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MIT Technology Licensing Office

Motion Graphics

MIT Technology Licensing Office

MIT Technology Licensing Office

MIT TLO serves as a critical partner, bridging connections between innovators and industry to change the world, one technology at a time. The TLO protects the innovations created at MIT and licenses them to startups and industry to address the most pressing issues of our time.

The MIT internal audience of researchers is equally important to the MIT external audience of industry and startups. The website creates a portal and connection for both and provides landing pages targeted to each group.


Website Design & Development

Motion Graphics


MIT TLO Website

The researchers’ innovations are presented on the site for industry to explore and license. The core of the website is therefore the “available technologies” section that houses the inventions. Detailed filtering and search are important for users to find the relevant technologies.

If users move forward on a technology to initiate contact for licensing, the website automatically populates the contact form with the detailed information about the technology. This dramatically eases the burden on the user to remember or copy and paste information such as technology IDs. It also saves TLO admins time in figuring out which technology a user is interested in because the information is automatically submitted with the contact form.

Hillside Harvest

Food & Beverage

Hillside Harvest

Hillside Harvest

Brand evolution

Hillside Harvest is a Boston-based hot sauce company with Caribbean roots. They are focused on creating products that bring the heat with unique, fresh flavors such as Pineapple Fresno and Sun-Kissed Tomato. While Hillside was happy with their name and logo as it closely tied to their brand story, they were looking for support with evolving their brand’s look and feel, which was to be informed by a deep dive into brand strategy and positioning. Through a series of workshops, we were able to identify and articulate the true essence of the brand which leaned more heavily into the founder’s Caribbean heritage.





Brand Strategy


Product Packaging

Creating a system for color application

The new Hillside brand includes colorful custom illustrations to clearly communicate the new positioning and jump off the shelf in a particularly crowded space. Each flavor has a unique pattern of ingredients, flora and fauna to evoke flavor, freshness, and fun — eliciting the feeling of the Caribbean. Because the illustrations are so colorful, we needed to set up a system for how each color in their elaborate palette would be applied to ensure consistency and a path for future flavor label development.

Packaging for e-commerce

Once the labels were complete, we turned our attention to the e-commerce packaging. Each individual label includes a unique flavor visual, so this was an opportunity to bring multiple flavors and patterns together under the Hillside brand. The original Hillside brand used purple as a core color, which had significant meaning as a blend of blue and red in the brand story. We refined the specific shade of purple and then set to work bringing in all of the wonderful imagery from the bottles onto the box, creating a rainbow of color and texture that emits the essence of the Caribbean spirit we want the audience to feel.

University of Florida

Reports & Publications

University of Florida

University of Florida

Preparing future communication leaders

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications is nationally recognized for its top-tier programs and hands-on learning opportunities, bridging theoretical knowledge with real-world practice. With exceptional faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, students thrive in a dynamic environment, collaborating with professionals in media and strategic communication. Opus began our partnership with the CJC team back in 2019 to bring the innovative quality of their program to life in their yearly Dean’s Report.


Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development

Eye-catching communications

The 2024 Dean’s Report addressed a not uncommon print challenge — how to fit a lot of content in a limited space. The solution was to pair a shorter print piece, that highlighted the College's incredible accomplishments over the past year, with a microsite where the reader could easily access more stories. The printed report served as an eye-catching summary with QR codes and URLs throughout to connect readers to the microsite. We worked with the client team to leverage the master UF brand guidelines in a way that was unique and fresh for the College of Journalism and Communications, and to strategize how to best intertwine the print and microsite portions of the report.

From print to web

The microsite, built in Webflow, was designed to seamlessly extend the report experience. It features a homepage that is a snapshot of all the top stories, with typography, color palettes, and design elements that all feel true to the print version. The microsite allows for space to expand on content, creating a more robust experience for visitors who make their way from the print report to the microsite.


Motion Graphics



Transformational repositioning

, formerly 15-40 Connection, partnered with us to reposition and rebrand their organization to better represent their evolving mission and more meaningfully engage their target audiences. DetecTogether focuses on raising awareness for early cancer detection and empowering individuals to take an active role in their healthcare. Initially, they focused on building awareness with 15 to 40 year olds who thought they were invincible, but DetecTogether later recognized that their powerful program was critical for everyone of all ages.



