Ways to Improve Memory

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1 How to improve memory

How to improve memory

How to improve memory is one of the most common questions my patients ask me during their visits.

Our memories are an integral part of who we are, but as we age, our memory decreases. For many seniors, the decline becomes so severe that they can no longer live independently, one of the adults’ most significant fears as they age.

The good news is that researchers are discovering more about our brain’s incredible ability to alter and develop new neural links every day, even in old age. This concept is known as neuroplasticity. Through neuroplasticity research, scientists have discovered that our memory capacity is not fixed but malleable, like plastic.

You must exercise your brain and care for your body to take full advantage of neuroplasticity. In this article, I, Dr. Tsan, will share my experience in improving memory based on 40+ years of clinical practice.

In general, our recollections reflect who we are. Our memories are our autobiographies—the stories we tell ourselves about what we have done with our lives. They tell us whom we are connected to, whom we have touched in our lifetime, and who has touched us. In short, our memories are essential to the essence of who we are as human beings.

This indicates that age-related memory deficiency can correspond to a loss of self. It also affects convenience, such as getting around the neighborhood or remembering how to contact a loved one. So, it’s no surprise that worries about declining thinking and memory skills are among people’s top fears as they age.

What causes memory loss? What causes specific individuals to lose their memory while others of the same age stay up? Genetic factors play a starring role, but so do preferences. Proven ways to improve memory include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, stopping smoking, and controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Living an intellectually and emotionally vibrant life is also essential. Just as muscles get stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and improve memory, keeping your ability to memorize things in good shape.

To find a specific solution for each patient, the causes of memory loss are essential to choosing the treatment strategies correctly.

When you are asking how to improve memory, consider the following:

  • A solid and robust memory depends on your brain’s well-being, healthiness, and vitality. Whether you are a scholar learning for final tests, a specialist interested in doing everything possible to stay emotionally intense, or a senior looking to preserve and improve your gray cells as you age, you can do many things to improve memory and mental performance.
  • The aphorism stays: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” However, researchers have learned that this ancient saying isn’t true regarding the brain. Even in old age, the human brain has an extraordinary capacity for adaptation and change. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the proper exercise, your brain can develop new neural corridors, modify existing associations, and modify and react in ever-changing ways.
  • The brain’s incredible ability to remodel itself relates to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to boost your cognitive abilities, and that’s how to improve your memory ability to learn new information and improve your memory at any age.

 Fail to remember things? Memory difficulties are more common than you may think. See how to improve memory.

 It’s okay to forget things once in a while, and it’s okay to become a bit more forgetful as you get older. But how much forgetting is too much? How can you tell if your blackouts are normal forgetfulness and part of normal aging or are a symptom of something more serious?

Healthy people can experience memory loss or memory distortions at any age. Some memory defects become more pronounced with age, but unless severe and persistent, they are not considered indicators of Alzheimer’s disease or other diseases affecting memory.

Loss of memory (amnesia) is an unusual form of forgetfulness. You may be unable to remember new events, one or more memories from the past, or both.

Memory loss may be temporary and then disappear, or it may not go away and, depending on the cause, may worsen over time.

In severe cases, this memory impairment can interfere with daily life.

To understand how to improve memory, we need to learn more about

  • types of memory loss,
  • their causes, and
  • optimal Western and holistic approaches to memory improvement.

What causes memory loss?

The initial cause of memory loss must be found to understand how to improve memory.

Normal aging can cause some forgetfulness. It’s normal to have problems learning new material or need more time to remember it. However, normal aging does not lead to excellent memory loss. This memory loss is due to other illnesses.

Reversible causes of memory loss

Many health conditions can cause memory loss or other dementia-like symptoms. Most of these conditions are treatable. Your doctor can check you for conditions that cause reversible memory impairment.

