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ګډوډي يا انارشي هغه ټولنه ده، چې په خپلواک ډول له چارواکو او حکومتي واحد څخه پرته جوړېږي. دا يوې ټولنې يا د خلکو هغې ډلې ته هم ويل کېدای شي، چې يوه د مراتبو يوه ټاکل شوې لړۍ په بشپړ ډول ردوي. انارشي په لومړي ځل ۱۵۳۹ز کال کې انګريزي کې کارول شوې وه، چې «د حکومت د نه شتون» په معنا سره وه. پايري-جوزف پرودون “Pierre-Joseph Proudhon” د «ملکيت څه شی دی؟» تر سرليک لاندې د خپل ۱۸۴۰ زکال پوهنليک کې انارشي او انارشيست انارشيزم ته د کارونې په موخه غوره کړل، چې يوه نوې سياسي فلسفه او ټولنيز خوځښت دی، چې د ازادو او خپلسرو ټولنو پر بنسټ د بې دولتونو ټولنو ګټندويي کوي. د ګډوډۍ پلوي يا انارشيستان د داسې نظام په لټه کې دي، د ټولې تيري کونکي سلسلې او په ځانګړي ډول د دولت د له منځه وړلو پر بنسټ وي او زياتره يې د مستقيمې ديموکراسۍ د نظام او کارګر اشتراک د رامنځته کېدنې ننګه کوي. [۱][۲][۳][۴][۵][۶]

په عملي ډول انارشي د حکومت او بنسټونو د دوديزو بڼو پرې کولو يا له منځه وړلو ته ويل کېدلی شي. دا کولی شي يو ملت يا هر هغه استوګنځای وټاکي، چې د حکومت يا مرکزي واکمنۍ هيڅ نظام نه لري. انفرادي انارشيستانو په لومړيو کې د انارشۍ يا ګډوډۍ پلوي وکړه او د حکومت پر ځای د اختياري يا خپل اندو بنسټونو د ځاي په ځای کولو وړانديز کوي. دا بنسټونه يا ازادې ټولنې په عمومي ډول د طبيعت له مخې ځکه موډل شوي دي، چې دوی د ټولني او اقتصادي ځان بسياينې، پو پر بل باندې تکيې يا فرديت په څېر مفاهيم وړاندې کولی شي. که څه هم ګډوډي زياتره وختونه په منفي ډول د بشپړې ګډوډۍ يا ټولنيزې ماتې د مترادف اصطلاح په توګه کارول کېږي، مګر دا هغه معنا نه ده، چې انارشيستان يې ګډوډۍ يانې بې ترتيبه ټولنې ته تړاو ورکوي. [۷][۸]


ګډوډي “Anarchy” د منځنيو دورې له لاتيني ويي انارشيا او له يوناني انارشوس “anarchos” («د واکمن نه درلود») څخه اخېستل شوې ده، چې “an + archos” (واکمن) په د ويي له مخې «له واکمن څخه پرته» معنا لري. د ګرد A انارشيست نښه له يو توري څخه جوړه نښه يا مونوګرام ده، چې د الفبا د غټ “A” له توري څخه جوړه شوې او د غټ “O” توري له لورې رانغاړل شوې ده. د “A” توری په ډېری اروپايي ژبو کې د انارشي يا انارشيزم څخه اخيستل شوی دی او په لاتيني او سيريليک لاسي ليکونو کې هم ورته مفهوم لري. “O” توری د ترتيب په معنا سره دی او دوی دواړه په ګډه «ټولنه په ګډوډۍ کې نظم غواړي» په معنا سره دي، چې دا همدا عبارت د پايري جوزف پرودون له لورې «ملکيت څه شی دی» تر سرليک لاندې د ۱۸۴۰ ز کال کتاب کې ليکل شوی دی. [۹][۱۰][۱۱]


