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有关 Chrome 逐步弃用第三方 Cookie 计划的最新动态

英国竞争和市场管理局 (CMA) 和 Google 发布了季度报告,向整个生态系统通报了 Privacy Sandbox for the Web 的最新情况。Google 将于 4 月 26 日发布 2024 年第 1 季度报告。报告中将对 Chrome 逐步弃用第三方 Cookie 的时间表做如下更新:

We are providing an update on the plan for third-party cookie deprecation on Chrome.

We recognize that there are ongoing challenges related to reconciling divergent feedback from the industry, regulators and developers, and will continue to engage closely with the entire ecosystem. It's also critical that the CMA has sufficient time to review all evidence including results from industry tests, which the CMA has asked market participants to provide by the end of June. Given both of these significant considerations, we will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4.

We remain committed to engaging closely with the CMA and ICO and we hope to conclude that process this year. Assuming we can reach an agreement, we envision proceeding with third-party cookie deprecation starting early next year.

报告发布后,您可点击此处查看 Google 和 CMA 提供的完整报告。