
More Than 1,000+ Science-Based Articles.

Welcome to the blog, home to a wealth of science-based resources for helping professionals. Learn and apply the latest insights in the field to help more people enjoy optimal wellbeing and a state of flourishing.

3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

Emotional maturity

Developing Emotional Maturity: 11 Methods & Worksheets

We all like to think that we’re emotionally mature, but are we really? Having the courage to take an unbiased look at where we may [...]

Trauma Bonding

Overcoming Trauma Bonding: 8 Strategies & Exercises

A young woman tries to save her father from a monster in a castle by sacrificing herself as a captive instead. She becomes his prisoner. [...]

Peer Support

Peer Support: A Student-Led Approach to Mental Wellbeing

Generation Z comprises most full-time students in further and higher education in 2024 and are the world’s first digital natives. Research has shown that Gen [...]

Student Success

Ensuring Student Success: 7 Tools to Help Students Excel

Ensuring student success requires a multi-faceted approach, incorporating tools like personalized learning plans, effective time management strategies, and emotional support systems. By leveraging technology and [...]

The Positive CBT Triangle Explained (+11 Worksheets)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular and highly effective intervention model for dealing with multiple mental health conditions (Early & Grady, 2017; Yarwood et [...]

Milieu Therapy

How to Integrate Milieu Therapy & Positive Psychology

Milieu therapy and positive psychology offer a unique synergy that has the potential to transform mental health care and create environments that nurture and uplift [...]

High-functioning anxiety

Recognizing High-Functioning Anxiety & 6 Tools to Manage It

As our lives get busier and busier and more and more crises develop on the world stage, we are seeing reports of increasing incidences of [...]

Personal Growth

Personal Growth & Wellbeing: A Blueprint for Happiness

We’ve all felt stuck at one time or another. We ask ourselves, what’s next in our lives? And how do we move forward and flourish? [...]

Sleep meditation

Best Sleep Meditations for Sublime & Restorative Nights

Are you getting your recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night? If not, you aren’t alone. Sleep deprivation is a global public health [...]

Chronic Stress

Moving From Chronic Stress to Wellbeing & Resilience

Stress. It can be as minute as daily hassles, car trouble, an angry boss, to financial strain, a death or terminal illness. The ongoing stressors [...]