انسان پېژندنه

که څه هم زياتره پېژندل شوې ټولنې د ترتيب يا دولت د شتون له مخې مشخص کېږي، مګر انسان پېژندونکو د زياتره کوچي ښکاري ټولنو او د سومای او پياروا په څېر د کرنيزو ټولنو په ګډون زياتره برابري غوښتونکې بې دولته ټولنې څېړلې ډي. ډېری دا ټولنې د دې فکر له مخې ګډوډ يا انارشيک کېدلی شي، چې دوی په اړخيز يا ضمني ډول د متمرکز سياسي واک نظريه نه مني. [۱۲][۱۳][۱۴]

د انسان د ښکار راټولونکو د برابرۍ غوښتني ځانګړی اصالت هغه وخت په زړه پورې دی، چې په اوښتونيز چارچوکاټ کې وليدل شي. د انسانيت له دوه تر ټولو نږدې تي لرونکو خپلوانو څخه يو چې د چيمپانزي په نوم لويه افريقايي انسان ته ورته بيزو ده، له برابرۍ غوښتنې څخه پرته هر هغه څه ته وايي، چې د ممتازو نارينه وو له لورې اداره کېدونکي ترتيبونه جوړوي. د انسان د ښکار له راټولونکو سره يې دومره ستر توپير دی، چې دا د انسان پېژندونکو له لورې په پراخه کچه استدلال کوي، چې تر لاس لاندې د اوسېدلو يا تسلط پر وړاندې مقاومت يو مهم عامل، چې د انساني شعور، ژبې، خپلوۍ او ټولنيز سازمان وده پر مخ وړي. [۱۵][۱۶][۱۷]

د انارشيست انسان پېژندنې په برخو کې انارشيست انسان پېژندونکي ډيويډ ګرايبر “David Graeber” د څېړنې د هغو سيمو په نښه کولو هڅه وکړه، چې روڼ اندي يې ښايي د انارشيست ټولنيزې نظريې د يو همغږي واحد په جوړولو کې وپلټي. ګرايبر وانګېرل، چې انسان پېژنده د يوې پوهنيزې لارې چارې په توګه «په ځانګړي ډول ښه دريځ لري»، چې د نړۍ په کچه د اختيارونو يا متبادلو ټولنيزو او اقتصادي جوړښتونو د څېړلو، شننې او لښتليک کولو په موخه د انساني ټولنو او ادارو بشپړه اندازه کتلی شي او په خورا مهم ډول دا بديلونه نړۍ ته وړاندې کوي. [۱۸]

پايري کلاسټريس “Pierre Clastres” د دولت ضد ټولنه کې بې دولته ټولنې وپلټلې، چې معلومه کلتوري لارې چارې او کړه وړه په کې د ترتيب او دولت له ودې څخه مخ ګرځوي. کلاسټريس دا نظريه رد کړه، چې دولت د انساني ټولنو د بشپړتيا يا تکامل طبيعي پايله ده. [۱۹]

«د حکومت نه کولو هنر» نومي اثر کې جيمز سي سکاټ “James C. Scott” زوميا وڅېړله، چې په سويل ختيځه اسيا کې يوه پراخه بې دولته لوړه سيمه ده. د زوميا غونډۍ دا سيمه د ښکته سيمې له دولتونو څخه بېلوي او خلکو لپاره د تېښتې يو پناه ځای جوړوي. سکاټ استدلال کوي چې د تپې د خلکو ځانګړې ټولنيزې او کلتوري ځانګړتياوې د ټيټو سيمو د دولتونو له لورې د تښتېدلو له نيولو سره برابرې وې او د تمدن له لورې د پرېښودل شوي بربريت د نښو په توګه بايد ونه ګڼل شي. [۲۰]