Motion Graphics

Website Design & Development


Brand Strategy

Logo Design

Visual Identity

DetecTogether Website

DetecTogether Explainer Video

Brand strategy

DetecTogether had the foresight to partner with us to rediscover their brand strategy before moving forward with renaming and visual design. We worked closely with the leadership team and select members of their board of directors to establish clear and aligned articulations of their higher purpose, brand persona, audience profiles, and points of difference. This work came further to life as we drafted 12 different messaging pillars to serve as the foundation for messaging and communication.

Website design

DetecTogether’s website is crucial tool in building greater awareness of  their life-saving “3 Step Detect” process for early cancer detection. We crafted an engaging user experience and custom icons to more quickly and clearly convey their powerful message. The website also establishes warm, human connections by highlighting real success stories and by sharing their practical advice for early cancer detection. Its upbeat design helps inspires the positivity that can be realized by taking control of our health.

Explainer video and tv commercial

After finalizing naming, branding, and a new website, DetecTogether asked us to create an explainer video for their three-step cancer detection roadmap. We crafted a concise, empathetic script to fit a 30-second spot, suitable for multiple platforms, which included a stadium jumbotron, classroom presentations, and television. We collaborated on voice recording to ensure proper cadence and sound quality and selected background music that matched the optimistic yet serious tone of the message.

BlueHub Capital

Reports & Publications

BlueHub Capital

BlueHub Capital

Local to national

BlueHub Capital — formerly Boston Community Capital — was founded in 1984 and is one of the most innovative community development financial institutions in the nation. Through our vast collaboration, Opus has partnered with BlueHub through a renaming and rebranding, website redesign, and 5+ years of engaging annual reports.




Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development



Brand Strategy

Logo Design

Visual Identity

BlueHub Website

BlueHub 2023 Annual Report

Rebranding in a time of growth

After 34 years, BlueHub’s work took them beyond Boston and then beyond Massachusetts. To reflect this growth, the non-profit wanted to change their name and create a new identity. Based on insights gained during discovery interviews, we defined a brand strategy that honored their evolution and strong reputation. The strategy was the source from which all of the creative grew — from naming and logo design to the visual identity.

Report design

We have been collaborating with BlueHub to bring their annual report to life via both print and web over the past several years. Our work together is comprehensive, from initial theme development and paper selection, through wireframing and design, to production and launch.

Each year, the annual report features a unique theme reflecting the past year. The 2023 report, titled Evolve Solve, emphasized evolution, a core value for BlueHub since 1985. We reimagined the traditional report with colored paper, die-cuts, foil treatments, and bold typography. The cover’s typography illustrates the pivot that BlueHub so frequently makes from evolving to solving today’s most pressing issues.

A microsite was designed in tandem with the print report. Built in Webflow, the microsite would feature the same stories as the report, but make the content more accessible to a broader audience.

Drupal website

After a successful partnership for several years, we were asked to redesign the BlueHub Capital Drupal website. The goal was to reflect their new look and feel, improve the user experience, and represent their meaningful work in a more impactful way.

In particular, we aimed to gear the website to all audiences equally and make it easier to navigate. We also created new opportunities to showcase the impact of their work, and seamlessly integrate that content across the different products.

MIT Brand Guide

Motion Graphics

MIT Brand Guide

MIT Brand Guide

Accessing brand assets

Users of the MIT brand guide website want to learn about the tools to create communication materials that are on brand and they want to be able to easily access them. To serve this user need, we designed the navigation to be focused on the brand assets so users can find information about the logo, color palette, and typography with one click. 

The brand assets are conveniently located in a downloads section with filters where all assets are password-protected and available to the MIT community via the MIT login.


Motion Graphics

Website Design & Development

Core colors & typefaces

The design of the website is purposefully clean, like a gallery space, to keep the focus on the MIT brand assets and guidelines. The website was intentionally designed using only the MIT core colors and typefaces to maximize the minimal yet super branded look and feel.


