Open Source Vulnerability format


Version 1.6.7 (Sep 16, 2024)

Original authors:


This document defines a standard interchange format for describing vulnerabilities in open source packages.

We hope to define a simple format that all vulnerability databases can export, to make it easier for users, security researchers, and any other efforts to consume all available databases. Use of this format would also make it easier for the databases themselves to share or cross-check information. Ultimately, this format aims to enable automated, accurate, and distributed management of vulnerabilities in open source dependencies.

This format is stable, but further backwards compatible changes may still be made. Feedback from maintainers of other vulnerability databases and security response teams is most welcome. Please feel free to create an issue in this repo.

The current list of databases exporting this format can be found here.

Format Overview

The format is a JSON-based encoding format, using the following informal schema. The exact details of each field are elaborated in the next section. All strings contain UTF-8 text.

A JSON Schema for validation is also available here.

	"schema_version": string,
	"id": string,
	"modified": string,
	"published": string,
	"withdrawn": string,
	"aliases": [ string ],
	"related": [ string ],
	"summary": string,
	"details": string,
	"severity": [ {
		"type": string,
		"score": string
	} ],
	"affected": [ {
		"package": {
			"ecosystem": string,
			"name": string,
			"purl": string
		"severity": [ {
			"type": string,
			"score": string
		} ],
		"ranges": [ {
			"type": string,
			"repo": string,
			"events": [ {
				"introduced": string,
				"fixed": string,
				"last_affected": string,
				"limit": string
			} ],
			"database_specific": { see description }
		} ],
		"versions": [ string ],
		"ecosystem_specific": { see description },
		"database_specific": { see description }
	} ],
	"references": [ {
		"type": string,
		"url": string
	} ],
	"credits": [ {
		"name": string,
		"contact": [ string ],
		"type": string
	} ],
	"database_specific": { see description }

Again, this document is only about the JSON encoding the database serves to consumers, which could be applications or other databases. A database might store its entries in an entirely different format, or it might store them using this schema but in a more human-editable encoding, such as TOML or YAML. For serving, only the JSON encoding format is allowed, not a transliteration into any other encoding.

Overall, the approach of this schema is to define only the fields that absolutely must be shared between databases, leaving customizations to the “ecosystem_specific” and “database_specific” blocks (see below)

Field Details

schema_version field

	"schema_version": string

The schema_version field is used to indicate which version of the OSV schema a particular vulnerability was exported with. This can help consumer applications decide how to import the data for their own systems and offer some protection against future breaking changes. The value should be a string matching the OSV Schema version, which follows the SemVer 2.0.0 format, with no leading “v” prefix. If no value is specified, it should be assumed to be 1.0.0, matching version 1.0 of the OSV Schema. Clients can assume that new minor and patch versions of the schema only add new fields, without changing the meaning of old fields, so that a client that knows how to read version 1.2.0 can process data identifying as schema version 1.3.0 by ignoring any unexpected fields.

id, modified fields

	"id": string,
	"modified": string

The id field is a unique identifier for the vulnerability entry. It is a string of the format <DB>-<ENTRYID>, where DB names the database and ENTRYID is in the format used by the database. For example: “OSV-2020-111”, “CVE-2021-3114”, or “GHSA-vp9c-fpxx-744v”.

The defined database prefixes and their “home” databases are:

Prefix Database Description
ASB-A/PUB-A Android Security Bulletin
ALSA/ALBA/ALEA AlmaLinux Security Advisory
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<alma version>/<ID>.html
  • OSV Formatted URL: N/A
BIT Bitnami Vulnerability Database
CGA Chainguard Security Notices
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL: TBD
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>.json
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>.html
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>.json
CVE National Vulnerability Database (provided by
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>
DSA/DLA/DTSA Debian Security Advisory Database (provided by
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<YEAR>/<ID> (lowercase dsa)
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>
ELA Debian Extended LTS Security Advisories (provided by Freexian)
GHSA GitHub Security Advisory Database
GO Go Vulnerability Database
GSD Global Security Database
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>
HSEC Haskell Security Advisory Database
LBSEC LoopBack Advisory Database
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL: N/A
  • OSV Formatted URL: N/A
MGASA Mageia Security Advisories
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>.html
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>.json
MAL Malicious Packages Repository
OSV Advisories allocated by (currently only from OSS-Fuzz)
PHSA VMWare Photon Security Advisory Database
PSF Python Software Foundation Vulnerability Database
PYSEC PyPI Vulnerability Database
RHSA/RHBA/RHEA Red Hat Security Data
RLSA/RXSA Rocky Linux Security Advisory Database
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>
RSEC RConsortium Advisory Database
RUSTSEC RustSec Advisory Database
UBUNTU Ubuntu CVE Reports
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>
  • OSV Formatted URL:<YEAR>/UBUNTU-<ID>.json
USN Ubuntu Security Notices
  • How to contribute: TBD
  • Source URL:<ID>
  • OSV Formatted URL:<ID>.json
Your database here Send us a PR

In addition to those prefixes, other databases may serve information about non-database-specific prefixes. For example a language ecosystem might decide to use CVE identifiers to index its database rather than a custom prefix. The known databases operating without custom identifier prefixes are:

  • Alpine Security Advisory. Serving <ID> in the shared format at<ID>.json.
  • Your database here. Send us a PR.

