We will be recording and streaming (for most events) all the talks on Airmeet. The recorded sessions will be uploaded on SIGPLAN’s YouTube Channel. If you do not want your talk video uploaded on youtube please email [email protected] and [email protected] mentioning the name of the event and the title of your talk.

In-person Presenters

If you plan to present in-person please make sure of the following things:

  • The preferred way to present is for presenters to bring their own laptops and have slides available offline.
  • The aspect ratio of the slides should be 16:9.
  • Please make sure your device supports HDMI output or that you have the appropriate adapter.
  • Please check that your device works before your session starts so that we do not have any last moment hiccups.
  • By default we assume (and strongly encourage) an in-person talk presentation. Contact the general chair and video chair if this is not possible.

Virtual Presenters

If you cannot attend in-person, please get in touch with the program chair as soon as possible. Please note that not all co-located events support virtual/recorded talks. Your talk will be marked virtual if you plan to give a remote presentation, or recorded if you plan to have a recorded talk replayed in your slot in the event program. At least one of the authors of the recorded presentation talk is expected to attended the live Q&A after the recorded talk is played.

Please make sure you have an account on Airmeet and know how to navigate screen sharing and your audio and video is of acceptable quality.


  • Informing the program chair: Jan 2nd, 2023 (AoE)
  • Submitting the recorded talk: Jan 10th, 2023 (AoE)

Instructions for Virtual Presenters

  • You need to register for the event to be able to present. if you are participating virtual only is to get the 6-day virtual pass. (Creating an account on popl researchr website does not mean you have registered for the event.)
  • If you haven’t received and setup an Airmeet account please make sure you do so now. If you have registered for the event but not received an Airmeet invite please email [email protected] and [email protected] with your registration details
  • Please familiarize yourself with Airmeet features such as screen sharing etc.
  • Please make sure you accept the “on-stage” invite after you join the correct Airmeet session. You can only present and share your audio/video when you have accepted the invite.
  • It is advisable to use good quality headphones, mic and web camera to not have a distorted audio and video.

Testing for remote speakers

  • You can use the lounge table in Airmeet to test your screen share and audio/video.
  • We recommend joining the session 10-15 mins before it starts so that we can do final testing.

Instructions for Submitting a Recorded Talk Video

  • The recorded talk should be at least 3 mins less that the time slot of your talk to be followed by live Q&A.
    • For example, CPP talk video should not be more than 19 mins.
  • Use the following schema to name your file <Event Name Abbreviated>-<Presenters Last Name>-<Title of Talk Shortened>.mp4
    • For example, if you are presenting at CPP with your talk title Encoding Dependently-Typed Constructions into Simple Type Theory and the name of the presenter is Anthony Bordg the file name should be CPP-Bordg-EncodingDependentlyTyped.mp4
  • Upload the talk on a cloud file sharing service (Google drive, dropbox etc.) and send the file link to [email protected] and [email protected]
  • We only support MP4 video file formats and cannot replay videos from Youtube, Vimeo etc.