Try, Try, and Try Again

Peace Out Podcast

Today we talk about the importance of trying our best, trying again (or practicing), and pivoting (changing direction/strategy). We want to promote resiliency in children by encouraging them to keep trying and start to look for ways to be excellent!

If you’re listening to this in a classroom, you’ll need some room for one of our exercises today, so please make sure everyone is spread out comfortably. 😀

This season we’re heading out to space, and with that, we are introducing a new feature: SafeSPACE. We hope that as children think about and talk about where they feel safe, it opens up discussion with their families and also creates an awareness of where they can go or who they can turn to when they need it. If your child would like to share where/who/what their safe, happy, or calm space is, please send in a recording of them, picture, or message to [email protected] or on our Facebook page @bedtimefm or Twitter @peaceoutpodcast. We’d love to hear what makes them feel this way and why and we’ll share it on a future episode or on our social media!

Full transcript of each episode is available upon request from [email protected].

Why not listen to more of Peace Out from Bedtime FM

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