Shandee's Story

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Shandee Blackburn was brutally murdered as she walked home from work - but this cold-case can still be solved. Gold Walkley-winning journalist Hedley Thomas - who created The Teacher’s Pet and The Night Driver - goes deep to find out who killed Shandee, and why. Episodes of the podcast first, plus exclusive stories, videos, pictures and extraordinary evidence are available with a subscription through The Australian's app, or at To contact Hedley Thomas anonymously with any information on Shandee's Story email here - [email protected]
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À propos
Shandee Blackburn was brutally murdered as she walked home from work - but this cold-case can still be solved. Gold Walkley-winning journalist Hedley Thomas - who created The Teacher’s Pet and The Night Driver - goes deep to find out who killed Shandee, and why.
Episodes of the podcast first, plus exclusive stories, videos, pictures and extraordinary evidence are available with a subscription through The Australian's app, or at
To contact Hedley Thomas anonymously with any information on Shandee's Story email here - [email protected]
- Chaîne
- CréationThe Australian
- Années d’activité2021 - 2024
- Épisodes42
- ClassificationContenu explicite
- Copyright© 2024 News Corp Australia
- Site web de l’émission
- FournisseurNews Corp Australia
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- Actualités03/12/2020
- Criminologie-5 j
- Criminologie-1 h
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