The modified field gives the time the entry was last modified, as an RFC3339-formatted timestamp in UTC (ending in “Z”). Given two different entries claiming to describe the same id field, the one with the later modification time is considered authoritative.

The id and modified fields are required. For schema versions above 1.0.0, the schema_version field is also required. All other fields are optional, although of course an entry with no other metadata is not particularly useful. (It could potentially stand for a reserved ID with no other public information.)

published field

	"published": string

The published field gives the time the entry should be considered to have been published, as an RFC3339-formatted time stamp in UTC (ending in “Z”).

withdrawn field

	"withdrawn": string

The withdrawn field gives the time the entry should be considered to have been withdrawn, as an RFC3339-formatted timestamp in UTC (ending in “Z”). If the field is missing, then the entry has not been withdrawn. Any rationale for why the vulnerability has been withdrawn should go into the summary text.

aliases field

	"aliases": [ string ]

The aliases field gives a list of IDs of the same vulnerability in other databases, in the form of the id field. This allows one database to claim that its own entry describes the same vulnerability as one or more entries in other databases.

Two vulnerabilities can be described as aliases if they affect any given software component the same way: either both vulnerabilities affect the software component or neither do. A subsequent patch addresses both of the vulnerabilities (and no others), and vice versa.

Aliases should be considered symmetric (if A is an alias of B, then B is an alias of A) and transitive (If A aliases B and B aliases C, then A aliases C).

Aliases should not be used to refer to vulnerabilities in packages upstream or downstream in a software supply chain from the given OSV record’s affected package(s). For example, if a CVE describes a vulnerability in a language library, and a Linux distribution package contains that library and therefore publishes an advisory, the distribution’s OSV record must not list the CVE ID as an alias. Similarly, distributions often bundle multiple upstream vulnerabilities into a single record. related should be used in these cases.

	"related": [ string ]

The related field gives a list of IDs of closely related vulnerabilities, such as:

  • A similar but completely different vulnerability.
  • A similar OSV entry that bundles multiple distinct vulnerabilities in the same entry.
  • Cases that do not satisfy the strict definition of aliases.

Related vulnerabilities are symmetric but not transitive.

summary, details fields

	"summary": string,
	"details": string

The summary field gives a one-line, English textual summary of the vulnerability. It is recommended that this field be kept short, on the order of no more than 120 characters.

The details field gives additional English textual details about the vulnerability.

The summary field is plain text.

The details field is CommonMark markdown (a subset of GitHub-Flavored Markdown). Display code may at its discretion sanitize the input further, such as stripping raw HTML and links that do not start with http:// or https://. Databases are encouraged not to include those in the first place. (The goal is to balance flexibility of presentation with not exposing vulnerability database display sites to unnecessary vulnerabilities.)

severity field

	"severity": [ {
		"type": string,
		"score": string
	} ]

The severity field is a JSON array that allows generating systems to describe the severity of a vulnerability using one or more quantitative scoring methods. Each severity item is a JSON object specifying a type and score property, described below.

severity[].type field

The severity[].type property must be one of the types defined below, which describes the quantitative method used to calculate the associated score.

Severity Type Score Description
CVSS_V2 A CVSS vector string representing the unique characteristics and severity of the vulnerability using a version of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System notation that is == 2.0 (e.g."AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:C").
CVSS_V3 A CVSS vector string representing the unique characteristics and severity of the vulnerability using a version of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System notation that is >= 3.0 and < 4.0 (e.g."CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N").
CVSS_V4 A CVSS vector string representing the unique characterictics and severity of the vulnerability using a version on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System notation that is >= 4.0 and < 5.0 (e.g. "CVSS:4.0/AV:N/AC:L/AT:N/PR:H/UI:N/VC:L/VI:L/VA:N/SC:N/SI:N/SA:N").
Your quantitative severity type here. Send us a PR.

severity[].score field

The severity[].score property is a string representing the severity score based on the selected severity[].type, as described above.

affected fields

	"affected": [ {
		"package": {
			"ecosystem": string,
			"name": string,
			"purl": string
		"severity": [ {
			"type": string,
			"score": string
		} ],
		"ranges": [ {
			"type": string,
			"repo": string,
			"events": [ {
				"introduced": string,
				"fixed": string,
				"last_affected": string,
				"limit": string
			} ]
		} ],
		"versions": [ string ],
		"ecosystem_specific": { see description },
		"database_specific": { see description }
	} ]

The affected field is a JSON array containing objects that describes the affected package versions, meaning those that contain the vulnerability.

Within each object in the affected array, the package field identifies the package containing the vulnerability. In most cases, there should be exactly one entry in the affected array per affected package to describe all affected versions. In rare cases, for example if the ecosystem_specific encodes platform information that doesn’t apply equally to all listed versions and ranges, a separate entry with the same package in the affected array may be needed.

The versions field can enumerate a specific set of affected versions, and the ranges field can list ranges of affected versions, under a given defined ordering. A version is considered affected if it lies within any one of the ranges or is listed in the versions list. Pseudocode for evaluating if a given version is affected is available here.

