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Add ‘Query Builder’ Button + tooltip to Query Service Interface
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Main components:

  • Query Service UI

User story:
As someone who needs help with writing queries, I want to learn about and navigate to Query Builder from the QS Interface in order to build my queries visually.

As someone who needs help but doesn’t even know that the Query Builder exists, it would be difficult to discover the tool for help.


image.png (509×678 px, 41 KB)

304px_querybuilder_final.gif (304×304 px, 46 KB)

TODO: Normal state, Hover state, and gif

GIVEN a user using the Query Service,
WHEN the user hovers over the ‘Query Builder’ button on the top area,
THEN a modal will open under the button showing a title, text, and gif,
AND it will be visible as long as the user continues the hover behavior.

GIVEN A user using the Query Service,
WHEN the user clicks on the ‘Query Builder’ button on the top area,
THEN Query Builder will open in a separate browser tab.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The ‘Query Builder’ button should be the same as the existing buttons in the Query Service at the top area.
  • The gif plays automatically. it must be visible as long as the user hovers on the bottom and/or the tooltip area.
  • The ‘Query Builder’ opens in a new window
  • The ‘Query Builder’ opens in the language of the Query Builder UI

Open questions:

  • How should UX provide the gif for the developers?
  • Who works on this (contractor or WMDE)?

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript


Just pending the supply of the GIF for this.


Hey @Botoxparty ,

I've just added the gif to the task description and here is also the direct link.

Hope it helps!

Hey @Botoxparty I just had a look at the link.

One thing i noticed is that the modal with the gif only shows on click instead of hover. The onclick behavior would be to open the QB in a separate tab.

Rest looks great!

Good from my side as well. I'm keeping this open until we can properly deploy it to production.

Change 681788 had a related patch set uploaded (by Adamham; author: Adamham):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add a banner to link to the Query Builder

Lydia_Pintscher changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Aug 19 2021, 8:08 AM

Unstalling and adding to camp so it can be merged.

Change 715782 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Amir Sarabadani):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add \u2018Query Builder\u2019 Button + tooltip

Change 715782 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add \u2018Query Builder\u2019 Button + tooltip

Change 715973 had a related patch set uploaded (by WDQSGuiBuilder; author: WDQSGuiBuilder):

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Merging from ece28440ba8d6388332f9f1be5383fd6e31a9b4a

Change 715973 merged by Ladsgroup:

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Merging from ece28440ba8d6388332f9f1be5383fd6e31a9b4a

Change 719137 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Amir Sarabadani):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add support for passing the language to the query builder link

Change 719137 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add support for passing the language to the query builder link

Addshore subscribed.

Looks like it is there!

image.png (272×1 px, 31 KB)

Change 681788 abandoned by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add a banner to link to the Query Builder


this was done in the meantime (see the linked tasks)