Let there be light
✟ Jesus is Lord ✟ : did any other autists go through a carnivorous...
26, male, Christian (not Catholic or Calvinist). Prima Scriptura enjoyer. In my Ecclesiastes era. Engaged to @holyloved.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
Reblogged from assburgerssyndrome  92 notes






did any other autists go through a carnivorous plants faze, and if so what was your favorite?

favorite carnivorous plant

i wasn’t a cool carnivorous plant kid 🤓

venus fly trap

pitcher plant



bladderworts (i know your ass ain’t heard of these 😭)

See Results

me and an autistic shawty passionately shout “pitcher plant” as each other and we kiss passionately 😌

One of my friends keeps a small collection of carnivorous plants that he lets me feed whenever I visit :3


One of my friends keeps a small collection of carnivorous plants that he lets me feed whenever I visit :3

  1. femjerma reblogged this from homeofthephobic-buff
  2. lynettethemadscientist reblogged this from anew-jackson and added:
  3. gemlichbased reblogged this from anew-jackson
  4. the-perfect-wagnerite-again reblogged this from homeofthephobic-buff
  5. homeofthephobic-buff reblogged this from anew-jackson
  6. fictionalauthorityii said: I have all of these in my bog garden, autists stay winning
  7. anew-jackson reblogged this from slavicgerman and added:
    SO TRUE!
  8. tacozebra051 reblogged this from lynettethemadscientist
  9. slavicgerman reblogged this from anew-jackson and added:
    Pitcher plant. There's a shrew that eats the nectar from the plant and the shrew defecates into the opening of the plant...
  10. blackosprey said: I learned of bladderworts thanks to a children’s book about the life cycle of frogs, long ago. Bladderworts were one of many perils that would eat tadpoles. Btw i never got out, I have a collection of everything listed except VFTs and bladderworts
  11. up-north-values reblogged this from anew-jackson
  12. deerydear said: sundewwwww are soooo cute!!!
  13. mkultragf reblogged this from anew-jackson and added:
    I was more of a bug autist child but I appreciate the Venus fly trap. Can’t go wrong with a classic
  14. namedafterafoolwhofelloffahorse reblogged this from the-perfect-wagnerite-again
  15. child-of-the-blue-t reblogged this from soundlessdragon
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