The versions list is generally recommended to always be present, to allow software to easily answer the question “is this specific version affected?” without having to contain code specific to every different ecosystem. If the affected versions can be accurately summarized by one or more non-overlapping ranges, they may be encoded using the ranges field with an appropriate type (see below). In this case, the ranges act as a kind of compact form of a larger versions list. Tooling and infrastructure such as are able to expand these ranges for supported ecosystems into the versions list for easier consumption. Products or ecosystems that do not use version identifiers that can be represented as ranges must include the enumerated versions list instead.

affected[].package field

The affected object’s package field is a JSON object identifying the affected code library or command provided by the package. The object itself has two required fields, ecosystem and name, and an optional purl field.

The ecosystem identifies the overall library ecosystem. It must be one of the strings in the table below. The name field is a string identifying the library within its ecosystem. The two fields must both be present, because the ecosystem serves to define the interpretation of the name.

The purl field is a string following the Package URL specification that identifies the package. This field is optional but recommended.

Different ecosystems can define the same names; they identify different packages. For example, these denote different libraries with different sets of versions and different potential vulnerabilities:

{"ecosystem": "npm", "name": "zlib"}
{"ecosystem": "PyPI", "name": "zlib"}

The defined ecosystems are:

Ecosystem Description
AlmaLinux AlmaLinux package ecosystem; the name is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string might optionally have a :<RELEASE> suffix to scope the package to a particular AlmaLinux release. <RELEASE> is a numeric version.
Alpine The Alpine package ecosystem; the name is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string must have a :v<RELEASE-NUMBER> suffix to scope the package to a particular Alpine release branch (the v prefix is required). E.g. v3.16.
Android The Android ecosystem. Android organizes code using repo tool, which manages multiple git projects under one or more remote git servers, where each project is identified by its name in repo configuration (e.g. platform/frameworks/base). The name field should contain the name of that affected git project/submodule. One exception is when the project contains the Linux kernel source code, in which case name field will be :linux_kernel:, followed by an optional SoC vendor name e.g. :linux_kernel:Qualcomm. The list of recognized SoC vendors is listed in the Appendix
Bioconductor The biological R package ecosystem. The name is an R package name.
Bitnami Bitnami package ecosystem; the name is the name of the affected component.
Chainguard The Chainguard package ecosystem; the name is the name of the package.
ConanCenter The ConanCenter ecosystem for C and C++; the name field is a Conan package name.
CRAN The R package ecosystem. The name is an R package name. The ecosystem for Rust; the name field is a crate name.
Debian The Debian package ecosystem; the name is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string might optionally have a :<RELEASE> suffix to scope the package to a particular Debian release. <RELEASE> is a numeric version specified in the Debian distro-info-data. For example, the ecosystem string “Debian:7” refers to the Debian 7 (wheezy) release.
GHC The Haskell compiler ecosystem. The name field is the name of a component of the GHC compiler ecosystem (e.g., compiler, GHCI, RTS).
GitHub Actions The GitHub Actions ecosystem; the name field is the action’s repository name with owner e.g. {owner}/{repo}.
Go The Go ecosystem; the name field is a Go module path.
Hackage The Haskell package ecosystem. The name field is a Haskell package name as published on Hackage.
Hex The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem; the name is a Hex package name.
Linux The Linux kernel. The only supported name is Kernel.
Mageia The Mageia Linux package ecosystem; the name is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string must have a :<RELEASE-NUMBER> suffix to scope the package to a particular Mageia release. Eg Mageia:9.
Maven The Maven Java package ecosystem. The name field is a Maven package name in the format groupId:artifactId. The ecosystem string might optionally have a :<REMOTE-REPO-URL> suffix to denote the remote repository URL that best represents the source of truth for this package, without a trailing slash (e.g. Maven: If this is omitted, this is assumed to be the Maven Central repository (
npm The NPM ecosystem; the name field is an NPM package name.
NuGet The NuGet package ecosystem. The name field is a NuGet package name.
OSS-Fuzz For reports from the OSS-Fuzz project that have no more appropriate ecosystem; the name field is the name assigned by the OSS-Fuzz project, as recorded in the submitted fuzzing configuration.
openSUSE The openSUSE ecosystem; The ecosystem string has a :<RELEASE> suffix presenting the marketing name of the openSUSE distribution. <RELEASE> matches the value in the /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME field. The name field is the name of the source RPM and accompanied by a purl. There is an ecosystem_specific specific array binaries of the associated RPM binary packages in this specific openSUSE distribution. The ECOSYSTEM version ordering is the RPM versioncompare ordering, and the database uses the introduced and fixed boundaries.
Packagist The PHP package manager ecosystem; the name is a package name.
Photon OS The Photon OS package ecosystem; the name is the name of the RPM package. The ecosystem string must have a :<RELEASE-NUMBER> suffix to scope the package to a particular Photon OS release. Eg Photon OS:3.0.
Pub The package manager for the Dart ecosystem; the name field is a Dart package name.
PyPI the Python PyPI ecosystem; the name field is a normalized PyPI package name.
Red Hat The Red Hat package ecosystem; the name field is the name of a binary or source RPM. The ecosystem string has a :<CPE> suffix to scope the RPM to a specific Red Hat product stream. <CPE> is a translation of a Red Hat Common Platform Enumerations (CPE) with the cpe/:[oa]:(redhat): prefix removed (for example, Red Hat:rhel_aus:8.4::appstream translates to cpe:/a:redhat:rhel_aus:8.4::appstream). Red Hat ecosystem identifiers can be used to identify vulnerable RPMs installed on a Red Hat system as explained here.
Rocky Linux The Rocky Linux package ecosystem; the name is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string might optionally have a :<RELEASE> suffix to scope the package to a particular Rocky Linux release. <RELEASE> is a numeric version.
RubyGems The RubyGems ecosystem; the name field is a gem name.
SUSE The SUSE ecosystem; The ecosystem string has a :<RELEASE> suffix representing the marketing name of the SUSE product. <RELEASE> matches the value in the /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME field. The name field is the name of the source RPM and accompanied by a purl. There is a ecosystem_specific specific array binaries of the associated RPM binary packages in this specific SUSE product. The ECOSYSTEM version ordering is the RPM versioncompare ordering, and the database uses the introduced and fixed boundaries.
SwiftURL The Swift Package Manager ecosystem. The name is a Git URL to the source of the package. Versions are Git tags that comform to SemVer 2.0.
Ubuntu The Ubuntu package ecosystem; the name field is the name of the source package. The ecosystem string has a :<RELEASE> suffix to scope the package to a particular Ubuntu release. <RELEASE> is a numeric (“YY.MM”) version as specified in Ubuntu Releases, with a mandatory :LTS suffix if the release is marked as LTS. The release version may also be prefixed with :Pro: to denote Ubuntu Pro (aka Expanded Security Maintenance (ESM)) updates. For example, the ecosystem string “Ubuntu:22.04:LTS” refers to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy), while “Ubuntu:Pro:18.04:LTS” refers to fixes that landed in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic) under Ubuntu Pro/ESM.
Your ecosystem here. Send us a PR.