Possible causes of reversible memory loss are:

  • Certain drugs, or a combination of drugs, can cause forgetfulness or confusion.
  • Trauma or minor brain injury. Even if you persist, a head injury from a fall or accident can cause memory problems.
  • Emotional disorders. Stress, anxiety, or depression can lead to forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and other problems that interfere with daily activities.
  • Chronic alcoholism can seriously affect mental abilities. Alcohol can also cause memory loss when interacting with medication.
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 helps keep nerve cells and red blood cells healthy. Vitamin B-12 deficiency, common in older adults, can cause memory problems.
  • An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can lead to forgetfulness and other thinking problems.
  • Diseases of the brain. A tumor or infection in the brain can cause memory problems or other symptoms similar to dementia.

Many things can cause memory loss. To determine the cause, your doctor will ask if the problem came on suddenly or slowly.

Various regions of the brain help to establish and retrieve memories. A problem in any of these areas can lead to memory loss.

New brain damage that develops as a result of or is already present can cause memory loss:

  • A benign or malignant brain tumor
  • Cancer treatment such as brain radiation, bone marrow transplant, or chemotherapy
  • Concussion or head trauma
  • Not enough oxygen gets to the brain when your heart or breathing stops too long
  • A severe brain infection or infection around the brain
  • Major surgery or serious illness, including brain surgery
  • Transient global amnesia (sudden and temporary loss of memory) of obscure cause
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke
  • Hydrocephalus (collection of fluid in the brain)
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Insanity

Sometimes memory loss occurs due to mental health problems such as:

  • After a serious, traumatic, or stressful event
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety, depression, or other psychological medical conditions such as psychosis, schizophrenia, and epilepsy.

Other causes of memory loss include:

  • Alcohol or the use of prescription or illegal drugs
  • Different types of meningitis as a result of Lyme disease, syphilis, or HIV/AIDS
  • Excessive use of medications, such as barbiturates or narcotics
  • ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) (most often short-term memory loss)
  • Poorly controlled epilepsy
  • Diseases in which brain tissue or nerve cells are lost or damaged, such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, or multiple sclerosis
  • Low levels of essential nutrients or vitamins, such as vitamin B1 or B12

Types of memory loss and How to improve memory

Medical professionals categorize some pretty standard types of temporary impairments as short-term memory loss. Another type of impaired memory is long-term memory loss. Let’s compare them. Let’s see what causes short-term memory loss.

Types of memory loss

The causes of short-term memory loss are:

  1. Transience

It is the predisposition to fail to remember facts or events over time. You will likely forget information soon after learning it. Nevertheless, memory has a feature that is used or dropped: recollections that are remembered and used repeatedly are less likely to be overlooked. Although the transience may seem like a sign of weak memory, brain scientists see it as beneficial because it frees the brain of unused memories, making room for newer, more valuable memories.

  1. Distraction

This type of forgetfulness happens when you aren’t paying enough attention. You fail to remember where you just left the pen because you didn’t focus on where you placed it in the first place. You were thinking about something else (or maybe nothing in particular), so your brain didn’t encrypt the information securely. Distraction also means forgetting to do something on time, such as taking medication or making an appointment.

  1. Blocking

Someone asks you a question, and the answer is right on the tip of your tongue: you know it but can’t think about it. This is perhaps the most familiar example of blockage: the temporary inability to retrieve a memory. In many cases, the barrier is a memory similar to what you seek, and you recover the wrong one. This challenging memory is so disturbing that you can’t think of the memory you want.

Experts believe that memory blocks become more ordinary with age and that they describe the problems older people have with memorizing the names of others. Research shows that people can recover about half of their stuck memories in just one minute.

short-term causes

  1. Misattribution

Misattribution occurs when you partially remember something but misattribute some details, such as a time, place, or person. A different form of misattribution happens when you think your opinion is utterly unique; it started from something you read or heard but did not recall. This misattribution explains cases of unintentional plagiarism, where a writer passes some information off as original when he or she has read it elsewhere.

As with other memory gaps, misattribution becomes more common with age. As you age, you learn less detail when receiving information because you have slightly more trouble concentrating and processing information quickly. And as you get older, your memories also age. And old memories are especially prone to misattribution.