پيټر ليسن “Peter Leeson” د خصوصي قانون د نفوذ يو ډول بنسسټونه وپلټل، چې د اتلسمې پېړۍ د سمندري داړه مارانو، د نالوستو قبيلو د غړو او د کليفورنيا د زندان د ناوړه خلکو د ډلو له لورې په ګډوډ يا انارشيک حالتونو کې رامنځته شوي وو. دې ټولو ډلو د خپلو ځانګړو اړتياوو او د خپل ګډوډ حالت د ځانګړتياوو د پوره کولو په موخه د خصوصي قانون د پلي کولو بېلابېلې لارې چارې ومنلې. [۲۱]

انارکو بدويت “” يا د لومړيو بنسټونو پلوي د تمدن په اړه خپله نيوکه يو څه د کوچي ښکاري راټولونکو د انسان پېژندنې څېړنو پر بنسټ کوي او يادونه کوي، چې د اهلي کولو پر لور بدلون ښايي د ناروغۍ، کار، نابرابرۍ، جګړې او رواني ګډوډۍ برخو کې د زياتوالي لامل شوی وي. د جان زيرزان په څېر ليکوالانو استدلال کړی دی، چې د لومړنيو ټولنو منفي کليشې (لکه: دوی په عمومي ډول خورا ظالمې يا تش لاسې دي) په دې موخه کارول کېږي، چې د معاصرې صنعتي ټولنې ارزښتونه سم ثابت کړي او وګړي له خورا طبيعي او عادلانه حالتونو څخه لرې کړي. [۲۲][۲۳][۲۴][۲۵][۲۶]

نړيوالې اړيکې

په نړيوالو اړيکو کې انارشي د ملت له دولتونو څخه د پورته چارواکي نه شتون ته وايي، چې د خپلو شخړو د منځګړيتوب او نړيوال قوانينو د پلي کولو وړ وي. [۲۷][۲۸]

سياسي فلسفه


انارشيزم د سياسي فلسفې په توګه د اختياري يا خپلې خوښې بنسټونو پر بنسټ د ځاني اداره شويو ټولنو ګټندويي کوي. دوی زياتره وخت د بې دولته ټولنو په توګه تشرېح کېږي، که څه هم بېلابېلو ليکوالانو دوی په ځانګړي ډول د نامنظمو ازادو ټولنو پر بنسټ ادارو په توګه راپېژندلي دي. انارشيزم په دې نظر دی، چې دولت ناغوښتی، نا اړين يا زيان رسونکی دی. په داسې حال کې چې د دولت پر وړاندې مخالفت په کې مرکزي ونډه لري، دا اړين مګر پوره يا کافي شرط نه دی، له دې امله ولې د دوی د نومونو سربېره انارکو-کاپيټليزم او ملي انارشيزم هم د د فکر د انارشيست ښوونځيو او د انارشيست خوځښت د برخې په توګه نه پېژندل کېږي، يا دا چې ولې د انارشيستانو او پوهانو له نظره غولونکو او مخالفو معنا لرونکو اصطلاحاتو په توګه ګڼل کېږي. انارشيزم د هغو اړيکو په ګډون چې لا تر اوسه د دولت د نظام تر بريده نه دي، د ټولو انساني اړيکو په تر سره کولو کې د ترتيبي ادارې مخالف واک رانغاړي.  [۲۹][۳۰][۳۱][۳۲][۳۳][۳۴][۳۵][۳۶][۳۷][۳۸][۳۹][۴۰][۴۱][۴۲][۴۳][۴۴][۴۵][۴۶][۴۷][۴۸][۴۹][۵۰][۵۱][۵۲][۵۳][۵۴][۵۵][۵۶][۵۷][۵۸][۵۹][۶۰][۶۱][۶۲][۶۳][۶۴][۶۵][۶۶]