It is permitted for a database name (the DB prefix in the id field) and an ecosystem name to be the same, provided they have the same owner who can make decisions about the meaning of the ecosystem_specific field (see below).

affected[].severity field

The severity field is an optional element defined here. This severity field applies to a specific package, in cases where affected packages have differing severities for the same vulnerability. If any package level severity fields are set, the top level severity must not be set.

affected[].versions field

The affected object’s versions field is a JSON array of strings. Each string is a single affected version in whatever version syntax is used by the given package ecosystem.

When there is no well-defined packaging ecosystem specified (for example, general C/C++ libraries), GIT commit ranges are typically the best way to define vulnerable version ranges. In this case, versions specified in this array cannot be relied upon to conform to any particular syntax (e.g. they could be the upstream Git version tags derived from these GIT commit ranges, which is what populates this field with). In this situation, the GIT commit ranges in affected[].ranges should be used to match vulnerabilities by Git commit hashes.

affected[].ranges[] field

The affected object’s ranges field is a JSON array of objects describing the affected ranges of versions.

affected[].ranges[].type field

In the ranges field, the type field is required. It specifies the type of version range being recorded and defines the interpretation of the events object’s introduced, fixed, and any type-specific fields.

The defined types and their additional fields are:

  • SEMVER: The versions introduced and fixed are semantic versions as defined by SemVer 2.0.0, with no leading “v” prefix. The relation u < v denotes the precedence order defined in section 11 of SemVer 2.0. Ranges listed with type SEMVER should not overlap: since SEMVER is a strict linear ordering, it is always possible to simplify to non-overlapping ranges.

    Specifying one or more SEMVER ranges removes the requirement to specify an explicit enumerated versions list (see the discussion above).

    Some ecosystems may recommend using SemVer 2.0 for versioning without explicitly enforcing it. In those cases you should use the ECOSYSTEM type instead.

  • ECOSYSTEM: The versions introduced and fixed are arbitrary, uninterpreted strings specific to the package ecosystem, which does not conform to SemVer 2.0’s version ordering.

    It is recommended that you provide an explicitly enumerated versions list when specifying one or more ECOSYSTEM ranges, because ECOSYSTEM range inclusion queries may not be able to be answered without reference to the package ecosystem’s own logic and therefore may not be able to be used by ecosystem-independent processors. The infrastructure and tooling provided by also provides automation for auto-populating the versions list based on supported ECOSYSTEM ranges as part of the ingestion process.

  • GIT: The versions introduced and fixed are full-length Git commit hashes. The repository’s commit graph is needed to evaluate whether a given version is in the range. The relation u < v is true when commit u is a (perhaps distant) parent of commit v.

    Specifying one or more GIT ranges does NOT remove the requirement to specify an explicitly enumerated versions list, because GIT range inclusion queries cannot be answered without access to a copy of the underlying Git repository.

affected[].ranges[].events fields

The ranges object’s events field is a JSON array of objects. Each object describes a single version that either:

  1. Introduces a vulnerability: {"introduced": string}
  2. Fixes a vulnerability: {"fixed": string}
  3. Describes the last known affected version: {"last_affected": string}
  4. Sets an upper limit on the range being described: {"limit": string}

These events objects represent a “timeline” of status changes for the affected package.

The values of introduced, fixed, last_affected and limit are version strings as defined by the affected[].ranges[].type field.

Special values

  • introduced allows a version of the value "0" to represent a version that sorts before any other version.
  • limit allows versions containing the string "*" to represent “infinity”. If no limit events are provided, an implicit { "limit": "*" } is assumed to exist. Multiple limit events are allowed in the same range.


Only a single type (either introduced, fixed, last_affected, limit) is allowed in each event object. For instance, {"introduced": "1.0.0", "fixed": "1.0.2"} is invalid.

