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Implement theme support and add 'winter' and 'night' variants
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Need some way to do themes at all, probably like how Skin:BlueSky handles them.
Need an interface internally to switch themes (preferences, or maybe some icons in the skin in general for quick switching (eg for day/night optimal versions))
Need 'winter' and 'night' versions, and some sort of name for the current one. (Maybe 'wikimedia', since it's basically wikimedia colours.)

Event Timeline

Change 464734 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra; owner: Isarra):
[mediawiki/skins/Timeless@master] Start setting up themes

Change 464734 abandoned by Isarra:
Start setting up themes

Experiment 1 result: meh

Note: default theme has basically been named 'wikimedia' internally.

Winter (not the theme, the actual thing) is here, for reference: