TV Shows

‘Today’ Show Hosts in Shambles as Puppy Starts Pooping on Live TV

While doing a segment on puppy yoga on Australia’s ‘Today,’ one pup took the opportunity to poop on the stage.

A puppy yoga demonstration on Australia’s didn’t go exactly as planned for a hilarious reason. When hosts David Campbell and Sylvia Jeffreys were discussing the new trend called “Puppy Yoga” and the fluffy cuteness that goes along with it, one pup couldn’t contain its excitement. A little pupper ended up pooping right behind the yoga instructor and for what seemed like quite a long time.

The hosts and other crew members could not stop laughing and admiring how much was in the pup, as Campbell shared that it was “like an ice cream machine.” Because that’s really the kind of visual that was needed. As the yoga instructor tried her hardest to continue the demonstration, the two hosts could not keep it together, and I can’t say I blame them. It’s quite the way to start the morning.

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Via Daily Mail, Today posted a clip from the segment on their Instagram, and many viewers could not get enough of it. One shared that host Jeffrey’s “reaction is hilarious,” and another added, “Live TV is so much fun.” Live television is definitely both a good thing and a bad thing, because you never know what could happen, and you aren’t prepared for much, such as a pooping pupper. It’s what makes it all the more fun and genuine.

The hosts were able to get their composure together after there was a “cleanup on Aisle 3,” and the puppy made its way off stage as the show went to commercial. Luckily, it doesn’t seem like the puppy was in too much trouble because sometimes when you have to go, you have to go. The crew could be heard laughing in the background as well, meaning that they weren’t too upset over it. It definitely helps that the puppy was adorable, but hopefully, they’ll have a makeup yoga session in the future with less pooping.

While puppy yoga certainly seems like the best thing ever, what happened on Today is just a reminder that expectation versus reality is a true game changer. It’s a good thing the puppies are so cute, though otherwise, there’d be a lot more yelling and a lot less laughing. If you ever try puppy yoga, just be careful of your surroundings.