1st Executive Blog

15 Jul Interim Management case study - Business Turnover


Interim Management Case Study Business Turnaround: An experienced interim manager appointed by IXPA’s Austrian partner Bühler Management transforms a Slovakian production facility and steers it towards unparalleled success.



An Austrian packaging company faced a crisis at its Slovakian production plant. Costs soared, projects overwhelmed the team, leading to losses, quality defects, and customer complaints


BUSINESS Challenge

Causes of Problems

With rising costs, project overload, and operational challenges affecting around 100 employees, the Slovakian facility needed a turnaround. Lacking in-house expertise, the company sought a solution through IXPA’s Austrian partner, Bühler Management



Bühler Management presented a seasoned Interim Managing Director and Plant Manager, equipped with the skills and temperament needed for a comprehensive reorganization. In nine months, the Interim Manager orchestrated an impactful turnaround—implementing efficient production planning, optimizing the supply chain, portfolio streamlining, leadership restructuring, and the introduction of vital KPIs.




The results were profound. Margins soared, waste rates plummeted, line speeds increased, setup times improved, and delivery backlogs vanished. By contract end, EBITDA exceeded expectations, positioning the company for a brighter future.


"1stly, Interim Managers Transform"



To understand the value that Interim Managers can bring to your organisation globally call Andrew on +61 438 074 774 or email [email protected]

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