Beyond The Likes

Beyond The Likes

There’s not much else you can do but have a laugh with Amy Gerard. She’ll be the best friend you never knew you needed. Make you feel part of her clique and tackle taboo subjects head on with the same bullshit free filter that we’ve come to love from her on instagram. The wine loving Mum of 3 talks about juggling it all, from spirited children, to sex, friendships, marriage and with a witty sense of humour you will be left smiling (if not laughing hysterically) ear to ear. Follow the show on Instagram

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There’s not much else you can do but have a laugh with Amy Gerard. She’ll be the best friend you never knew you needed. Make you feel part of her clique and tackle taboo subjects head on with the same bullshit free filter that we’ve come to love from her on instagram. The wine loving Mum of 3 talks about juggling it all, from spirited children, to sex, friendships, marriage and with a witty sense of humour you will be left smiling (if not laughing hysterically) ear to ear. Follow the show on Instagram

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