  1. Franks, Benjamin; Jun, Nathan; Williams, Leonard (2018). Anarchism: A Conceptual Approach. Milton Park: Taylor & Francis. p. 104. ISBN 978-1-317-40681-5. Anarchism can be defined in terms of a rejection of hierarchies, such as capitalism, racism or sexism, a social view of freedom in which access to material resources and liberty of others as prerequisites to personal freedom(Me putting this text here qualifies as anarchy) ... .
  2. "Anarchy". نه اخيستل شوی 22 January 2020.
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  5. Kinna, Ruth (24 April 2019). "Anarchism". Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199756384-0059. ISBN 978-0-19-975638-4.
  6. Proudhon, Piere-Joseph (1994). Kelley, Donald R.; Smith, Bonnie G. (eds.). Proudhon: What is Property?. Cambridge University Press. p. 209. ISBN 978-0-521-40556-0. [S]ociety seeks order in anarchy.
  7. McElroy, Wendy (Winter 1998). "Benjamin Tucker, Liberty, and Individualist Anarchism" (PDF). The Independent Review. II (3): 425. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 January 2019. نه اخيستل شوی 25 September 2020. {{cite journal}}: More than one of |archivedate= و |archive-date= specified (help); More than one of |archiveurl= و |archive-url= specified (help)
  8. Franks, Benjamin; Jun, Nathan; Williams, Leonard (2018). Anarchism: A Conceptual Approach. Milton Park: Taylor & Francis. p. 104. ISBN 978-1-317-40681-5. Anarchism can be defined in terms of a rejection of hierarchies, such as capitalism, racism or sexism, a social view of freedom in which access to material resources and liberty of others as prerequisites to personal freedom(Me putting this text here qualifies as anarchy) ... .
  9. "Anarchy". نه اخيستل شوی 22 January 2020.
  10. Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1840). Qu'est-ce que la propriété? ou Recherche sur le principe du Droit et du Gouvernement [What is ownership? or Research on the Principle of Law and Government] (په فرانسوي) (1st ed.). Paris: Brocard. p. 235.
  11. Proudhon, Piere-Joseph (1994). Kelley, Donald R.; Smith, Bonnie G. (eds.). Proudhon: What is Property?. Cambridge University Press. p. 209. ISBN 978-0-521-40556-0. [S]ociety seeks order in anarchy.
  12. Gowdy, John M. (1998). Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment. St Louis: Island Press. p. 342. ISBN 1-55963-555-X.
  13. Dahlberg, Frances (1975). Woman the Gatherer. London: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-02989-6.
  14. Graeber, David (2004). Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (PDF). Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. ISBN 0-9728196-4-9. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 November 2008.
  15. Erdal, D.; Whiten, A. (1994). "On human egalitarianism: an evolutionary product of Machiavellian status escalation?". Current Anthropology. 35 (2): 175–183. doi:10.1086/204255. S2CID 53652577.
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  17. Boehm, Christopher (2001). Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674028449.
  18. Graeber, David (2004). Fragments of an anarchist anthropology (2nd pr. ed.). Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. ISBN 978-0972819640.
  19. Clastres, Pierre (1989). Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology. Translated by Hurley, Robert; Stein, Abe. New York: Zone Books. ISBN 0-942299-01-9.
  20. Scott, James (2010). The Art of Not Being Governed. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0300169171.
  21. Leeson, Peter (2014). "Pirates, Prisoners, and Preliterates: Anarchic Context and the Private Enforcement of Law" (PDF). European Journal of Law and Economics. 37 (3): 365–379. doi:10.1007/s10657-013-9424-x. S2CID 41552010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-09-26. نه اخيستل شوی 2022-09-12.
  22. Zerzan, John (2002). Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization. Feral House. ISBN 0-922915-75-X.
  23. Shepard, Paul (1996). Traces of an Omnivore. Island Press. ISBN 1-55963-431-6.
  24. "The Consequences of Domestication and Sedentism by Emily Schultz, et al". Archived from the original on 15 July 2009. نه اخيستل شوی 30 January 2012.
  25. Prieur, Ran. "Seven Lies About Civilization". Archived from the original on 2 October 2009. نه اخيستل شوی 30 January 2012.
  26. Kaczynski, Ted (22 September 1995). "The Unabomber Trial: The Manifesto". The Washington Post. نه اخيستل شوی 6 August 2021.
