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Accurate Object Detection, Classification and Identification using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellite Imagery.


Satim provides a world-class and unique AI-based software solution for object detection, classification and identification using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery. SATIM has built a highly accurate simulator for generating synthetic SAR signatures. The simulator allows us to simulate a SAR signature of any object and any SAR system. Thanks to the simulator, we can add new object types to train our AI model and to be classified with 90% accuracy within days.

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Pracownicy SATIM Inc.


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    We are excited to announce that SATIM Inc. is now a Capella Space Certified Analytics Partner, enhancing our capabilities in automatic object detection and classification in SAR imagery. With our #OREC AI solution, powered by Capella's high-resolution #SAR data, we deliver precise detection and classification of vessels, aircraft, and ground targets in overhead SAR images. From large container ships or transport aircrafts to smaller boats, planes and vehicles, OREC excels in identifying a wide range of objects with exceptional accuracy and reliability across diverse environments. Our partnership with Capella Space enables us to leverage their extensive imagery archive, allowing SATIM to train and validate #AI models under various conditions to meet the unique needs of our customers across multiple industries. As a Certified Analytics Partner, we have long-term access to Capella's data, ensuring continuous refinement and expansion of OREC's capabilities. We value our strong partnership with Capella Space and are thrilled to elevate it to new heights. Learn more: #SAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #ship #aircraft #vehicle #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise #OREC

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    The future is bright and full of SAR! Thank you Capella Space for continuing to work with SATIM Inc. to deliver quality insights through your awesome imagery! 😎🇺🇸🇵🇱🛰️

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Capella Space; grafika

    45 914 obserwujących

    We're thrilled to introduce SATIM Inc. as our latest Certified Analytics Partner! As a Certified Analytics Partner, SATIM has long-term access to Capella’s extensive imagery archive, which it uses to continuously enhance automated, SAR-derived object detection and classification solutions. “Partners like SATIM are critical to defining the future of the geospatial industry and amplifying intelligence across a variety of use cases,” said Frank Backes, CEO of Capella Space. “We are pushing the boundaries of what is possible by providing more SAR applications and empowering customers to achieve new heights.” Learn more: #SARImagery #Analytics #AI

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    Detecting vehicles in #SAR imagery presents a unique set of challenges due to the nature of these images. #Vehicles, when captured in SAR, appear small and often lack the distinctive features that make them easily recognizable in other types of imagery. This results in vehicles blending in with non-vehicle objects, making them difficult to #detect with the naked eye 👀 This is where SATIM Inc.’s #AI model steps in. Trained to recognize subtle patterns and nuances in SAR signatures, our model can accurately distinguish vehicles from other objects, even in the most challenging scenarios. Curious to see it in action? Take a look at a few ICEYE signatures we’ve analyzed. Without any context, see if you can identify the vehicles hidden within them. While it might be tricky for the human eye, our AI model performed this task flawlessly! This is just one example of how AI is pushing the boundaries in areas where traditional methods struggle. We’re excited to continue exploring these possibilities and sharing our progress with you 📈 #VehicleDetection #SSIG #SARimagery #AirboneSAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise #AI #ATR

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    On August 28th, we observe Polish Aviation Day, a collective celebration of civil aviation, military aviation, and the aerospace industry. The entire SATIM Inc. team extends our sincere congratulations and best wishes to all aviation professionals. While our usual perspective is from above, through satellite observation, today we take a moment to ground ourselves and express our deep respect and appreciation. May your flights always be smooth! ✈

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    Beyond the 9-to-5: Passion Meets #Precision in #AI #Detection and #Classification of #Aircraft At SATIM Inc., our commitment to advancing AI-driven aircraft detection and classification on #SAR images doesn't end when the workday does. It's a passion that fuels us 24/7. This weekend, our Aircraft Team Leader, Hubert Malik, attended the #Krakow Aviation Picnic as a professional and an enthusiast. His curiosity for aviation extends beyond the office walls, reflecting the deep-seated dedication that drives our entire team. Whether analyzing #satellite data or enjoying time at an airfield, our work and passion are the same. This blend of expertise and enthusiasm empowers us to push the boundaries of what's possible in AI detection and classification. #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise #OREC #SSIG

