Sara H.

    Sara H.


    "مدرِّسةٌ موثّقة مع أحد عشر عامًا من الخبرة

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    Assalam O Alaikum

    Eu sunt Sara; Sunt profesor de limba arabă egipteană pentru vorbitori non-nativi.

    Predau arabă clasică, arabă standard modernă și egipteană vernaculară (dialectul local).

    Iubesc atât de mult arabă și îi iubesc oamenii și vreau să o predau la cea mai largă scară.


    Am obținut știința studiilor arabe și islamice (diplomă de licență), Facultatea de la Dar Al Uloom - Universitatea din Cairo în 2010.

    Apoi, la sfârșitul anului 2013, am obținut certificatul de carieră pentru predarea arabă persoanelor care nu vorbesc araba în centre arabe vii.

    Acum, sunt masterand la departamentul de gramatică, morfologie și prozodie din Dar-Al Uloom (pentru studii arabe și islamice), Universitatea Cairo în ultimul an. Acesta a fost visul meu de mulți ani și l-am realizat.


    Sunt profesor de arabă pentru vorbitori non-nativi de mai bine de unsprezece ani.

    Modul meu de a preda:

    Folosesc diferite mijloace de predare pentru a preda limba arabă, cum ar fi cărți moderne, table dezvoltate, materiale realizate manual în funcție de vârsta elevilor, pentru a-i ajuta să-și dezvolte cele patru abilități principale: citire, scriere, vorbire și ascultare, iar apoi sub-abilitățile intermediare.

    Predau, de asemenea, abilități avansate, cum ar fi muzica poeziilor, retorica arabă, istoria islamică - introducere - și morfologie.

    Prin citirea cărților, vorbirea de texte, ascultarea audio și vizuale folosind diferite metode

    Sunt flexibil la diferite tehnici de predare, care sunt personalizate în funcție de vârsta, nivelul și abilitățile elevului.

    „Lecțiile de arabă cu mine nu vor fi niciodată plictisitoare. După ce am încheiat subiectul principal al sesiunii noastre, pot garanta un timp la sfârșitul sesiunii noastre pentru orice subiect pe care doriți să-mi împărtășiți.

    Și, în același timp, vă voi extinde capacitatea de a vorbi în arabă decât înainte, folosind un vocabular și expresii noi.

    astept sa ma contacteze

    Cu cele mai bune urări,

    Sara. H



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    • 2013 — 2019

      جامعة القاهرة

      درجة الماجستير في علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها

      Diplomă verificată

    • 2013 — 2014

      جامعة القاهرة

      ماجستير اللغة العربية وآدابها

      Diplomă verificată

    • 2011 — 2012

      جامعة القاهرة

      ماجستير اللغة العربية وآدابها

      Diplomă verificată

    • 2007 — 2010

      جامعة القاهرة

      ليسانس العلوم العربية وآدابها والعلوم الإسلامية

      Diplomă verificată

    • 2007 — 2010

      جامعة القاهرة

      ليسانس العلوم العربية وآدابها والعلوم الإسلامية

      Diplomă verificată

    Specializările mele

    * Arabic for beginners:Through multiple series of books specific to each age stage of the child, after passing the assessment to determine the appropriate level that can be taught to the child.Patience and flexibility with children, encouraging them with motivational skills and making useful tools for the lesson, as they study and work together.Teaching the student using specific lessons and plans. Providing high-quality education in the English- Arabic languages.Set a timetable to help the student develop his knowledge of the English- Arabic languages. within a specific period of time.RequirementsAbility to adapt to changes in teaching methods and processes quickly. Teaching experience (an advantage). Determine the appropriate learning paths for the student.My way of teaching:I use different teaching aids to teach Arabic like Modern books, developed boards, handmade materials according to the students' age to help them develop their four main skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and then the Sub Skills in between.I teach- also- advanced skills like poems music, Arabic rhetoric, Islamic history- introduction- and Morphology.Through reading books, speaking texts, listening audio and visuals using different method.

    Conversations:The conversation will be better by listening to me through differnt stiuations, the multiple listening exercises that I request in different ways from the student and their simulation of reality, and the audio assignments that I send, or ask of the student, all of which enhance the ability to speak in a shorter time than before..My way of teaching:I use different teaching aids to teach Arabic like Modern books, developed boards, handmade materials according to the students' age to help them develop their four main skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and then the Sub Skills in between.I teach- also- advanced skills like poems music, Arabic rhetoric, Islamic history- introduction- and Morphology.Through reading books, speaking texts, listening audio and visuals using different method.

    * Noble Qur'an & Tajweed lessons:Teaching how to read the Noble Qur’an correctly through Tajweed lessons.Patience during memorization, and repeat the Quranic verse more than once.Reciting the prescribed part at the end of the lesson and making sure that the student’s pronunciation is correct and sound.

    * Arabic for kids:Through multiple series of books specific to each age stage of the child, after passing the assessment to determine the appropriate level that can be taught to the child.Patience and flexibility with children, encouraging them with motivational skills and making useful tools for the lesson, as they study and work together.Teaching the student using specific lessons and plans. Providing high-quality education in the English- Arabic languages.Set a timetable to help the student develop his knowledge of the English- Arabic languages. within a specific period of time.RequirementsAbility to adapt to changes in teaching methods and processes quickly. Teaching experience (an advantage). Determine the appropriate learning paths for the student.My way of teaching:I use different teaching aids to teach Arabic like Modern books, developed boards, handmade materials according to the students' age to help them develop their four main skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and then the Sub Skills in between.I teach- also- advanced skills like poems music, Arabic rhetoric, Islamic history- introduction- and Morphology.Through reading books, speaking texts, listening audio and visuals using different method.

    * Intensive Arabic:I teach- also- advanced skills like poems music عَروض, Arabic rhetoric, Islamic history- introduction- and Morphology.Through reading books, speaking texts, listening audio and visuals using different method.

    * Arabic literature:Through traditional and modern Arabic literature books as well, after passing the assessment to determine which level of literature can be taught to you.Teaching the student using specific lessons and plans. Providing high quality education in both English and Arabic.Develop a timetable to help the student develop his knowledge of the English and Arabic languages. during a specified period of time.requirementsAbility to adapt to changes in teaching methods and processes quickly. Teaching experience over than 10 years (an advantage). Determine the appropriate learning paths for the student.

    * Egyptian colloquialYou can also learn Egyptian colloquial masterfully through the American League's "Kalamni Arabi" series or the "Anstuna" series, by focusing on speaking skills in the first place, and then the rules of that dialect in all its details, with reading and writing as well.

    Now you can learn Egyptian colloquial language easily through academic study and learning about its grammar using specialized books from the American University in Cairo, as well as through realistic live conversations, movie clips, and so on...

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