  1. Suggestibility

The suggestion is your memory’s susceptibility to suggestion—information you learn about an event after the fact is incorporated into your memory of the event, even though you have not experienced the details. While little is known about how suggestion works in the brain, suggestion tricks your mind into thinking it’s a real memory.

  1. Bias

Even the most special memory is not a perfect snapshot of reality. In your memory, your perceptions are filtered by your personal biases—experiences, beliefs, prior knowledge, and even your current mood. Your biases affect your perceptions and experiences when encoded in your brain. And when you retrieve a memory, your mood and other prejudices at that time can influence what information you remember.

While everyone’s mindsets and presumptions distort their recollections, there has been practically no investigation into the brain mechanisms behind memory biases or whether they become more familiar with age.

  1. Perseverance

Most people worry about forgetting things. However, sometimes people suffer from memories that they wish they could forget but can’t. Lingering memories of traumatic events, negative feelings, and constant fears are other memory problems. Some recollections perfectly reflect terrifying events, while others may be depressing reality misrepresentations.

People suffering from depression are especially prone to persistent, disturbing memories; likewise, people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can result from many forms of traumatic exposure, such as sexual abuse or war experiences. Flashbacks, which are persistent, intrusive memories of a traumatic event, are a fundamental feature of PTSD.

Long-term memory loss is usually a more complicated condition.

Long-term memory is the process of the brain storing information over time. Long-term memory includes remembering events, facts, and how to perform tasks such as finding your way home.

Long-term memory loss is when you have trouble remembering this information when needed. Many people’s long-term memory begins to decline with age. This is a normal part of the aging process.

Between regular age-related memory changes and dementia, there is a condition known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In 2013, it was estimated that 16 to 20% of adults over 60 had some form of MCI that was not severe enough to be classified as dementia.

However, long-term memory loss can similarly be a symptom of a more severe problem, such as dementia.

About 10 percent of Americans 65 and older have Alzheimer’s disease, which is responsible for most dementia cases. Long-term memory loss can also be a symptom of other medical ailments and diseases.

Dementia as a trigger of memory loss.

Memory loss is often a sign of different forms of dementia. The most common forms of dementia correlated with memory loss are:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Progressive supranuclear palsy
  • Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
  • Lewy body dementia
  • frontotemporal dementia
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, aka mad cow disease

Symptoms of memory loss

Symptoms of memory loss would vary depending on the type of memory loss. While the main point of this article is how to improve memory, the symptoms of memory loss in each particular case are as important as a type of memory loss and as causes of memory loss that are specific for each particular patient.

What are the symptoms of long-term memory loss?

The most crucial symptom of long-term memory loss is forgetting things that have happened before in your life that may have been important or meaningful to you, such as the name of your school or where you lived.

Other symptoms include:

  • Forgetting well-known words, such as pencil, car, etc.
  • Forgetting common words
  • Get lost in familiar places
  • Taking longer to do family chores
  • Mood and behavior changes, such as increased irritability

What are the symptoms of short-term memory loss? 

  • In general, short-term memory loss means forgetting new things. This can lead to:
  • asking identical or very similar questions constantly
  • forgetting where you just recently left something
  • forgetting events you’ve been invited to.
  • Forget something you recently saw (movie, football game) or read (newspaper, book, sale ad).

Treatment for memory loss

Very often, people looking for the answer to improving memory ask about the treatment for memory loss. Understanding the difference between memory loss and some standard inability to memorize things fast. This article discussed these medical terms (memory loss and improvement). That’s why we will discuss treatment for memory loss and how to improve memory.

There are some pharmaceutical drugs.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved two types of medication for memory loss specifically related to Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors
  • Memantine

These drugs:

They are approved for specific stages of Alzheimer’s disease. These stages—mild, moderate, intermediate, and severe—are based on test scores assessing memory, time and place awareness, and thinking.

However, doctors may prescribe Alzheimer’s drugs for stages other than those for which the FDA has approved them. Alzheimer’s stages are not accurate, individual drug responses vary, and treatment options are limited.

If your doctor prescribes medication as part of your Alzheimer’s treatment plan, ensure you understand the potential benefits and risks of the medication for your situation.

Are not approved for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This condition, which involves subtle changes in memory and thinking, can be a transitional stage between regular age-related memory changes and Alzheimer’s disease. Many people with MCI, but not all, eventually develop Alzheimer’s or other dementia.

Treatment for short-term memory loss

The medical approach to short-term memory loss treatment varies, depending on the primary cause. Some potential treatments include:

  • surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for brain tumors
  • medicines to treat blood clots or, in some cases, surgery to treat bleeding in your brain
  • cognitive therapy for conditions such as head injury
  • therapy or medication for mental health problems
  • switching drugs
  • nutritional supplements
  • rehabilitation or other support for a substance use disorder

There is no cure for some of the causes of short-term memory loss, including dementia from Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. However, some medications can help slow the progression and relieve symptoms, including short-term memory loss.

Short-term memory loss will often improve when the underlying cause is treated. Treating some of these causes – such as blood clots or bleeding, early to avoid permanent damage is essential.

Some treatments, such as changing medications or taking supplements, will work immediately. Others, such as treating mental health problems or using substances, may take longer. Short-term memory loss due to trauma and brain injury may or may not be chronic.

Home remedies for short-term memory

You have probably heard that some dietary supplements can enhance your short-term memory. However, while these supplements are safe, there is conflicting evidence about whether they help with memory loss.

In some cases, they can be helpful. For instance, if a B-12 deficiency is the cause of your short-term memory loss, a B-12 vitamin might be helpful.

Otherwise, there is conflicting evidence on how well other supplements help with memory loss. For instance, Ginkgo Biloba is a commonly used medicinal herb for memory improvement and concentration difficulties. However, a review of 36 different clinical studies discovered that while this herb is virtually safe, its effect on memory loss due to dementia or other cognitive impairments is contradictory, inconsistent, and unreliable.

Fish oil is another supplement you’ve heard about to aid memory. A Cochrane review found that fish oil had no significant cognitive benefits in healthy elderly people. However, they advised that more exploration should be done on this subject.

Curcumin, extracted from turmeric, is said to help improve cognition, including memory.

A review of curcumin’s effects on people with Alzheimer’s disease found that there is some evidence that curcumin positively affects some pathways affected by Alzheimer’s disease. However, researchers found that more research was needed to determine whether curcumin might help with memory problems.

Even though supplements aren’t effective in treating short-term memory loss, there are some lifestyle modifications you can try, including:

  • Have a good night’s rest
  • Exercise regularly
  • Consuming healthy foods, including lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats
  • Do puzzles and other activities that challenge your brain
  • Eliminate clutter around your home to help reduce distractions
  • Create to-do lists and schedules to help keep you on track

Treatment of long-term memory loss

Similar to the treatment for short-term memory loss, treatment options for long-term memory loss depend on the cause, type, and underlying conditions.

In some cases, treatment can improve or even correct memory loss. Nevertheless, ailments that cause brain impairment can lead to permanent changes to the brain cells and stable, untreatable memory loss.

Specific standard therapies and remedies for conditions that trigger long-term memory loss include:

  • Taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs for infections
  • have surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy for brain tumors
  • Taking vitamin supplements or changing your diet in the event of a vitamin deficiency
  • Use of thyroid hormone medication for thyroid disease
  • Trying out stress relief techniques such as meditation, yoga, controlled breathing, or exercise
  • Trying out antidepressants and therapies, such as B. cognitive behavior therapy, for depression
  • Taking anti-anxiety medication or trying stress-reduction techniques for anxiety
  • getting more sleep due to lack of sleep
  • Stopping, tapering off, or changing medications that cause memory loss, but only under medical supervision
  • looking for surgery, medications, rehabilitation therapy, or support treatments for bleeding into the brain, blood clots, stroke, and heart attack
  • reducing or stopping alcohol, recreational drug use, or smoking that may require counseling or treatment
  • undergoes surgery to remove excess cerebrospinal fluid due to hydrocephalus
  • taking corticosteroids and drugs that suppress the immune system against inflammation of the cerebral vessels
  • taking painkillers and getting enough sleep and exercise for chronic pain conditions

No treatments can reverse or cure neurodegenerative diseases, although some drugs can slow the progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s. Some medications can also help manage the symptoms of other neurodegenerative diseases.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) recommended several tips for controlling, handling, or improving forgetfulness:

  • After a daily routine
  • Schedule tasks in advance
  • Create to-do lists or leave notes on essential devices, like a coffee maker, computer, or TV remote control, explaining how and when to use them.
  • Keeping phone alarms or warnings
  • Constantly learn new skills and complete familiar tasks
  • Stay involved and closely connected to a support system, such as family or friends
  • Voluntary work or more significant involvement in one’s community or religious communities
  • Keep essential items—like phones, wallets, purses, TV remotes, and glasses—in the same place every day
  • Sleep and exercise properly
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Control or prevention of high blood pressure
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs and marijuana
  • Seeking Treatment for Depression, Severe Stress, Anxiety, or PTSD
  • Do brain-involving activities such as crosswords, Sudoku, and reading

Manufacturers of many supplements, over-the-counter drugs, and puzzles claim that their products can reverse or improve memory loss.

Nevertheless, the National Institute on Aging warns against unconfirmed therapies for memory loss, claiming none have adequate research to support their use. Some can even cause unwanted side effects or interfere with other medications a person is taking.

How to improve memory with home remedies for long-term memory

A little forgetfulness is a natural part of aging, and most people find that their memories aren’t as good as they used to be, even if they aren’t that old. Some excellent explanations explain why your memory may not occasionally be as sharp as you would like. According to the NHS, many things can affect your memory, including stress, fatigue, or certain illnesses and medications (i).

Indeed, most people can forget sometimes. For example, how often have you forgotten someone’s name a minute after you were introduced to them? What if you went into a room and didn’t remember why? You may find it difficult to keep important facts and figures in your head, or you may need to write down dates, meetings, and appointments that are approaching so you don’t miss them. Well, who doesn’t? After all, our increasingly busy lifestyles nowadays make it almost impossible to remember everything.

But good memory is essential, and some researchers believe that people with good working memory have better jobs, better relationships, and are more optimistic and confident than others with poor working memory (working memory is the ability to keep information in your head while performing complex tasks).

Home remedies for long-term memory from the closet


If your forgetfulness results from a thiamine deficiency, pistachio nuts can help. One of the richest sources of thiamine, 1/2 cup provides 0.54 mg of thiamine. The RDA for thiamine is 1.5 mg for men and 1.1 for women aged 50 and under, a little less for those over 50.

Wheat germ.

Wheat germ is a good source of vitamin E, which can help fight age-related memory loss.

Home remedies for long-term memory from the drawer


Make an eating plan, then keep a journal. Some foods improve mental powers; others don’t. And some even slow down mental powers. So, to discover your best food choices and combinations, trace your choices and reactions.


You know what’s supposed to be there, don’t you? A whisk, a wooden, glass, or plastic spoon, a rolling pin, or a measuring cup. The possibilities are that your utensil box hasn’t changed in years, so this is a great location to perform memory exercises.

The morning paper.

Sit back, relax, and move on to the crossword puzzle. This is a great way to exercise the brain and stimulate memory.

Recipe box.

Familiarity stimulates memory. Sit at the table, relax, and think of some favorite and familiar recipes. Try to recreate them from memory and write them down. Do the same with the same recipes tomorrow and the following days, and compare the results.


They are believed to increase your mental acuity. Prepare and eat them usually, or follow this recipe for an artichoke elixir: Separate the artichoke, leaf by leaf, place the pieces in a jar, and add enough water to cover barely. Cover the jar with a lid or saucer, and place it in a pot of water. Boil for two hours, adding more water to the pot (not the jar) as needed. Then, strain the contents of the pot and squeeze the artichoke leaves well to get rid of all the juice. Consume 3 to 4 tablespoons three or four times a day.


These succulent berries are the richest source of antioxidants, and recent studies have shown that blueberries can help improve short-term memory.