Entries in the events array can contain either last_affected or fixed events, but not both. It’s strongly recommended to use fixed instead of last_affected where possible, as it precisely identifies the version which contains the fix. last_affected should be thought of as the hard ceiling of the vulnerability at the time of publication in the absence of a fixed version. Versions above last_affected should be considered unaffected. Unfortunately this opens up the possibility for false negatives, which is why fixed is overwhelmingly preferred. An example is available to illustrate the difference.

The fixed and limit events are closely related and involve a similar trade-off for GIT ranges. (See the limit example for details about how they differ.) events arrays with fixed events must include all other cherrypicked fix commits in all branches as separate fixed events to avoid false positive matches in other branches. Conversely, limit events restrict the set of vulnerable commits to those reachable from the limit, which may result in false negatives. Where possible, it’s strongly recommended to use fixed over limit.

There must be at least one introduced object in the events array. While not required, it’s also recommended to keep the events array sorted according to the affected[].ranges[].type of the range.

See examples for examples of how to describe affected ranges.

affected[].ranges[].repo field

The ranges object’s repo field is the URL of the package’s code repository. The value should be in a format that’s directly usable as an argument for the version control system’s clone command (e.g. git clone).

The affected object’s ranges field is a JSON array of objects, each describing a single range. The range object defines the fields type, events, repo. introduced, fixed, and additional type-specific fields as needed.

This field is required if affected[].ranges[].type is GIT.

affected[].ranges[].database_specific field

The ranges object’s database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the range as defined by the database from which the record was obtained. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the database and beyond the scope of this document.

Databases should only use this field to store additional context that may be useful in converting from the OSV format back into the original database representation. Values in this field have no effect on the evaluation algorithm.

affected[].ecosystem_specific field

The affected object’s ecosystem_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the ecosystem for which the record applies. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the ecosystem and beyond the scope of this document.

For example, the Go ecosystem includes here information about the affected functions and which modules the packages were found in, along with severity in the Go project-specific severity scale.

Note that this is a single field with key “ecosystem_specific”, which itself contains a JSON object with unspecified fields.

affected[].database_specific field

The affected object’s database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the database from which the record was obtained. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the database and beyond the scope of this document.

In general, the canonical database for a particular ecosystem should record its information in ecosystem_specific, allowing other aggregator databases to put their own summaries in database_specific.

For example, databases that add additional information such as computed CVSS scores for ecosystems that do not provide them could add that information here.

Note that this is a single field with key “database_specific”, which itself contains a JSON object with unspecified fields.


The algorithm to evaluate if a package pkg at version v is vulnerable is given by the IsVulnerable function in the pseudocode below:

func IsVulnerable(pkg, v, osv)
  for affected in osv.affected
    if affected.package == pkg
      if IncludedInVersions(v, affected.versions) ||
           IncludedInRanges(v, affected.ranges)
        return true

  return false

func IncludedInVersions(v, versions)
  for version in versions
    if v == version
      return true

  return false

func IncludedInRanges(v, ranges)
  for range in ranges
    if BeforeLimits(v, range)
      vulnerable = false
      for evt in sorted(
        if evt.introduced is present && v >= evt.introduced
           vulnerable = true
        else if evt.fixed is present && v >= evt.fixed
           vulnerable = false
        else if evt.last_affected is present && v > evt.last_affected
           vulnerable = false

      if vulnerable
        return true

  return false

func BeforeLimits(v, range)
  if no limit events in
    # implicit "*" entry is assumed
    return true

  for evt in
    if evt.limit is present and v < evt.limit
      return true

  return false


Unfixed vulnerability example

The following expresses that “every possible version is affected”.

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "SEMVER",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "0" },
} ]

Fixed vulnerability example

The following expresses that “everything before 1.0.2” is affected.

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "SEMVER",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "0" },
      { "fixed": "1.0.2" },
} ]

Multiple range example

The following expresses that versions in the SemVer ranges [1.0.0, 1.0.2) or [3.0.0, 3.2.5) are affected. Everything else is unaffected.

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "SEMVER",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "1.0.0" },
      { "fixed": "1.0.2" },
      { "introduced": "3.0.0" },
      { "fixed": "3.2.5" }
} ]

Limit events

limit events are typically not necessary for describing numbered (linear) version ranges and should not be used. They are more useful for git ranges, where it has more implications for the evaluation algorithm. Take the following git commit graph and git range:

git graph

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "GIT",
    "repo": "",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "X" },
      { "fixed": "Y" },
} ]

Without an explicit limit, the list of computed affected commits will be X, A, B, C, D, E, F. This is the desired behaviour in most cases.

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "GIT",
    "repo": "",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "X" },
      { "limit": "Y" },
} ]

If limit is set to Y, the list of affected commits will be X, A, B, C. This is equivalent to git rev-list X..Y (but including X and excluding Y). This may be useful if the scope of a vulnerability entry is limited to a small set of linear branches. Multiple limit events may be specified for each branch – each expands the scope of the git commit graph to cover.

Note that we did not specify a fixed event here as limit makes it redundant.

last_affected vs fixed example

Understanding the difference between last_affected and fixed is essential to identifying where false negatives may occur.

The following example expresses that the vulnerability is present in all versions of the package, up to and including version 2.1.214. Versions above 2.1.214 are assumed to be free from the vulnerability, but there is a potential for a false negative. The last_affected field is typically assigned at the time of discovery and assumes the vulnerability will be addressed in the following version.

