The 365 Days of Astronomy
《The 365 Days of Astronomy》Podcast

The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.

  1. 11 小時前

    Travelers in the Night Eps. 753 & 754: Impactor Lights Up the Night Sky & Very Fast Moving Object in the Night Sky

    Dr. Al Grauer hosts. Dr. Albert D. Grauer ( @Nmcanopus ) is an observational asteroid hunting astronomer. Dr. Grauer retired from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2006. Today's 2 topics: - One meter diameter 2022 WJ1 holds the record as the smallest asteroid ever detected! It even hit the ground as it entered Earth’s atmosphere. - Very small fast moving asteroids pass through our solar system.About once a month an object like 2023 KU4 enters our atmosphere, releases the energy of approximately 2.4 tons of TNT, explodes at an altitude of about 280,000 feet, creates a spectacular light show, produces a sonic boom that is barely audible, and rains pieces of itself on the ground for meteorite hunters to discover. Check out the fireball log on the American Meteor Society website for examples.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    6 分鐘
  2. The Cosmic Savannah - Ep. 61: SKAO Construction Commencement Ceremony-Australia

    1 天前

    The Cosmic Savannah - Ep. 61: SKAO Construction Commencement Ceremony-Australia

    Hosted by Dr. Jacinta Delhaize & Dr. Daniel Cunnama. The 5th of December 2022 sees the commencement of construction of the long-awaited Square Kilometre Array (SKA)!   SKAO:   The SKA Observatory (SKAO) is a next-generation radio astronomy facility that will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe and the laws of fundamental physics. Formally known as the SKA Observatory, the SKAO is an intergovernmental organisation bringing together nations from around the world. The observatory consists of the SKAO Global Headquarters in the UK, the SKAO’s two telescopes at radio-quiet sites in South Africa and Australia, and associated facilities to support the operations of the telescopes.   The SKA telescopes: Composed of respectively hundreds of dishes and thousands of antennas, the SKAO’s telescopes will be the two most advanced radio telescopes on Earth. Together with other state-of-the-art research facilities, the SKAO’s telescopes will explore the unknown frontiers of science and deepen our understanding of key processes, including the formation and evolution of galaxies, fundamental physics in extreme environments and the origins of life.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    36 分鐘
  3. 2 天前

    EVSN Special - Quasi Moon Naming Contest!

    Hosted by Pamela Gay with guest Latif Nasser. The International Astronomical Union and WNYC’s award-winning science podcast, Radiolab, invite people worldwide to take the unique opportunity to suggest a name for one of Earth's quasi-moons, 2004 GU9. Submissions are open until 30 September and the winning name will receive official recognition by the IAU.   For millennia, people across the globe have built deep connections to objects in the night sky, assigning them names and stories imbued with their cultural heritage and understanding of the world. Naming campaigns highlight these connections and provide the global public with a chance to have their creativity embedded in the cosmos.   Earlier this year, Latif Nasser, co-host of the science podcast Radiolab ( ), petitioned the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to name a quasi-moon of Venus after noticing a typo on a map of the Solar System. The saga was documented on a Radiolab episode and tweet thread from Nasser that went viral, opening the door for listeners to learn more about this fascinating class of objects. The episode established a connection between the IAU and Radiolab, which is produced by WNYC Studios [1]. The organisations have now teamed up to invite a global audience to engage with this field of astronomy through a new naming contest for one of Earth’s quasi-moons.   Quasi-moons of a planet are asteroids that orbit the Sun and follow a path similar to that of the planet. Due to the relative motion of the two objects, it appears as though the asteroid is orbiting the planet from the perspective of an observer on the planet’s surface. If a quasi-moon is near the Earth, it might seem as if we have a new moon, even though it is hardly affected by the Earth's gravitational pull. By taking part in “Name a Quasi-Moon!”, people worldwide will have the chance to leave their mark on our sky with official recognition from the world’s authority responsible for assigning names to objects in our Solar System and beyond. By involving the IAU’s wide international network, the collaboration will reach new audiences, ensuring our sky will be more representative of the world’s diverse ideas, cultures, perspectives, and ways of knowing.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    29 分鐘
  4. 3 天前