  27. Lechner, Silviya (November 2017). "Anarchy in International Relations". International Studies Association. Oxford University Press: 1–26. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.79. ISBN 978-0-19-084662-6.
  28. Eckstein, Arthur M.; et al. (8 September 2020). "Anarchy". Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved 16 September 2020.
  29. Woodcock, George. "Anarchism". The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [Anarchism], a social philosophy that rejects authoritarian government and maintains that voluntary institutions are best suited to express man's natural social tendencies.
  30. "In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions." Peter Kropotkin. "Anarchism" from the Encyclopædia Britannica Archived 2012-01-06 at the Wayback Machine.
  31. Craig, Edward (29 November 2005). "Anarchism". The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge. p. 14. ISBN 978-1-134-34408-6. Anarchism is the view that a society without the state, or government, is both possible and desirable.
  32. Sheehan, Sean. Anarchism, London: Reaktion Books Ltd., 2004. p. 85
  33. "as many anarchists have stressed, it is not government as such that they find objectionable, but the hierarchical forms of government associated with the nation state". Judith Suissa. Anarchism and Education: a Philosophical Perspective. Routledge. New York. 2006. p. 7
  34. "IAF principles". International of Anarchist Federations. Archived from the original on 5 January 2012. The IAF–IFA fights for : the abolition of all forms of authority whether economical, political, social, religious, cultural or sexual.
  35. "That is why Anarchy, when it works to destroy authority in all its aspects, when it demands the abrogation of laws and the abolition of the mechanism that serves to impose them, when it refuses all hierarchical organisation and preaches free agreement – at the same time strives to maintain and enlarge the precious kernel of social customs without which no human or animal society can exist." Peter Kropotkin. Anarchism: its philosophy and ideal Archived 2012-03-18 at the Wayback Machine.
  36. "anarchists are opposed to irrational (e.g., illegitimate) authority, in other words, hierarchy – hierarchy being the institutionalisation of authority within a society." "B.1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy?" Archived 2012-06-15 at the Wayback Machine. in An Anarchist FAQ
  37. Malatesta, Errico. "Towards Anarchism". Man!. Los Angeles: International Group of San Francisco. OCLC 3930443. Archived from the original on 7 November 2012. Agrell, Siri (14 May 2007). "Working for The Man". The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on 16 May 2007. نه اخيستل شوی 14 April 2008. "Anarchism". Encyclopædia Britannica. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.  "Anarchism". The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: 14. 2005. Anarchism is the view that a society without the state, or government, is both possible and desirable. The following sources cite anarchism as a political philosophy: Mclaughlin, Paul (2007). Anarchism and Authority. Aldershot: Ashgate. p. 59. ISBN 978-0754661962. Johnston, R. (2000). The Dictionary of Human Geography. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers. p. 24. ISBN 0-631-20561-6.
  38. Slevin, Carl. "Anarchism." The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. Ed. Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan. Oxford University Press, 2003.
  39. McLaughlin, Paul (2007). Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism. Ashgate. pp. 28–166. ISBN 9780754661962. "Anarchists do reject the state, as we will see. But to claim that this central aspect of anarchism is definitive is to sell anarchism short. ... [Opposition to the state] is (contrary to what many scholars believe) not definitive of anarchism."
  40. Jun, Nathan (September 2009). "Anarchist Philosophy and Working Class Struggle: A Brief History and Commentary". WorkingUSA. 12 (3): 505–519. doi:10.1111/j.1743-4580.2009.00251.x. کينډۍ:ISSN. "One common misconception, which has been rehearsed repeatedly by the few Anglo-American philosophers who have bothered to broach the topic ... is that anarchism can be defined solely in terms of opposition to states and governments" (p. 507).
