The Beast

The Beast

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The Beast

Title: The Beast
Pixel Artist: C4ncel  (Level 1 Rookie :: 151 points)
Posted: 3/31/2010 21:10
Statistics:  4 comments    0 faves    0 avatars


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C4ncel (Level 1 Rookie) @ 4/2/2010 11:59

the image/reference that I used was the album Rock N Roll

and do not worry guys, I intend to give an even more polished in Snaggletooth ;)


thanx for comments guys o/


ptoing (Level 7 Cuttlefish) @ 4/1/2010 19:23

Ref is for sure something from Motörhead.

Not necessarily that one, since there are multiple versions of this creature on posters and album covers and whatnot. 

eliotfellow (Level 7 Assassin) @ 4/1/2010 17:39

 I like it except for the shadows on the tongue. Kinda weirds me out.

iMoose (Level 6 SWAT) @ 4/1/2010 14:32

 That's pretty cool looking, but you've given us no information. How many colors are used? Do you have a reference image?

Also, I notice it's completely mirrored on the left and right. Not always a bad thing though. Looks like a cool logo

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