The game centers around the character Yangus, who is a main character in Dragon Quest VIII, as a child. Described as a "plump bandit", he becomes involved with his father Yampa's gang of thieves when a mysterious jug is brought home. ...See moreThe game centers around the character Yangus, who is a main character in Dragon Quest VIII, as a child. Described as a "plump bandit", he becomes involved with his father Yampa's gang of thieves when a mysterious jug is brought home. Though instructed not to touch the jug, Yangus does, and is sucked inside the bottle into another world called "Bottle Land". Red, a female bandit from Dragon Quest VIII also appears in this new world, as well as Morrie, Torneko, and a new character named Poppy, and each begins to explore the dungeons of this new land. Written by
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