  41. Franks, Benjamin (August 2013). Freeden, Michael; Stears, Marc (eds.). "Anarchism". The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press: 385–404. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585977.013.0001. "[M]any, questionably, regard anti-statism as the irremovable, universal principle at the core of anarchism. ... The fact that [anarchists and anarcho-capitalists] share a core concept of 'anti-statism', which is often advanced as ... a commonality between them ..., is insufficient to produce a shared identity ... because [they interpret] the concept of state-rejection ... differently despite the initial similarity in nomenclature" (pp. 386–388).
  42. Jennings, Jeremy (1993). "Anarchism". In Eatwell, Roger; Wright, Anthony (eds.). Contemporary Political Ideologies. London: Pinter. pp. 127–146. ISBN 978-0-86187-096-7. "... anarchism does not stand for the untrammelled freedom of the individual (as the 'anarcho-capitalists' appear to believe) but, as we have already seen, for the extension of individuality and community" (p. 143).
  43. Gay, Kathlyn; Gay, Martin (1999). Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy. ABC-CLIO. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-87436-982-3. For many anarchists (of whatever persuasion), anarcho-capitalism is a contradictory term, since 'traditional' anarchists oppose capitalism.
  44. Morriss, Andrew (2008). "Anarcho-capitalism". In Hamowy, Ronald (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. SAGE; Cato Institute. pp. 13–14. doi:10.4135/9781412965811.n8. ISBN 978-1-4129-6580-4. کينډۍ:OCLC. "Social anarchists, those anarchists with communitarian leanings, are critical of anarcho-capitalism because it permits individuals to accumulate substantial power through markets and private property."
  45. Franks, Benjamin (August 2013). Freeden, Michael; Stears, Marc (eds.). "Anarchism". The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press: 385–404. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585977.013.0001. "Individualisms that defend or reinforce hierarchical forms such as the economic-power relations of anarcho-capitalism ... are incompatible with practices of social anarchism. ... Increasingly, academic analysis has followed activist currents in rejecting the view that anarcho-capitalism has anything to do with social anarchism" (pp. 393–394).
  46. Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas (2003). Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-3155-0.
  47. Griffin, Roger (March 2003). "From slime mould to rhizome: an introduction to the groupuscular right". Patterns of Prejudice. 37 (1): 27–63. doi:10.1080/0031322022000054321. S2CID 143709925.
  48. Macklin, Graham D. (September 2005). "Co-opting the Counter Culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction". Patterns of Prejudice. 39 (3): 301–326. doi:10.1080/00313220500198292. S2CID 144248307.
  49. Sykes, Alan (2005). The Radical Right in Britain: Social Imperialism to the BNP (British History in Perspective). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-333-59923-5.
  50. Funnell, Warwick (2007). "Accounting and the Virtues of Anarchy". Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal. 1 (1) 18–27. doi:10.14453/aabfj.v1i1.2.
  51. Robinson, Christine M. (2009). "The Continuing Significance of Class: Confronting Capitalism in an Anarchist Community". Working USA. 12 (3): 355–370. doi:10.1111/j.1743-4580.2009.00243.x.
  52. El-Ojeili, Chamsy (2012). "Anarchism as the Contemporary Spirit of Anti-Capitalism? A Critical Survey of Recent Debates". Critical Sociology. 40 (3): 451–468. doi:10.1177/0896920512452023.
  53. Williams, Dana (2012). "From Top to Bottom, a Thoroughly Stratified World: An Anarchist View of Inequality and Domination". Race, Gender & Class. 19 (3/4): 9–34. کينډۍ:Jstor.
  54. White, Richard; Williams, Colin (2014). "Anarchist Economic Practices in a 'Capitalist' Society: Some Implications for Organisation and the Future of Work" Archived 2021-11-15 at the Wayback Machine.. Ephermera: Theory and Politics in Organization. 14 (4): 947–971. کينډۍ:Ssrn.
  55. Casey, Gerard (2018). Freedom's Progress?. Andrews UK Limited. p. 670. ISBN 978-1845409425.
  56. Sunshine, Spencer (Winter 2008). "Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists". The Public Eye. 23 (4): 1, 12. نه اخيستل شوی 12 November 2009.
