will not be responsible for any inability to enter the event or other problems.

6.If there is any kind of price increase for resale other than for personal use (regardless of the name of the price increase, transportation fee, subsidies, etc. are included), the case will be reported to the police in accordance with Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Social Order Maintenance Law.

7. Please take care of your personal belongings, we do not provide consignment.

8.Dangerous items or offensive weapons such as knives, scissors, fireworks, bats, etc. are strictly forbidden to be brought into the venue. Any contraband found will be confiscated and reported to the police.

9.Alcohol-related beverages will be available at the event site, please make sure to drink sensibly. Please cooperate with the age check when purchasing on site. Alcohol is prohibited for those under the age of 18, and drinking and driving are prohibited.

10.In the event of a natural disaster that is beyond human control, the event will be postponed or cancelled by the organizer for the safety of the public, and participants are not allowed to disagree.

11.The organizer has the right to broadcast, exhibit, and post the video, photos, and results of this event on the event website and the event publication worldwide and the participants must agree to the use of their portraits and results in the promotion and broadcast of the event.

12.By completing your ticket purchase, you agree to the Condé Nast Style Website User Terms and Privacy Statement: https://www.gq.com.tw/club/privacy/

13.By purchasing a ticket for this event, you agree that the portraits of the participants taken during the event will be used for GQ's subsequent feature stories, group marketing or community exposure. For more information on the use of portraits, please refer to the following:

- GQ reserves the right to use the portraits for the purpose of reporting on paper magazines, internet reports and video highlights, and for no other purpose.

- GQ has sought prior consent from participants and will not notify them afterwards.

- The event regulations will be announced on site and on the official website and FB event page. The organizer reserves the right to change, modify or terminate the event if the above matters are not fulfilled.

14.Please pick up your bracelet at the check-in desk before admission and keep it in a safe place. The bracelet must be worn for two days on both days. Please confirm that you will not be admitted again before removing it.

-If you have any questions, please contact the organizer at [email protected]

台灣潮流圈年度盛事即將登場,集結時尚、街頭、亞洲跨國交流的潮流集散地!今年 GQ STYLE FEST 不只引領潮人們回歸街頭,更帶著 ASIA RISE 的野心。無論是相互交流、聯乘抑或是 BATTLE,在街頭總有答案。

2024 早鳥雙日票

【 2024 早鳥雙日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮

2024 潮流早鳥雙日快速通關套票

【2024 潮流早鳥雙日快速通關套票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮


【7/6、7/7潮流玩家單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮


【7/6、7/7潮流玩家單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮


【7/6、7/7 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮

7/7 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票

【7/6、7/7 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台參加資格、潮流專屬好禮


【潮流菁英單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台搖滾區資格、專屬包廂、歐肯限定調酒、潮流講座入場資格 (採報名制度)、潮流專屬好禮

7/7 潮流菁英單日票

【潮流菁英單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台搖滾區資格、專屬包廂、歐肯限定調酒、潮流講座入場資格 (採報名制度)、潮流專屬好禮

7/6 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票 (無禮物版)

【7/6 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票無禮物】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台參加資格

7/7 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票 (無禮物版)

【7/7 潮流玩家單日快速通關套票無禮物】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、提前兩小時優先入場資格、音樂舞台參加資格

好評加開!7/6 潮流玩家單日票(無禮物版)

【7/6 潮流玩家單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、音樂舞台參加資格

好評加開!7/7 潮流玩家單日票(無禮物版)

【7/7 潮流玩家單日票】商品內容:GQ 潮流文化祭參加資格、音樂舞台參加資格