To bring the brand to life and add style and excitement to the site, we created a dynamic brand animation for the homepage. This animation not only generates excitement about the refreshed brand but also effectively conveys the essence of MIT’s branding. Additionally, we also created a series of brief animations for content page headers, to add visual interest and enhance engagement.


One of the main goals of the site is to be flexible to accommodate the evolving MIT brand. One approach we used to address this goal is the vertical navigation. A vertical navigation is very easy to add on to and won’t run out of space like a horizontal navigation (on desktop) would. We also designed flexible content templates to accommodate varied content and formatting needs.

Finlays Tea Sample Box

Food & Beverage
Marketing Materials

Finlays Tea Sample Box

Finlays Tea Sample Box

Introducing a new product line

Finlays is a global B2Bb beverage company that we’ve worked with for many years on the design of various marketing materials. With the introduction of their new Complete Tea product line, they were looking to capture the attention of their target audience in a new way and encourage trial.


Marketing Materials


Promotional Packaging

Label Packaging

Sell Sheet

Post Card

We worked together with the client and our packaging partners to determine the best format and substrates for a sample kit. Then, we set to work designing an eye-catching mailer that would be visually exciting for the recipient to receive and engage with, while communicating all the key information. The kit design included the outer box and insert with three sample cutouts, three product labels, post card with instructions, four flavor coasters with tasting notes for a more culinary feel, and a product sell sheet with more detailed technical information.

McGovern Institute

Marketing Materials
Motion Graphics

McGovern Institute

McGovern Institute

The McGovern Institute is a collaborative community of world-class, highly specialized researchers who set out to explore and understand the brain in order to help people with brain disorders and enhance the human experience. Through our long-term relationship with the McGovern team, not only have we learned a lot about neuroscience, we have also been able to work with them on a rebranding, website redesign, the design of their quarterly newsletter, BrainScan, and inumerous other design deliverables.




Marketing Materials

Motion Graphics

Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development

Brand research informs design

Opus conducted brand research to guide decisions for the McGovern Institute logo. We rigorously tested the existing logo with various users, explored brand evolution, and designed and user-tested new logos. After evaluating several options with the target audiences, McGovern chose an option that modernizes the original logo while retaining its essence. The outcome is also easier to use across scales small and large, and special applications like embroidery and debossing.

BrainScan newsletter

We transformed the McGovern Institute's quarterly newsletter into a mini magazine, now a key fundraising and communications tool for the McGovern community. Collaborating with the McGovern team, we developed the content strategy and conducted a user study to refine our approach and concept.

The newsletter is available in both print and digital formats. The redesign has increased readership, as confirmed by e-newsletter analytics, and print recipients have praised the new reading experience. Each issue of BrainScan features a informative and impactful infographic as the centerfold, visualizing data relevant to the theme. Below are examples of infographics we've created on topics ranging from microorganisms to CRISPR.

To celebrate their 20th anniversary, a special issue of BrainScan was created. We designed the logo for the milestone that was then used prominently on the cover and as a design element throughout. The issue featured stories and custom portraits of 20 researchers.

Website design

Along with being accessible, the redesigned site needed an updated look and feel, excellent user experience, new content, integration for automatic website updates such as publications and events, and an easy-to-use content management system. The site also features an interactive infographic.

In UX design we were challenged with identifying the actual audience, vs the perceived audience. Two very different primary user groups were identified: Researchers and General Information Seekers. The former wanted to stay on top of the latest research findings, the latter to find information about a particular disease or disorder. Our goal was to ensure that both groups can easily find relevant content — this was informed by digging into some serious analytics on the old site.

Accessible and interactive

We designed the McGovern Institute’s website to be interactive, reflecting their innovative brain research while ensuring accessibility for users with assistive technologies. The “Explore the Brain” section educates general information seekers about the faculty’s research. We tailored solutions for various devices, influenced by user behavior, and ensured compliance with WCAG 2.0 level AA.

Our design, featuring vibrant colors, high contrast, and a clean structure, balances easy navigation with a contemporary look. For non-researchers, we created an interactive infographic on brain layers and related research, including a Q&A feature.

