True Stud No. 1: Hottest Bachelor Joe Manganiello



The final season is full of twists – especially for Joe’s character, werewolf Alcide. No spoilers here, but tune into HBO at 9 p.m. EST on Sundays for all the big surprises!

At 6’5″, with linebacker-broad shoulders, Joe Manganiello is the kind of guy who makes any woman standing beside him feel petite. (Instant body-image boost!) He drives an Escalade, prefers his steak cut thick and can bench-press like a bodybuilder. Even his last name (pronounced MANG-guh-NELL-o) is substantial. But long before he was a sexy werewolf on HBO’s True Blood or a stripper in 2012’s Magic Mike, he was a scrawny Star Wars fan boy in suburban Pittsburgh. He’s come a long way since then – but he’s still searching for The One. “I’m at my best when I have someone to wake up next to and come home to,” says Manganiello, 37, whose directorial debut, the strip-club documentary La Bare, is out now. “I know she’s out there.”

What are you looking for in a woman?

Trust. Absolutely. I need to trust you with my thoughts, my feelings. I have my stuff, and I know exactly what it is, and I will be very forthcoming about it at the beginning. And I need somebody that’s okay with that.

Okay, what’s your “stuff”?

I am part Sicilian. I am passionate. I am a hot-blooded person. If you don’t like spicy, then maybe I’m not for you. I like hugs and kisses and snuggling. I’m a physical person. If you’re not, then it ain’t gonna work. Also, passive-aggressive and sarcastic does not work for me. It’s such a turnoff.

What are you into, looks-wise?

Girls that do squats. I love a butt. Sofia Vergara, that’s it. She’s got that Latin thing going. She’s got the butt, she’s got curves, she’s got a beautiful face, beautiful hair, just gorgeous. And she’s feisty!

What’s your favorite part of a woman?

I’m big into smell. It’s funny I got cast as a werewolf. There’s something about the smell on that part of a woman’s neck where it meets the jaw, ahhhh! It’s heaven.

Are you a one-woman guy?

If I’m with you, I’m with you. If you’re with me, you’re with me until the wheels fall off.

Have you ever cheated?

When I was younger I drank a lot, and I was not the person I wanted to be. That all had to go in order for me to look in the mirror and like what I saw. I’ve been sober 11½ years.

Is it okay if a girl wants a drink?

I have no problem if someone drinks normally. I mean, a glass of wine at dinner? Fine.

What if a woman loves fast food? Is that a deal-breaker for you?

I’m definitely drawn more to people who work out a lot and are really into fitness and nutrition. But listen, when I’m not training and at an airport in the morning, I’m going McGriddle every time.

Do you believe in true love?

Yes. With that said, I think the crazy love that you fall into in the beginning turns into “like” and “need.” Chris Rock told me that! He’s like, “Kid, you wanna get married? Listen, there’s love, and you can feel love the first night, but that’s not really what it is. It’s, ‘I like you and I need you.'”

We know you’re a good dancer on film. How about in private?

It’s a package deal. Pun intended! I’m getting ready to gear up for Magic Mike 2, so I’m gonna need someone to practice with. Gotta make sure those moves are landing properly. [Laughs]

Do you have any other secret talents?

I wish I could sing like Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. But people make me do voices: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kermit the Frog, Pee-wee Herman, Rodney Dangerfield. It’s a funny parlor trick.

So you’re fun, successful and you’re not bad-looking. Why haven’t you found The One?

The simple answer is, I haven’t met someone who can keep up. For somebody to have her own identity and maturity, and then to be available enough or adventurous enough to pack a suitcase, grab a passport and take off with me for a year or two, takes a very special person. You wonder, “Is this person going to be able to handle this big life?”

You had a broken engagement in 2011 [with actress Audra Marie].

When I was first on True Blood, it was such a drastic change. It can be hard to adjust to. If a person’s not the right one, then I’m not going to force it. I’ve seen people who stay in love for decades, and I wish for that.

How many times have you been in love?

Probably twice, where it was like, the sun was warmer, all those love songs started making sense, colors were brighter, I didn’t need to sleep, I couldn’t stand being without her. It’s magical.

Have you had your heart broken?

Yes. Twice. Both of the times I was in love.

How do you handle heartbreak?

When I can look into the mirror and say, “I’ve been the greatest boyfriend I can possibly be,” and that other person isn’t willing to step it up, you have to let it go. It’s hard and it sucks, but because I did my best, that’s the only way I can walk away and say, “There’s going to be something better for me.”

Do you ever feel lonely?

Definitely. Look, I’m not like crying at night into my Häagen-Dazs. But sometimes I sit in my house and I look at how far I’ve come in life, and it’s always so much better when you have somebody to share that with.

What’s your perfect lazy Sunday?

During Steelers season or not? Off-season, getting up and going somewhere for breakfast. I have this killer couch, so just spooning and watching Sunday-night TV. Then order in food from the Ivy.

How about during football season?

Steelers football is as close to church as it gets for me. It’s always a lot more fun if the person I’m with likes watching football. It’s my thing. And hey, I’ll watch The Voice!

How do you handle it when your team loses?

That’s where consoling comes in. I just need some love and TLC! [Laughs]

What’s your perfect kiss?

The perfect kiss feels like you’re on drugs. Like you’re off the planet. It’s just the two of you in the middle of the universe. And long! I believe it is something that can always be rekindled. That’s the ember that you reignite over the years.

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