Carrots contain carotene, which is well-known as a memory booster. Enjoy them raw, cooked, or in a casserole dish, or make juice with carrots and apricots. Apricots are used to add some juice compatible with dry carrots.


Eggs contain lecithin, which keeps memory nerve cells healthy. Lecithin is also found in sunflower and soybean oils and can be purchased in capsule form. Studies indicate that taking up to 70 grams per day can improve memory.


Even if it’s not your favorite food, at least it’s a memory-enhancing one—sweet potatoes, tapioca, and spinach. Fresh fruit, especially oranges, vegetables, almonds, and milk, also stimulates memory.

Herbs tea.

Any of them will help with a poor memory: sage, rosemary, marjoram, basil. Use 1/4 tsp in a cup of boiling water. Steep for five minutes. In essential oil, these herbs can be added to olive oil and massaged into the neck and forehead. Add these oils to the bathwater as well: 5 drops in a full bowl.

How to improve memory with acupuncture.

A new study found that acupuncture is effective for mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to dementia, when used as an alternative or combined with other treatments.

A review of the published evidence in “Acupuncture in Medicine” offers hope for acupuncture’s clinical efficacy and safety in pre-dementia. However, the authors warn that further, more rigorously designed research is needed.

The study was conducted by Min Deng from the Department of Neurology at Wuhan University‘s Zhongnan Hospital in China and Xu-Feng Wang from the Department of General Surgery at Wuhan University Renmin Hospital.

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is an intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline in normal aging and the most severe decline in dementia.

The results from all the data collected showed that participants who received acupuncture outperformed those who received nimodipine. They performed better on the two main tests to assess AMCI and dementia: the mini-mental status exam and image recognition.

Acupuncture in combination with nimodipine significantly improved mini-ministry outcomes compared to nimodipine alone.

Three studies reported side effects, including fainting during treatment, slow bleeding at the acupuncture site, intestinal symptoms, and mild headaches with nimodipine.

How to improve memory with homeopathy.

Our patients who don’t suffer from neurological or psychiatric conditions often ask us how to improve memory.

People have difficulty concentrating or remembering things for a variety of reasons.

Anxiety, stress, food intolerances, headaches, or lack of sleep cause short-term forgetfulness, while life-changing events such as strokes, head injuries, and dementia cause severe or chronic memory loss.

This article discusses eight homeopathic remedies for poor concentration, forgetfulness, and memory loss. It lists other health problems that may be present simultaneously and points to the medicine you need.

When considering the following list of remedies, it is essential to know that it is far from complete.

Several other remedies not listed may better suit an individual’s symptom profile.

What the list shows, however, is how symptoms related to memory and concentration vary from person to person.

Ambra Grisea.

Key Symptoms: shy and easily embarrassed. Premature aging and early senility.

Other symptoms specific to Ambra Grisea are:

  • People who need Ambra Grisea are timid and easily embarrassed.
  • They blush easily, dread the company of strangers, worry about what people think of them, and want to be left alone.
  • Although forgetful and dreamy, they can jump from topic to topic when speaking or ask questions without waiting for an answer.
  • They have difficulty understanding what has just been read and have difficulty with calculations—even simple math.
  • Sometimes, they sit for hours or days crying in sadness.
  • Premature aging and senility often indicate the need for Ambra Grisea.

Potential coexisting health problems:

Anacardium Orientale

Main Symptoms: Sudden memory loss, especially under stress. Lack of confidence. Rudeness or cruelty.

Other Symptoms:

  • Those needing Anacardium Orientale experience sudden memory loss, as if something is blocking their thoughts.
  • You become hesitant, suddenly forget the names of people and things, and may even feel like you are going crazy.
  • It is a valuable remedy for the sudden forgetfulness of anxious and insecure students before an exam, but it also treats forms of senile dementia.
  • Anacardium types are often confused about their identity and feelings. They behave as if they have “an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other,” trusting or feeling helpless, hopeless, and needy.

Potential Concurrent Health Problems:

Cannabis indica

Main symptoms: the feeling of levitation or unreality. Disorientation and confusion. Forgetfulness.