McGovern’s seven research areas were visually captured in unique icons, each abstracted from reference images to clearly communicate specific topics. Collaborating with the McGovern team, we developed the final icon set through extensive exploration and feedback.

North Bennet Street School


North Bennet Street School

North Bennet Street School

Blending tradition & flexibility

North Bennet Street School trains students for careers in traditional trades that use hand skills in concert with evolving technology. All with the objective of preserving and advancing craft traditions, and to foster a greater appreciation of craftsmanship.

In our work with the school, the major goal aside from the visual refresh was the creation of an admin-user-friendly website with maximum flexibility for the very active marketing communications team. This included automation and cross-referencing of content whenever possible to allow the team to focus on inbound marketing and lead nurturing.


Website Design & Development


NBSS Website

Intentional design

The design of the website was largely inspired by the craftsmanship put forth from the school. The color palette is warm and inviting, with a yellow inspired by the bricks lining their walls, to earthy taupes and cool slate greys that can be found in the tools of their trade. A notch design element is used throughout the site as a subtle nod to to the precise work being done in their programs such as Bookbinding and Cabinet & Furniture Making. The chosen typeface, GT Sectra, features a hand-chiseled look, blending calligraphic craftsmanship with contemporary sharpness. The result is a website that reflects the school’s warm and human, yet precise quality.

Secure portal

We developed a password-protected portal section on the site, featuring a custom workflow and automation system. This allows job postings to be submitted and accessed by the community with minimal admin involvement. This service greatly benefits the school’s students and alumni, as the detailed automated workflows further reduce the effort required from web administrators.

MIT AeroAstro

Reports & Publications

MIT AeroAstro

MIT AeroAstro

MIT AeroAstro educates future leaders, engineers, and entrepreneurs who will push the boundaries of aerospace technology. They aim to build an inclusive community that values technical excellence and creates innovative aerospace systems with global impact.

With a partnership of over 15 years, we were over the moon (pun intended) to bring MIT AeroAstro’s logo — that we designed over a decade ago — to life in a new way with a redesigned website, featuring an expanded visual identity and color palette that we established in their latest strategic plan.




Marketing Materials

Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development


Logo Design

Visual Identity


AeroAstro Website

Website design

When creating websites, we make purposeful decisions about design and consider both the website visitors as well as the web administrators. We built in a lot of automation, so related content such as faculty profiles and impact stories could be displayed on different pages without adding to the site admin workload. The researcher profiles provide consistent information for each person while allowing for individualization of information. Fun fact: one of the researchers had a Barbie doll created to acknowledge her achievements!

Engaging animation

The new AeroAstro website features animation on the homepage that is not only visually engaging for a user when they land, but also is a subtle nod to air streams. Scrolling down, you will find a variety of content and animated icons to engage users. We style of the icons reflect patches that are so unique to pilots and astronauts. The icons serve as a visual highlight not only on the homepage but also on the people profiles and research areas.


Food & Beverage
Marketing Materials



Foodwit is a food safety and regulatory managed services firm with a fresh, energetic perspective. They assist clients at various business stages in navigating food safety and regulatory challenges. Unlike their competitors, whom they lovingly call “Negulators,” they are always looking for what is possible for their clients to safely, yet boldly, innovate in the food industry. It was a welcome challenge to communicate the juxtaposition of Foodwit’s vibrant personality in an industry that commands seriousness and professionalism. Their robust experience and youthful leadership in their field were key to communicate on the new website.




Marketing Materials

Website Design & Development


Foodwit Website

Brand Strategy

Logo Design

Visual Identity


Presentation Template

Digital Marketing Graphics

Promotional Collateral

Animated GIFs and Icons

Brand strategy workshops

Through a series of workshops, Opus helped the Foodwit team identify and articulate their key brand elements that will inform how they communicate their brand both visually and verbally. We facilitated the workshops over video conferencing to accommodate the diverse geographic locations of the team members, and broke them into key ares of discovery including higher purpose and points of difference. The team’s active discussions and contributions lead to the solidified brand strategy that culminated in a succinct brand statement that the team could rally around, as well as more detailed descriptions and recommendations for how to position and communicate the new brand. The final deliverable was presented in the form of a robust brand book including all of the brand strategy work as well as the brand guidelines for the new logo and brand identity.