"ranges":[ {
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "0" },
      { "last_affected": "2.1.214" },
} ]

The following example looks similar, but there are differences in how it is interpreted. The vulnerability is present in all versions of the package up to version 2.1.214. In this case 2.1.214 is not vulnerable. Versions 2.1.214 and above do not include the vulnerability and there isn’t the possibility for false negatives that we see in the last_affected case.

"ranges": [ {
    "type": "SEMVER",
    "events": [
      { "introduced": "0" },
      { "fixed": "2.1.214" },
} ]

Using fixed is preferable to last_affected whenever possible. The use of fixed requires fewer assumptions and eliminates the possibilities for false negatives.

references field

	"references": [ {
		"type": string,
		"url": string
	} ]

The references field contains a list of JSON objects describing references. Each object has a string field type specifying the type of reference, and a string field url. The url is the fully-qualified URL (including the scheme, typically “https://”) linking to additional information, advisories, issue tracker entries, and so on about the vulnerability itself. The type specifies what kind of reference the URL is.

The known reference type values are:

  • ADVISORY: A published security advisory for the vulnerability.
  • ARTICLE: An article or blog post describing the vulnerability.
  • DETECTION: A tool, script, scanner, or other mechanism that allows for detection of the vulnerability in production environments. e.g. YARA rules, hashes, virus signature, or other scanners.
  • DISCUSSION: A social media discussion regarding the vulnerability, e.g. a Twitter, Mastodon, Hacker News, or Reddit thread.
  • REPORT: A report, typically on a bug or issue tracker, of the vulnerability.
  • FIX: A source code browser link to the fix (e.g., a GitHub commit) Note that the fix type is meant for viewing by people using web browsers. Programs interested in analyzing the exact commit range would do better to use the GIT-typed affected[].ranges entries (described above).
  • INTRODUCED: A source code browser link to the introduction of the vulnerability (e.g., a GitHub commit) Note that the introduced type is meant for viewing by people using web browsers. Programs interested in analyzing the exact commit range would do better to use the GIT-typed affected[].ranges entries (described above).
  • PACKAGE: A home web page for the package.
  • EVIDENCE: A demonstration of the validity of a vulnerability claim, e.g. replaying the exploitation of the vulnerability.
  • WEB: A web page of some unspecified kind.

credits fields

	"credits": [ {
		"name": string,
		"contact": [ string ],
		"type": string,
	} ]

The credits field is a JSON array providing a way to give credit for the discovery, confirmation, patch, or other events in the life cycle of a vulnerability.

Each of the objects in the credits array must contain at minimum a name field specifying the name of the individual or entity being credited, using whatever notation they prefer. It can also optionally include a contact JSON array.

credits[].name field

credits[].name should specify the name, label, or other identifier of the individual or entity being credited, using whatever notation the creditor prefers. For instance, this could contain a real name like Kovács János, an Internet handle like erikamustermann, an entity name like GitHub, or something else. This field is required for each credits entry.

credits[].contact[] field

Each credits[].contact[] entry should be a valid, fully qualified, plain-text URL at which the credited can be reached. Providing contacts is optional.

credits[].type field

The optional credits[].type field should specify the type or role of the individual or entity being credited. It must be one of the following defined credit types:

  • FINDER: identified the vulnerability.
  • REPORTER: notified the vendor of the vulnerability to a CNA.
  • ANALYST: validated the vulnerability to ensure accuracy or severity.
  • COORDINATOR: facilitated the coordinated response process.
  • REMEDIATION_DEVELOPER: prepared a code change or other remediation plans.
  • REMEDIATION_REVIEWER: reviewed vulnerability remediation plans or code changes for effectiveness and completeness.
  • REMEDIATION_VERIFIER: tested and verified the vulnerability or its remediation.
  • TOOL: names of tools used in vulnerability discovery or identification.
  • SPONSOR: supported the vulnerability identification or remediation activities.
  • OTHER: any other type or role that does not fall under the categories described above.

These values and their definitions correspond directly to the credit types defined in the MITRE CVE specification.


Including a URL and an email address in credits[].contact[] and a credit type:

	"credits": [ {
		"name": "Janina Kowalska",
		"contact": [
			"mailto:[email protected]"
	} ]

database_specific field

The top-level database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the database from which the record was obtained. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the database and beyond the scope of this document.

Unlike the affected[].database_specific field which is specific to each affected product, this top-level field allows aggregator databases to add custom data that they considered applicable to the whole vulnerability.

Note that this is a single field with key “database_specific”, which itself contains a JSON object with unspecified fields.


Go vulnerability

The Go vulnerability database uses this format. See for example entries and details of ecosystem_specific fields.

