Consensus: vi.wp
Hello, the Vietnamese Wikipedia community is requesting for enable Flagged Revisions on our local wiki. We are hoping a configure same as English Wikipedia, which only for targets page which get protected, but with both level of pending change and some particular setup only in Vietnamese Wikipedia. Here is details:
- General rights:
1. Import ['reviewer'] and ['autoreview'] 2. ['sysop'] and ['elminator'] default have the ['reviewer'] and ['autoreview'] rights 3. ['sysop'] can add/remove ['reviewer'] 4. ['sysop'] can make protection for a page in both level pending changes
- Rights custom per level pending changes
With pending change level 1:
['autoconfirmed'] default have ['autoreview'], their edits no need to be accepted by a ['reviewer'], but if there are previous pending changes, no changes go live until the pending changes have been reviewed by a ['reviewer'],
With pending change level 2:
only ['sysop'] and ['elminator'] can accept or reject a revision ['reviewer'] can not accept or reject a revision
With this, we hoping to create two type of ['autoreview'] and ['reviewer'] group which match with their role in different pending change level. The Pening change level 1 is exactly same with the current configure for English Wikipedia (except we also have ['elminator'] group). And the Pening change level 2 maybe need a total new group so when a page is protecting by pending change level 2, only ['sysop'] and ['elminator'] can make page go to stable status, not normal ['reviewer'].
- In the case pending change level 2 is impossible due technically issue and only one level pending change can be set-up
['sysop'], ['elminator'], ['reviewer'] can accept or reject a revision no ['autoreview'] give for ['autoconfirmed'], their edits must be approve by user have ['reviewer'] rights as well.
This maybe complicated, and because we have new setting for pending change level 2, I can't create a configure page as what Portugal Wikipedia did. Sincerely apologize and hope someone can help me sort this out so developers can deploy it more easily. Also I guess a beta cluster wiki should be created so we can make sure the extension working properly follow which we are hoping as consensus above.
I will always online here to responde any question about this complicated configure, so please just feel free to ask anything can help you understand this request. Thank you!