Eileen's obsession with Borges' short story "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" leads her to mysteriously disappear from her apartment without a trace. Her boyfriend Carlos, anguished by her disappearance, locks himself in the apartment hoping to...See moreEileen's obsession with Borges' short story "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" leads her to mysteriously disappear from her apartment without a trace. Her boyfriend Carlos, anguished by her disappearance, locks himself in the apartment hoping to find a clue that leads him to her. After a week with no news of her, Carlos realizes that reality has vanished and discovers that the line between fiction and fantasy is thinner than he thought. Finally, Carlos makes a drastic decision and, through an act of extreme love, reunites with Eileen in an unknown and magical world that only existed in Borges' mind. Written by
Newtopia Studios LLC
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