Other Symptoms:

  • The memory-related symptoms of a person using Indica cannabis are very similar to those of someone who smokes marijuana.
  • Things seem unreal to the point of disorientation or ecstasy, and you can describe astral travel or say that your body or parts of your body feel as if they are floating.
  • The person is forgetful, often unable to finish a sentence, and is afraid of losing control and going mad.
  • You feel confused and get lost on familiar streets. (Although this remedy is administered in potencies that do not contain a trace of cannabis, in some countries, it is still unknowingly banned by the authorities due to its name and origin.)

Potential Concurrent Health Problems:

Hellebore Niger

Key Symptoms: Apathy, boredom, sluggishness, and empty-mindedness. Poor concentration.

Other Symptoms:

  • Hellebore is suitable for symptoms of dullness, fuzziness, and empty-mindedness.
  • It is often necessary for poor memory following a stroke.
  • The person has difficulty concentrating and has a poor memory of what has just been read, said, or done.
  • Often, things are not heard or seen correctly.
  • They are listless, find it difficult to concentrate, and respond slowly.

Coexisting potential health problems:

Lycopodium clavatum.

Key symptoms: gradual memory loss and confusion. Dyslexia. Words and syllables are misused or misplaced.

Other Symptoms:

  • Lycopodium is suitable for those who may once have enjoyed intellectual pursuits but are now feeling confused due to the progressive deterioration of their memory.
  • It is also one of the best remedies for children with dyslexia, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems.
  • Children and adults misspell words or mispronounce words or syllables while speaking.
  • They are bossy and rude at home, irritable in the morning upon waking up, but polite and friendly to strangers.
  • Physical ailments begin on the right side of the body and progress to the left side.

Potential coexisting health problems:

Nux Moschata

Key Symptoms:

  • Feeling aloof.
  • Sudden loss of thought.
  • Feeling distracted and dreamy.

Other Symptoms:

  • Nux Moschata is indicated for people who feel unclear or detached, as if intoxicated.
  • They are distracted, forget what to do, and use the wrong words, especially during headaches.
  • Their mind is dull, and they feel confused or confused.
  • Thoughts suddenly disappear while you speak, read, or write, and you may lose memory.
  • Drowsiness or states of clairvoyance are common.

Potential coexisting health problems:

Phosphoricum Acidum

Key symptoms: forgetfulness and pain apathy. Mulling over the past and the future. Aversion to talk.

Other Symptoms:

  • Those needing Phosphoricum Acidum suffer indifference and apathy from significant pain or disappointment.
  • They ruminate, avoid talking to people, and fear the future.
  • They can’t collect their thoughts, respond slowly, and are forgetful – especially for words – they look for words when they speak.
  • Their memory weakness gradually leads to physical weakness.

Potential coexisting health problems:


Key Symptoms: Absent-minded and forgetful of words. Mistakes in writing or speaking.

Other Symptoms:

  • Those patients who need Sulphur become progressively absent-minded and find it difficult to focus.
  • These patients have difficulty thinking of the right words when speaking or writing, often changing the right words to inappropriate ones.
  • These individuals also may repeat the inquiry before responding to allow their brains enough time to come up.
  • These patients have a reputation for being itchy, lazy, tired, untidy, or selfish.

Potential Co-existing Health Problems:

How to improve memory naturally in Philadelphia.

While many simple and short-term problems such as coughing, headaches, and indigestion can be easily treated at home, difficulty concentrating and poor memory are usually chronic problems that are best dealt with by a qualified homeopath.

The necessary remedies are unlikely to be included in a home kit, and potencies must be changed during treatment.

The benefit of treatment by a doctor is that as memory and concentration improve, concomitant health problems should also succumb.

While short gaps in memory are common and usually nothing to worry about, increasing confusion and prolonged memory loss are more worrying.

Suppose you or someone you love is experiencing these issues. In that case, contacting a trusted healthcare professional is essential to rule out a severe disorder requiring different remedies or treatments.

If you live in Philadelphia, contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive, holistic evaluation and ask Dr. Tsan how to improve memory.