Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio

Justin Stellman
Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

  1. 11 HR AGO

    Dayne Barkley – Easy Tips For “Biohacking” Light To Improve Hormones & Overall Health

    ANNOUNCEMENT! * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Use discount code EHR15! Today we had Dayne Barkley from Barkley Eyewear on the show to discuss light. I first heard about him from Mitolife Radio and then he reached out to me and wallah we did a show together! I'm grateful because he broke all of nature's rules and rhythms to be on our show. He stayed up until 3am to be available JUST for Extreme Health Radio listeners as he's based in Australia. What a guy!! We talked about hormones, light and how they are both intertwined with our overall health. We also talked about biohacking, how to wear blue blocking glasses and so much more. Thanks Dayne for being on the show. I hope you enjoy this show! On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Thank you all! Sponsors For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Use code EHR14 for a free 2 week trial! Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Castor Oil Packs Pine Pollen AquaCure Molecular Hydrogen Machine Featured Products For This Episode: Joovv Red Light Therapy Omica RO Water Systems Aloe Vera Magnetico Matress Pads Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters Bellicon Rebounders Barf World Raw Dog Food The Biomat a href="http://www.extremehealthradio.

    1h 37m
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    Dr. Victor Zeines – The Secret Killer: The Surprising Link Between Oral Health And Disease & What You Can Do About It!

    [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Today we had a great conversation with Dr. Victor Zeines. If you have or know of anybody that has dental issues going on in their mouths, please pass this show on to them. Dr. Victor Zeines is truly a holistic dental practitioner of the highest degree. When doing research for this show I learned alot about this wonderful man. He's not just a dentist but somebody who truly understands life and health at a very deep level. For example here are some of the other areas of interest that Dr. Zeines has: hormones, obesity, living your life's purpose, politics, lyme disease, ozone and oxygen therapies, cancer prevention, metabolic syndromes, how the pharmaceutical industry works, optimal nutrition and live foods, spiritual evolution, mercury fillings, meridian and acupuncture points, reflexology and much more. Can you say your dentist is well versed in these issues as well? This is why I love natural doctors and holistic practitioners who have a passion for helping people instead of performing avoidable surgeries and pushing drugs and medications on their patients. In my opinion naturopathic doctors are light years ahead of traditional western medical doctors and it's a shame that people don't understand the body in a holistic way. In our culture everything is categorized and turned into a myopic discipline where the practitioners forget that the body works as an energetic whole instead of separate individual parts. This interview with Dr. Victor Zeines was a pleasure and he was a joy to have on. He shared many different herbal remedies to heal cavities, tooth decay and recending gums along with some essential oils that can help these conditions as well. There were a lot of nuggets in this show and we hope you really enjoyed it. If you are interested in this subject and would like to do some more research, I highly suggest a summit called The Healthy Mouth Summit by our friend Will Revak that will really empower you to take control of your oral health. I would also humbly suggest you take a look at the 3 ebooks that Dr. Zeines is offering as an exclusive bonus to Extreme Health Radio Listeners for an extremely reduced price. The three books (which you can read on your Kindle, iPad or other electronic devices) are called. Your Tongue Never Lies, Healthy Mouth Healthy Body and Living a Longer Life. Please check these out. Kate and I have all three of them and they come with patient guides as a bonus. - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest ...

    1h 12m
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Patrick Durkin – Water, Spirituality And How Drinking The Highest Quality Water Affects Your Health, Mind and Success!

    Patrick Durkin is the owner of The Wellness Enterprise which is a "structured water superstore". Patrick joined the show to talk about the many aspects of water and how water affects our consciousness. Every time Patrick comes on, somehow we end up talking more about spirituality than water. But water sort of sits on the edge of biology and spiritaulity. It holds two spaces in both worlds. The more you study water, the more complex it becomes and the more you realize that it holds a certain power over us. Water is a conductor of electricity, frequency and light. Water is incredibly complex and I've only just talked about the "physicalness" of water not even how water affects our spirit body. Water is a conductor of energy and information. Water holds a charge and gives us the spark of life. Because of this, the most important thing you can do is to fix your current water situation. Are you drinking out of plastic water bottles? If so, switch immediately to glass? Are you drinking spring water or filtered water? If you're drinking spring water make sure it's not filled with acid. Google "rain water statues" in Google images to find out what acid rain is doing to your bones. Did you know that you can put water on a book and let is sit over night and (since water can hold information) the contents of that book can be consumed to help you better absorb the material in the book? How could this help you to better study information? Water is more important than food. Before you chagnge your diet, change the kind of water you're bathing in and consuming. Water is life. Water is everything. Patrick Durkin shares so much great information on this show about water I hope you enjoy it! One Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Sponsor For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Join The Free Health Challenge Iherb JHK616 Thrive Market One World Whey Qigong Energy Course Links For This Episode: https://childrenofthesun.org/ Visit our shop Good Morning Good Evening Qigong Please Support Us If You Are Able:

    1h 33m
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    Dr. Kevin Conners – Cancer & How Rife Frequencies Might Help!

    Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) In this show my friend Dr. Kevin Conners joined the show to discuss the history and efficacy of Rife frequencies and how they *may* effect the metabolism of cancer. Obviously we cannot say that Rife frequencies heal or cure anything. Always discuss Rife with your medical doctor! Ya right, he's so ill informed he doesn't even know who Royal Raymond Rife even is! But this was a fascinating show about the history of Rife and how this technology can impact cancer metabolism. If you enjoy this show, it'll really help if you share with your friends! Thank you for listening! On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Thank you all! Sponsors For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Use code EHR14 for a free 2 week trial! Mitolife Products Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters AquaCure Molecular Hydrogen a href="https://www.biochargeme.com/collections/all/momentum98" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_...

    1h 34m
  5. 4 DAYS AGO

    Dr. Dan Engle – Using Psychedelic Plant Medicines To Rid The Body of Physical Addictions, Spiritual Blockages & Much More!

    I am super pumped to share with you a new side to healing that you may have never heard before. Dr. Dan Engle joined us today on his way back from Mexico. During the conversation he actually had to go through customs because he was crossing the border during the conversation. That was a first but man was it well worth it! He was coming back from Crossroads clinic in Mexico. During the entire time that we have been running Extreme Health Radio we've focused primarily on cleansing, diet, detoxification, herbs, minerals, energy work, spirituality and subjects like that. We have never talked about one of the most powerful modalities of healing on the entire planet. They're called entheogenic plant medicines. They're also called psychedelics. When most people think of drugs they think of crack cocaine or amphetamine or some addictive things like that. But in reality everything on earth is either good for you or bad for you depending on the dose. Similarly when people think of psychedelic substances they think of friends who have ruined their lives by taking high amounts of synthesized drugs when they were kids. What we're talking about here are sacred plant medicines that have been around for thousands of years. Ancient cultures knew about these plant medicines and how they helped people see life in a brand new way. These plant medicines are being used all over the world now to help with chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, lyme disease, diabetes and more. We talked a lot on this episode with Dr. Dan Engle (my new favorite person by the way!) about how substances like ibogaine are being used to help people overcome addictions to all kinds of things. We here at Extreme Health Radio invite you to open your mind and expand your consciousness to consider these types of ancient plant medicines into your life if it's something that is calling you. Like our friend David Wolfe says, "The only disease is a closed mind." I think that is so true. It's interesting to note that many people will be closed to drinking something like ayahuasca (which is made from 3 ingredients, a leaf, a vine and water) but they'll be completely okay with consuming some sort of highly synthesized pharmaceutical medication that will ultimately damage their long term health. We invite you to open your mind and enjoy this episode with Dr. Dan Engle! Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Commercials * Commercial #1 - Squatty Potty * Commercial #2 - Qigong Longevity Exercises * Commercial #3 - Medical Biomats For Healing * Commercial #4 - The Yoga Trapeze Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Monday 3/30/2015

