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Solvable showcases the world’s most innovative thinkers and their proposed solutions to the world’s most daunting problems. The interviews, hosted by Ronald Young Jr., will launch a dialogue that both acknowledges the complexity of the issues while inspiring hope that the problems are, in fact, solvable. iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.
Assembled and solved.
Two Words Im Not Sorry for Breaking rules Penultimate in The slinger It is A cold Hard world Frozen solid Dry ice Wicked compression Horrendously absurd Silently, defiantly Onwards Toxicity Glittering Frosty Two Words Greenhouse Gas Global Warming Carbon Dioxide Wicked Compression Ice Cold Dry Ice Solidly Severed Ice Shelved Great Pyramids Of Freeza Square Cut Negative 108F Opps I Flunked Oppression And Yell Leroy Jenkins LoL WoW!
Please interview Glen Merzer
Climate change IS solvable!! Please interview Glen Merzer. He has written a very important book, Food Is Climate. He is a great interviewee. He has written for television. He has done standup.
Very thought provoking
Got started with Ronald Young Jr.’s interview with Bill Mckibben on fossil fuels and I am hooked! More Ronald! Very smooth delivery and a voice perfect for the role. Great stuff!
Some good news about real problems
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed about all the problems in the world. Ronald Young Jr. has thought-provoking interviews to discuss the solutions and I enjoy listening to his voice
- 频道
- 创作者Pushkin Industries
- 活跃年份2019年 - 2024年
- 单集107
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权2024 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- 节目网站
- 提供者Pushkin Industries Inc.