NPM vulnerability in GitHub database

GitHub uses this format already for its vulnerabilities. Here is the encoding of one entry:

  "schema_version": "1.2.0",
  "id": "GHSA-r9p9-mrjm-926w",
  "modified": "2021-03-08T16:02:43Z",
  "published": "2021-03-08T16:06:50Z",
  "aliases": [
  "summary": "Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm",
  "details": "The npm package `elliptic` before version 6.5.4 are vulnerable to Cryptographic Issues via the secp256k1 implementation in elliptic/ec/key.js. There is no check to confirm that the public key point passed into the derive function actually exists on the secp256k1 curve. This results in the potential for the private key used in this implementation to be revealed after a number of ECDH operations are performed.",
  "severity": [
      "type": "CVSS_V3",
      "score": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N"
  "affected": [
      "package": {
        "ecosystem": "npm",
        "name": "elliptic"
      "ranges": [
          "type": "ECOSYSTEM",
          "events": [
              "introduced": "0"
              "fixed": "6.5.4"
  "references": [
      "type": "ADVISORY",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
  "database_specific": {
    "cwe_ids": [
    "severity": "MODERATE",
    "github_reviewed": true

OSV vulnerability

OSV uses this format already for its vulnerabilities. Here is the encoding of one entry:

    "schema_version": "1.2.0",
    "id": "OSV-2020-584",
    "published": "2020-07-01T00:00:18.401815Z",
    "modified": "2021-03-09T04:49:05.965964Z",
    "summary": "Heap-buffer-overflow in collator_compare_fuzzer.cpp",
    "details": "OSS-Fuzz report:\nCrash type: Heap-buffer-overflow WRITE 3\nCrash state:\ncollator_compare_fuzzer.cpp\n",
    "references": [
        {"type": "REPORT", "url": ""}
    "affected": [ {
        "package": {
            "ecosystem": "OSS-Fuzz",
            "name": "icu"
        "ranges": [
                "type": "GIT",
                "repo": "",
                "events": [
                  { "introduced": "6e5755a2a833bc64852eae12967d0a54d7adf629" },
                  { "fixed": "c43455749b914feef56b178b256f29b3016146eb" }
    } ]

Rust vulnerability

The Rust advisory DB exports this format. Here’s an example entry:

    "schema_version": "1.2.0",
    "id": "RUSTSEC-2019-0033",
    "published": "2019-11-16T00:00:00Z",
    "modified": "2021-01-04T19:02:00Z",
    "aliases": ["CVE-2020-25574", "CVE-2019-25008"],
    "summary": "Integer Overflow in HeaderMap::reserve() can cause Denial of Service",
    "details": "HeaderMap::reserve() used usize::next_power_of_two() to calculate\nthe increased capacity. However, next_power_of_two() silently overflows\nto 0 if given a sufficently large number in release mode.\n\nIf the map was not empty when the overflow happens, the library will invoke self.grow(0)\nand start infinite probing. This allows an attacker who controls\nthe argument to reserve() to cause a potential denial of service (DoS).\n\nThe flaw was corrected in 0.1.20 release of http crate.\n",
    "references": [
      {"type": "REPORT", "url": ""},
      {"type": "ADVISORY", "url": ""}
    "affected": [ {
        "package": {
            "ecosystem": "",
            "name": "http"
        "ranges": [
                "type": "SEMVER",
                "events": [
                    {"introduced": "0"},
                    {"fixed": "0.1.20"}
        "ecosystem_specific": {
            "functions": ["http::header::HeaderMap::reserve"],
            "keywords": ["http", "integer-overflow", "DoS"],
            "categories": ["denial-of-service"],
            "severity": "HIGH"
    } ]

Python vulnerability

Python currently has a community vulnerability database using this format. Here is a potential encoding of a vulnerability entry.

    "schema_version": "1.2.0",
    "id": "PYSEC-2021-XXXX",
    "published": "2021-04-01T20:15:00Z",
    "modified": "2021-04-07T15:14:00Z",
    "aliases": ["CVE-2021-29421"],
    "summary": "XXE in pikepdf",
    "details": "models/ in the pikepdf package 2.8.0 through 2.9.2 for Python allows XXE when parsing XMP metadata entries.",
    "references": [
        {"type": "FIX", "url": ""}
    "affected": [ {
        "package": {
            "ecosystem": "PyPI",
            "name": "pikepdf"
        "ranges": [
                "type": "GIT",
                "repo": "",
                "events": [
                  { "introduced": "0" },
                  { "fixed": "3f38f73218e5e782fe411ccbb3b44a793c0b343a" }
                "type": "ECOSYSTEM",
                "events": [
                  { "introduced": "2.8.0" },
                  { "fixed": "2.10.0" }
        "versions": [
                "2.8.0", "2.8.0.post1", "2.8.0.post2", "2.9.0", "2.9.1", "2.9.2"
        "ecosystem_specific": {
            "severity": "HIGH"
    } ]

Debian vulnerability

Debian security advisory (DSA) does not use this format currently, but using the conversion tool, the DSA can be converted into the OSV format.

  "id": "DSA-3029-1",
  "summary": "nginx - security update",
  "affected": [
      "package": {
        "ecosystem": "Debian:7",
        "name": "nginx"
      "ranges": [
          "type": "ECOSYSTEM",
          "events": [
              "introduced": "0"
              "fixed": "1.2.1-2.2+wheezy3"
  "aliases": [
  "published": "2014-09-20T00:00:00Z",
  "modified": "2014-09-20T08:18:07Z",
  "details": "\nAntoine Delignat-Lavaud and Karthikeyan Bhargavan discovered that it was\npossible to reuse cached SSL sessions in unrelated contexts, allowing\nvirtual host confusion attacks in some configurations by an attacker in\na privileged network position.\n\n\nFor the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in\nversion 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy3.\n\n\nFor the testing distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed in\nversion 1.6.2-1.\n\n\nFor the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in\nversion 1.6.2-1.\n\n\nWe recommend that you upgrade your nginx packages.\n\n\n",
  "references": [
      "type": "ADVISORY",
      "url": ""

