Quantum Physics and Chassidus -- Why Paradox Makes So Much More Sense
TheYeshiva: This class, on the Maamar Rani V'simchi in Torah Or Miketz/Chanukah was presented on Thursday, 2 Teves, Zos Chanukah, 5785, January 2, 2025, Parshas Vayigash, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY. This discourse explains the three names we are given in Tanach—daughters, sisters, and spouses of G-d. It explores the essential fabric of reality as a state of infinite oneness and wholeness because even the creation and the Providence in all of existence do not alter the state of oneness and perfection of everything as is. To live authentically is to hold space for the duality of reality, as the ultimate perfection and as a broken world we need to repair and heal. Creation is defined as a word, the Divine word. This captures the nature of reality as Divine energy, which can be “plagiarized” as our own, detaching it from the Divine source. Like the wave that takes credit for itself, but when it crashes, it loses all, unless it understands that it is all part of the ocean. But each word first exists as a thought, as an emotion, as an idea, as part of the subconscious. The same is true with the world: even while it is a word, it can still be experienced as a thought, as an emotion, as awareness, and as part of the infinite wholeness of Hashem. How do we reconcile traditional physics with quantum physics? It is all based on the prism through which we perceive reality, from the “word” to the divine infinite source. The class explores the ancient argument among philosophers if G-d is capable of doing illogical things; is He defined by logic at all, or not? How modern physics demonstrates the truths articulated in Kabbalah and Chassidus. We discuss how Divine oneness is ultimately about experience, but the education of it allows us to go to experience, just like Google Maps can’t get you to Miami, but it can show you the way and encourage you when you get stuck in traffic.