    H’ad Astra Historia - Ep. 105: Astronomy Oral History Project, Part 1

    Today’s guest:  Dr. Jarita Holbrook (,  Harvard Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics, Univ. of Edinburgh, Univ. of the Western Cape) tells the story of the Astronomy Oral History Project. You will also hear some great advice for navigating graduate school and your post-doc years! (Hint: learn to write effective grant applications) Also:     H’ad astra historia is the official podcast for the Historical Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society. We’re here to share stories from and about the people who study the stars, planets, and the cosmos. We’ll be hearing from individuals who not only study the history of astronomy, but also those who lived it, who were “in the room” during pivotal events within the last 50 years or so.     podcast music: "Frost Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (, licensed under creative commons: by attribution 4.0 license (   Bio:  Loretta Cannon, an AAS affiliate via Rose City Astronomers, is a member of the leadership committee for the Historical Astronomy Division (2023-2025). She is a polymath with degrees in anthropology, microbiology & biochemistry, and has many years of experience in both the private sector and government. When not reading some of her way-too-many books, she watches BritBox, creates recipes, or plays in the garden. She chose science writing/editing in astronomy as a new career. In short, she’s a science-and-word-nerd-foodie-with-a-plant-habit who really likes the stars.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    38 分鐘
  5. Awesome Astronomy - 100 Hours of Astronomy With ‘Go Stargazing’

    4 天前

    Awesome Astronomy - 100 Hours of Astronomy With ‘Go Stargazing’

    Paul Hill and Dr. Jenifer “Dr. Dust” Millard host.  Damien Phillips, John Wildridge and Dustin Ruoff produce. Between 2nd and 5th October, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is celebrating 100 hours of astronomy. We’ve caught up with good friend of the show Neill Sanders, founder of Go Stargazing, who’s helped create an app to get you and all your friends involved with the celestial party! Enjoy! Bio - Awesome Astronomy explores the frontiers of science, space and our evolving understanding of the Universe. Join Paul & Jeni for informative and fun astronomy programmes dedicated to space and astronomy news and monthly podcast extras covering hot topics and special interviews in the world of science and astronomy.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    23 分鐘
  6. Exoplanet Radio Ep. 26: - Is TRAPPIST-1 c Habitable?

    5 天前

    Exoplanet Radio Ep. 26: - Is TRAPPIST-1 c Habitable?

    From August 24, 2023. New Webb Telescope Observations Suggest Not… A team of astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope to study the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c, which is one of seven rocky planets orbiting an ultracool red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth. The team found that the planet's atmosphere, if it exists at all, is extremely thin.   TRAPPIST-1 c is about the same size as Venus and receives a similar amount of radiation from its host star as Venus gets from the Sun. This led scientists to believe that the planet might have a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere like Venus. However, the Webb observations suggest that this is not the case.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    5 分鐘
  7. Astronomy Cast Ep. 727: Parker Solar Probe

    6 天前

    Astronomy Cast Ep. 727: Parker Solar Probe Streamed live on Sep 16, 2024. Let's look over the long life of the Parker Solar Probe as it explores the Sun and nearby worlds. The Sun! It’s that ongoing thermonuclear explosion that’s happening right over there! And although the Sun is necessary for life on Earth, we still have questions! So NASA has sent the Parker Solar Probe to visit the Sun up close, to get us some answers.   SUPPORTED BY YOU! This Episode is made possible thanks to our Patrons on Patreon. Join at the Galaxy Group level or higher to be listed in our YouTube videos.  Thanks to: Paul Fischer, Joe Holistein, Janelle aka Veronica_Cure, Lenore Horner, David Troug, Timelord Iroh.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    31 分鐘
  8. 9月22日

    Travelers in the Night Eps. 751 & 752: Ball Pit & Lunker

    Dr. Al Grauer hosts. Dr. Albert D. Grauer ( @Nmcanopus ) is an observational asteroid hunting astronomer. Dr. Grauer retired from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2006. From June 30, 2023. Today's 2 topics: - To the amazement of NASA scientists, when the NASA OSIRIS-Rex touched down on the surface of Bennu to obtain a sample, the sample collecting arm continued to sink into Bennu until rocket thrusters reversed its downward motion and allowing it to escape. - My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Jacqueline Fazekas was asteroid hunting, in the evening twilight, with our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Arizona when she discovered a very large object in an unusual orbit. Rest assured that astronomers will continue to track Jacqueline's discovery, 2022 KL8, to make sure that its orbit does not change to make it a threat as it passes near Jupiter, Earth, and Venus.   We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs.  Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too!  Every bit helps! Thank you! ------------------------------------ Do go visit for cool Astronomy Cast and CosmoQuest t-shirts, coffee mugs and other awesomeness! This show is made possible through your donations.  Thank you! (Haven't donated? It's not too late! Just click!) ------------------------------------ The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. Visit us on the web at or email us at [email protected].

    6 分鐘
(滿分 5 顆星)
326 則評分


The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.