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    At SATIM Inc., our mission is to harness the transformative power of #AI and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery to create a safer and more sustainable world. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology by delivering state-of-the-art software solutions for precise object detection, classification, and identification on #SAR imagery. Our vision extends beyond mere technological innovation; we aim to develop our solutions to support comprehensive strategic, operational, and tactical planning. This commitment spans both defense applications and commercial sectors, ensuring that our technology not only meets current needs but anticipates future challenges. By integrating advanced AI with cutting-edge radar technology, we strive to empower our clients with unparalleled insights and capabilities. Together, we are shaping a future where advanced technology drives progress and security #AirboneSAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #ship #aircraft #vehicle #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    SSIG - SATIM Inc.'s #SAR Signature Simulator: Fast, Flexible, and Cost-Effective. #SSIG, is a highly versatile tool capable of generating synthetic SAR signatures in real-time for various objects, including ships, vehicles, and aircraft. The simulator delivers these signatures at multiple resolutions, offering adaptability to meet different analytical requirements. SSIG can also simulate entire scenes, providing comprehensive datasets that are essential for training #AI models. One of SSIG’s standout features is the speed at which it generates data, allowing users to quickly produce high-quality synthetic datasets. This efficiency leads to significant cost savings, particularly in data labeling, a process that is often resource-intensive. By creating fully labeled synthetic datasets, SSIG reduces the burden on manual data annotation efforts. Additionally, SSIG stays up-to-date with the best practices and cutting-edge SAR sensors currently used in the #GEOINT industry. Its flexibility enables users to fine-tune simulations in response to ad-hoc requests, making it a go-to solution for a wide range of operational needs. Below, you can see examples of SAR signatures for a ship, a vehicle, and an aircraft, each generated at multiple resolutions. #AirboneSAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #ATR #ship #aircraft #vehicle #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise 

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    A large part of SATIM Inc.'s recent updates has focused on the dynamic development of our #AI-based products for object #detection and #classification on #SAR. Today, we want to spotlight the people who make this progress possible — our incredible #team. At SATIM, we believe: ➡ Team growth fuels ambitious business goals and drives continuous innovation. Together, we achieve more! ➡Expanding our team reflects our confidence in our mission and the values that guide us. We’re always ready for new challenges. ➡The diverse skills and experiences of our team are a core strength. Every new member enriches our collective efforts with their unique perspectives. ➡New talents are joining us to shape the future. We’re looking for passionate, energetic individuals eager to make an impact. ➡Collaboration and mutual support empower us to work toward excellence. We move forward as one team and celebrate success together. ➡Investing in team development is an investment in the future. Training, mentoring, and growth opportunities are always top priorities. With a growing team and a global perspective, we’re getting even closer to our customers worldwide. Our goal is straightforward: to build a dynamic team that meets the challenges of the #GEOINT and #OSINT community and sets new industry standards. 50% larger in a year—and we’re not stopping there!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    Expanding Our SAR based AI Vehicle Detection Capabilities! SATIM Inc. is excited to announce that #OREC, our state-of-the-art AI technology for #SAR images now includes #vehicle detection! 🚛 🚃 Building on our trusted solutions for ships and aircraft, our newest innovation can rapidly and accurately detect a wide range of vehicles. Check out vehicle detection on Capella Space SAR images! • Fast Detection: Identify thousands of vehicles within minutes • High Precision: Achieve exceptional accuracy across diverse terrains and conditions • Comprehensive Monitoring: Perfect for large-scale surveillance and operational efficiency Our cutting-edge #AI technology transforms SAR image analysis, enabling swift, reliable vehicle detection to enhance decision-making and resource management. Where traditional methods struggle to keep up, our AI-based solution for vehicle detection excels. How do you think this technology can benefit your industry? #VehicleDetection #SSIG #SARimagery #AirboneSAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise #AI #ATR

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SATIM Inc.; grafika

    3141 obserwujących

    SATIM Inc.'s #OREC software offers highly accurate #detection and #classification of 110 distinct #vessel types and classes in #SAR images. This extensive range includes everything from colossal container ships to smaller boats, which often present the greatest challenges for classification. Due to their reduced size, smaller boats typically exhibit fewer distinctive features and can appear significantly distorted in SAR imagery, particularly in open sea conditions. Despite these challenges, our classifier excels in identifying these smaller ships with a high level of precision as it does for larger vessels. This capability not only demonstrates the robustness of our technology but also ensures reliable performance across a diverse spectrum of #maritime environments. Contact our team for a demo and discussion. #VesselClassification #SSIG #SARimagery #AirboneSAR #DefenseInnovation #SyntheticSignatures #Resilient #Adaptable #Precise #AI #ATR

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