Formerly consisting of three individuals, the pair now aims to go beyond the ordinary. AfroKilerz is a project that combines urban rhythms and electronic music, including House and its variations.
The pair was created in Chelas, Quinta da Vitoria, Apelacao, a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Lisbon, at the start of the 2011s. Today, they travel the globe while showcasing their Afro House roots.
AfroKilerz is made up of Safari artists from Angola who serves as the group’s percussionist and producer and Landz from Cape Verde who animates the DJ booth and serves as the group’s productive component, demonstrating their history in a symbiosis between Cape Verde and Angola of their ancestors’ rhythms as well as of all their surrounding influences.
When it comes to Afro House in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking nations, the culmination of all of their development, exploration, and fusion has led to them being a recognized brand in the hands of several illustrious musicians.
FACEBOOK: AfroKilerz TWITTER: @AfrokillerzO
EMAIL: [email protected]