Ruby vulnerability

Ruby does not use this format currently, but here is a potential translation of one Ruby advisory:

    "schema_version": "1.2.0",
    "id": "CVE-2019-3881",
    "published": "2018-04-23T00:00:00Z",
    "modified": "2021-05-10T00:00:00Z",
    "summary": "Insecure path handling in Bundler",
    "details": "Bundler prior to 2.1.0 uses a predictable path in /tmp/, created with insecure permissions as a storage location for gems, if locations under the user's home directory are not available. If Bundler is used in a scenario where the user does not have a writable home directory, an attacker could place malicious code in this directory that would be later loaded and executed.",
    "affected": [ {
        "package": {
            "ecosystem": "RubyGems",
            "name": "bundler"
        "ranges": [ {
            "type": "ECOSYSTEM",
            "events": [
              { "introduced": "1.14.0" },
              { "fixed": "2.1.0" }
        } ],
        "versions": [
            "1.14.0", "1.14.1", "1.14.2", "1.14.3", "1.14.4", "1.14.5",
            "1.14.6", "1.15.0.pre.1", "1.15.0.pre.2", "1.15.0.pre.3",
            "1.15.0.pre.4", "1.15.0", "1.15.1", "1.15.2", "1.15.3", "1.15.4",
            "1.16.0.pre.1", "1.16.0.pre.2", "1.16.0.pre.3", "1.16.0",
            "1.16.1", "1.16.2", "1.16.3", "1.16.4", "1.16.5", "1.16.6",
            "1.17.0.pre.1", "1.17.0.pre.2", "1.17.0", "1.17.1", "1.17.2",
            "1.17.3", "2.0.0.pre.1", "2.0.0.pre.2", "2.0.0.pre.3", "2.0.0",
            "2.0.1", "2.0.2", "2.1.0.pre.1", "2.1.0.pre.2", "2.1.0.pre.3"
    } ],
    "references": [
        {"type": "ADVISORY", "url": ""}

Haskell Hackage vulnerability

  "affected": [
      "package": {
        "ecosystem": "Hackage",
        "name": "x509-validation"
      "ranges": [
          "events": [
              "introduced": "1.4.0"
              "fixed": "1.4.8"
          "type": "ECOSYSTEM"
      "severity": [
          "score": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N",
          "type": "CVSS_V3"
  "details": "# x509-validation does not enforce pathLenConstraint\n\n*x509-validation* prior to version 1.4.8 did not enforce the\npathLenConstraint value.  Constrained CAs could accidentally (or\ndeliberately) issue CAs below the maximum depth and\n*x509-validation* would accept certificates issued by the\nunauthorised intermediate CAs.\n",
  "id": "HSEC-2023-0006",
  "modified": "2023-07-26T10:34:39Z",
  "published": "2023-07-19T13:59:54Z",
  "references": [
      "type": "FIX",
      "url": ""
  "schema_version": "1.5.0",
  "summary": "x509-validation does not enforce pathLenConstraint"

Haskell GHC vulnerability

We don’t yet have a GHC vulnerability, but it would look like the following one (similar to the Hackage example, but changing ecosystem to "GHC"):

  "affected": [
      "package": {
        "ecosystem": "GHC",
        "name": "RTS"
      "ranges": [
          "events": [
              "introduced": "9.2.2"
              "fixed": "9.2.3"
          "type": "ECOSYSTEM"
      "severity": [
          "score": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N",
          "type": "CVSS_V3"
  "details": "# x509-validation does not enforce pathLenConstraint\n\n*x509-validation* prior to version 1.4.8 did not enforce the\npathLenConstraint value.  Constrained CAs could accidentally (or\ndeliberately) issue CAs below the maximum depth and\n*x509-validation* would accept certificates issued by the\nunauthorised intermediate CAs.\n",
  "id": "HSEC-2023-0006",
  "modified": "2023-07-26T10:34:39Z",
  "published": "2023-07-19T13:59:54Z",
  "references": [
      "type": "FIX",
      "url": ""
  "schema_version": "1.5.0",
  "summary": "x509-validation does not enforce pathLenConstraint"

R CRAN & Bioconductor vulnerability

R currently has a community vulnerability database using this format. Here is an example encoding of a vulnerability entry.

  "id": "RSEC-2023-2",
  "details": "The readxl R package is exposed to a vulnerability owing to its underlying use of libxls library version 1.6.2. The vulnerability originates in the xls_getWorkSheet function within xls.c in libxls. Attackers can exploit this flaw by utilizing a specially crafted XLS file, leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.",
  "affected": [
      "package": {
        "name": "readxl",
        "ecosystem": "CRAN"
      "ranges": [
          "type": "ECOSYSTEM",
          "events": [
              "introduced": "1.4.1"
              "fixed": "1.4.2"
      "versions": [
  "references": [
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
      "type": "WEB",
      "url": ""
  "aliases": [
  "modified": "2023-07-13T02:46:57.600Z",
  "published": "2023-07-13T02:46:57.600Z"


Android SoC Vendors

When a package in the Android ecosystem is the Linux kernel source code, its name will be :linux_kernel:, optionally appended with one of the following SoC vendor names indicating applicability of the vulnerability to kernels of that particular vendor:

  • AMLogic
  • ARM
  • Broadcom
  • MediaTek
  • Marvell
  • Qualcomm
  • Unisoc