  57. Sanchez, Casey (Summer 2009). "'National Anarchism': California racists claim they're Anarchists". Intelligence Report. نه اخيستل شوی 2 December 2009.
  58. Lyons, Matthew N. (Summer 2011). "Rising Above the Herd: Keith Preston's Authoritarian Anti-Statism". New Politics. 7 (3). نه اخيستل شوی 27 July 2019.
  59. "IAF principles". International of Anarchist Federations. Archived from the original on 5 January 2012. The IAF–IFA fights for : the abolition of all forms of authority whether economical, political, social, religious, cultural or sexual.
  60. Murray Bookchin (1982). The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy. Palo Alto, California: Cheshire Books. p. 3. "My use of the word hierarchy in the subtitle of this work is meant to be provocative. There is a strong theoretical need to contrast hierarchy with the more widespread use of the words class and State; careless use of these terms can produce a dangerous simplification of social reality. To use the words hierarchy, class, and State interchangeably, as many social theorists do, is insidious and obscurantist. This practice, in the name of a "classless" or "libertarian" society, could easily conceal the existence of hierarchical relationships and a hierarchical sensibility, both of which-even in the absence of economic exploitation or political coercion-would serve to perpetuate unfreedom."
  61. McLaughlin, Paul (2007). Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism. AshGate. p. 1. ISBN 9780754661962. Authority is defined in terms of the right to exercise social control (as explored in the "sociology of power") and the correlative duty to obey (as explored in the "philosophy of practical reason"). Anarchism is distinguished, philosophically, by its scepticism towards such moral relations – by its questioning of the claims made for such normative power – and, practically, by its challenge to those "authoritative" powers which cannot justify their claims and which are therefore deemed illegitimate or without moral foundation.
  62. Emma Goldman. "What it Really Stands for Anarchy" in Anarchism and Other Essays. "Anarchism, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes, and inclinations."
  63. Benjamin Tucker. Individual Liberty. Individualist anarchist Benjamin Tucker defined anarchism as opposition to authority, as follows: "They found that they must turn either to the right or to the left, – follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty. Marx went one way; Warren and Proudhon the other. Thus were born State Socialism and Anarchism ... Authority, takes many shapes, but, broadly speaking, her enemies divide themselves into three classes: first, those who abhor her both as a means and as an end of progress, opposing her openly, avowedly, sincerely, consistently, universally; second, those who profess to believe in her as a means of progress, but who accept her only so far as they think she will subserve their own selfish interests, denying her and her blessings to the rest of the world; third, those who distrust her as a means of progress, believing in her only as an end to be obtained by first trampling upon, violating, and outraging her. These three phases of opposition to Liberty are met in almost every sphere of thought and human activity. representatives of the first are seen in the Catholic Church and the Russian autocracy; of the second, in the Protestant Church and the Manchester school of politics and political economy; of the third, in the atheism of Gambetta and the socialism of Karl Marx."
  64. Ward, Colin (1966). "Anarchism as a Theory of Organization". Archived from the original on 25 March 2010. نه اخيستل شوی 1 March 2010.
  65. Anarchist historian George Woodcock report of Mikhail Bakunin's anti-authoritarianism and shows opposition to both state and non-state forms of authority as follows: "All anarchists deny authority; many of them fight against it." (p. 9) ... Bakunin did not convert the League's central committee to his full program, but he did persuade them to accept a remarkably radical recommendation to the Berne Congress of September 1868, demanding economic equality and implicitly attacking authority in both Church and State."
  66. Brown, L. Susan (2002). "Anarchism as a Political Philosophy of Existential Individualism: Implications for Feminism". The Politics of Individualism: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism. Black Rose Books Ltd. Publishing. p. 106.