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"More" button that displays during infinite scroll appears to be unused/unneeded
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

image.png (394×576 px, 59 KB)

What should have happened instead?:

  • Same, but with no "More" button. I think this can be deleted. Special:NewPagesFeed basically automatically clicks the "More" button for you. No action is needed on the end user's part except changing filters or scrolling to the end (which triggers infinite scroll)

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

Scardenasmolinar changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jul 24 2023, 7:37 PM
Scardenasmolinar claimed this task.
Scardenasmolinar moved this task from Ready to In Progress on the Moderator-Tools-Team (Kanban) board.

@Novem_Linguae do you think we can also remove the More button from the New Page Patrol section? I see the same behavior there with the infinite scroll, so that button seems redundant.

Yes, that should be fine to remove the button everywhere. Was just trying to give an easy steps to reproduce.

Thanks for answering. Removing it on both views, then.

Change 941506 had a related patch set uploaded (by Scardenasmolinar; author: Scardenasmolinar):

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] Remove More button on load

Change 941506 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] Remove More button on load