Take the Hill tells the story of Dick Grace, a legendary winery owner who forged a singular life in Napa Valley. A man of intriguing contradictions, Grace served in the U.S. Marines and later in life, became friends with the Dalai Lama. He...See moreTake the Hill tells the story of Dick Grace, a legendary winery owner who forged a singular life in Napa Valley. A man of intriguing contradictions, Grace served in the U.S. Marines and later in life, became friends with the Dalai Lama. He made a lot of money in finance but gave much of it away. And while Grace is passionate about wine - Grace Family Vineyards makes one of the top-rated cabernets in the country - he is a recovering alcoholic who doesn't drink. The short documentary follows Grace on his journeys around the world as he first heads to Hawaii where he was a young child who witnessed Pearl Harbor. Then the cameras come home to St. Helena during the time of the historic Napa fires and this coincides with Grace suffering - and nearly dying - from Sepsis. The third act takes place in Nepal, a country where Dick and his wife Anne have made more than 60 trips to support various non-profits in the region. The octogenarian Grace is a natural documentary subject who eagerly engages with the world around him. He is full of wit and wisdom, which infuses this thoughtful film with a richness and depth that will inspire audiences to do more. Written by
David Holbrooke
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