[FREE] 3 Hand-Picked Tools From the Positive Psychology Toolkit©!

free toolsWe are always incredibly grateful to our growing community of like-minded professionals for sharing our mission to uplift others through positive psychology.

As a small token of appreciation, we’re giving away three tools from our Positive Psychology Toolkit© for free.

You can download them here.

It turns out that it’s not so easy to pick only three tools out of the 400+ activities, assessments, and interventions (plus we don’t like to play favorites!)

But when we took a step back and reflected on the collective journey this year has brought us all on, we knew that tools that would help people make sense of uncontrollable events, reconnect with their values, and move forward in a more meaningful and optimistic way would have the biggest impact.

Read on to learn more about these three tools hand picked by the PositivePsychology.com team and how they can bring value to the lives of your clients.

Valued Living During Challenging Times – Seph Fontane Pennock, Cofounder

Added to the toolkit as part of the June monthly update, this tool seeks to resolve the tension that can arise during challenging circumstances. We can become so focused on dealing with the problem and regaining a sense of control that we lose track of what matters most in life.

tool for coronaIt’s no secret that humanity had more than its fair share of challenges recently, so I picked this tool to help you and your clients reconnect with valued living in spite of whatever personal struggles they may be going through.

Valued Living During Challenging Times helps clients identify whether they have lost touch with personal values in the context of a current challenging life event and realign with those values through valued action.

Doors Closed, Doors Open – Lucinda Allen, CEO

Doors Closed, Doors Open is all about cultivating optimism in the face of adversity and reframing setbacks or rejection into new opportunities.

free positive psychology toolThis tool really resonates with me; in fact, it sums up my last year quite perfectly.

Not so long ago, I was made redundant from my marketing role in a large corporate technology company. The close of this chapter invited fresh energy and perspective about what I really valued in my work.

This led me to join the PositivePsychology.com team, where I have more learning opportunities and the sector is more aligned with my passion for mental wellbeing. It was a complete change in direction for me, but one that was perfectly aligned to my needs.

We may be afraid of closing doors and perhaps see them as a risk to our comfort and stability. But sometimes, not having space for a new door to open could be the even bigger risk on our path to fulfillment.

The reflective questions in this tool (like the ones below) will really help frame closed doors as opportunities for growth for you and your clients, perhaps even seeing recent events in a totally new light.

What led to the door closing?

What helped you open the new door?

What does a closed door represent to you now?

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Finding Your Ikigai – Dr. Hugo Alberts, Cofounder

I believe every human being has a unique way of expressing their core, true self in work. The positive psychology practitioner would call it “optimal strength expression”; the spiritual person, “soul work”; and the organizational psychologist, “work engagement.” I don’t care so much what you call it.

ikigai tool

The bottom line is when you have found your own, unique way of expressing yourself in your work, your work will no longer feel like work. It becomes playful, energizing, and a journey worth traveling.

Finding Your Ikigai takes a realistic and workable perspective on finding a job using the Japanese secret to happiness. It allows you to express your true self by addressing four essential elements: strengths, skills, values, and money.Free tool

Download all three free tools here.

We hope you enjoy these three free tools and that they will help increase the wellbeing of the people around you. Please leave a comment if you found them useful or insightful. We’d love to hear about it!

All the best,

Seph Fontane Pennock, Lucinda Allen, & Hugo Alberts

Want 400+ more tools?

If you would like more positive psychology exercises like these three, you can access 400+ tools by signing up for the Positive Psychology Toolkit©. It is already being used by 2,500+ practitioners and teachers around the world.


What our readers think

  1. Stephen Alkus, Ph.D.

    Very helpful introduction for me. Just starting to “find the time” to explore your downloads and ideas. Thanks.

  2. paul Etyang'

    Thank you for such great encouragement . hope to find other material

  3. Milena

    I’m sorry. I didn’t want my name to appear. I’m always excited to open your emails.
    It’s always a good learning experience. I’m so thankful for this new 3 tools. I hope I can open them soon. I’m having trouble opening them. Thanks so much for thinking of me.


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3 Positive Psychology Tools (PDF)