    2h 8m
  6. 5 DAYS AGO

    New Show: The Many Nuances of Melatonin Supplementation

    Patreon.com is where we're putting all our best protocols for health conditions, exclusive content, live monthly Q&As and more. 3 plans to choose from. Come join the community, you'll be glad you did. Episode Summary Today's show is with David Wechsler all about electroculture and using DC electric currents in your garden to grow more food, healthier food and bug resistant food! Episode Sponsors: Show Page With Links Vitamin E Pufa Protect - Coupon Code: EHR15 PromoLife Ozone Generator - Coupon Code EHR7 Dragon's Blood  - Use code EHR10 to save 10% Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Support Our Work: Get My Patreon Health Protocols - New protocols added each month + a ton more. Visit our Store Support us on Amazon My Amazon Recommended Products Donate on Paypal Show Links: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2905913/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2582546/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4334454 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7400257 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3462291/ https://www.mitozen.com/product/sandman-bullet-glutathione-melatonin/ https://www.scientifichealthsolutions.com/product/melatonin-max/ https://purebulk.com/products/melatonin?variant=32435379699761 https://amzn.to/3CmJK4H https://amzn.to/3CoYd08 Favorite Supps: Mitolfe - Use code EHR15 to save 15%! Life Blud - Use code EHR10 to save 10% Subscribe & ...

    1h 26m
  7. 6 DAYS AGO

    Sandor Katz – How To Boost Immunity, Longevity & Health By Eating Fermented Foods

    Check out my health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Sandor Katz author of Wild Fermentation and The Art of Fermentation joined us to discuss all the benefits of eating live, enzyme rich and bacteria rich fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, meads. Eating cultured foods helps to boost immunity, prevent sickness and disease. Bacteria rich foods help us to assimilate and absorb nutrients more effectively, digest our foods better and have more energy. Plus make fermented foods like kombucha and others like it is easy and fun. On top of that the sour taste is just amazing and it's definitely something you'll get addicted to. As you continue to make fermented foods in your kitchen you'll soon love the taste. The sour flavor definitely takes some getting used to but in no time flat you'll be addicted to its medicinal properties and rich flavors. If you're interested in learning how to ferment all kinds of foods there's a great e-course we highly recommend called Ferment Anything. I think you'll love it. Sandor Katz is a true genius when it comes to the art of fermentation. After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * How fermented foods restores gut health * How to make simple fermented foods like sauerkraut * Why it's better to make these foods instead of buying a probiotic capsule from the store * How to make your own SCOBY for kombucha * What room temperature is ideal for making yogurts * And so much more! Learn all the ways in which fermented foods can improve your health & longevity with Sandor Katz! - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Commercials: - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest - Show Date:Friday 1/4/2013 - Show Guest:Sandor Katz (aka Sandorkraut) - Guest Info:My name is Sandor Ellix Katz, and I am a fermentation revivalist. My interest in fermentation grew out of my overlapping interests in cooking, nutrition and gardening. It started with sauerkraut. I found an old crock buried in our barn, harvested cabbage from our garden, chopped it up, salted it, and waited. That first k***t tasted so alive and powerfully nutritious! Its sharp flavor sent my salivary glands into a frenzy and got me hooked on fermentation. Read More...

    1h 2m
  8. 21 JAN

    George Wiseman – Molecular Hydrogen The Smallest & Most Powerful Antioxidant?

    Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Vitamin E - PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) * Mr. George Wiseman joined us today to talk about molecular hydrogen and Brown's gas. He has developed the AquaCure machine which helps to deliver molecular hydrogen to the body. The coupon code for 20% off will run from 5/1/22 until 5/8/22 and will be EHR20. If you are listening to this after those dates the 10% coupon code should always be active which is EHR10. What a great show this was. I hope you enjoyed it! On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Thank you all! Sponsor For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Use code EHR14 for a free 2 week trial! LifeBlud Supplements Use code EHR10 Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Joovv Red Light Therapy Colostrum a href="https://www.biochargeme.

    1h 30m


The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

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