Logo design

The Foodwit logo speaks to the firm’s ability to be approachable, modern, and fun, while still being practical scientists and strategists. To appeal to innovators, the vibrant pink represents their bold and colorful personality. The black grounds them in fact and research. The two words connect with a diagonal hinting at upward momentum and exploration. A simple and human sans serif created a modern aesthetic.

Marketing materials

After the completion of the branding work, Foodwit was excited to roll out their new look and feel with several key marketing tools. They have a strong social media presence, especially on LinkedIn, so we designed custom profile banners for each team member, as well as for the Foodwit company page.

To highlight their experience and expertise in a quick, easy-to-read, and visually compelling way, we created a series of infographics that were posted on social channels and their website.

One of the most versatile pieces wound up being the Powerpoint template and overview slides, which they built upon for additional slides, social media posts, and more — all with a consistent and unified brand look and feel.

A website designed to elevate quality content

For the website, we focused on case studies to showcase expertise across various services and client types. We designed a visually engaging, tiled case studies page with filters for easy navigation. The team pages reflected Foodwit’s playful personality with hover-activated GIFs, personal questions, social media links, and custom graphics for each member. Built in Webflow, the site uses a flexible content design for unique, dynamic pages across the site, allowing easy creation of new pages by website administrators.

Finlays Trend Reports

Food & Beverage
Motion Graphics

Finlays Trend Reports

Finlays Trend Reports

2024 Trend Report

Finlays is a leading supplier of tea and coffee extracts. They partner with beverage brand owners, retailers, and foodservice operators around the world to unleash the full potential of natural beverage innovation. Beyond consistently delivering high quality ingredients, Finlays supports their customers’ new product development initiatives by providing thoughtful and actionable consumer and market insights. We have valued the opportunity to work with Finlays to present these insights in the most captivating ways over the last five years.



Motion Graphics

Marketing Materials


2024 Finlays Trend Report Explainer Video

Presentation Design

The hero of the 2024 trend report is a two-minute explainer video highlighting each of the featured insights. We reviewed samples from several voice artists, selected the best fit, and provided comprehensive voice direction and script feedback. We created a visual storyboard to ensure we were all aligned on the look and feel of the video. And we creatively animated the video to ensure an engaging user experience.

2023 Trend Report

Finlays shares their well-researched trend insights with customers in many different ways. One of these use cases is in live meetings as inspiration for new product development brainstorms. So, in addition to an explainer video, we designed a PowerPoint presentation that could be delivered on its own or integrated with a larger meeting facilitation document.



Motion Graphics

Marketing Materials


2023 Finlays Trend Report Explainer Video

Presentation Design

2022 Trend Report

For each of the annual trend reports we establish a simple and visually compelling design system which includes custom illustrated icons. These icons visually represent the essence of each trend and they are used across the many different communication platforms to guide users through the content and to tie everything together.



Motion Graphics

Marketing Materials


2022 Finlays Trend Report Explainer Video

Presentation Design

Yang Tan Collective

Reports & Publications

Yang Tan Collective

Yang Tan Collective

Branding for a growing Collective

The Yang Tan Collective at MIT consists of six distinct centers dedicated to improving human health, all administered by the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a long time client of ours.

When we began our partnership with McGovern, only one center existed under what is now known as the Collective, the Hock E. Tan and K. Lisa Yang Center for Autism Research. Over the course of our relationship, we have witnessed the Collective’s exponential growth with the addition of five more cutting-edge centers. We collaborated on the logo designs for four of these new centers and were most recently tasked with creating a cohesive and eye-catching master brand for the entire Collective.




Reports & Publications


Logos (5)

Research Reports


Logo design

We worked closely with the client to craft logos for the Center for Molecular Therapeutics, the ICoN Center, the Center for Bionics, and the Brain-Body Center. Collaborating directly with the lead researchers of each center, we made sure the logos visually captured the important work they are doing. For the Center for Molecular Therapeutics, this meant depicting the precision with which they treat brain disorders using novel molecular tools. For the Brain-Body Center, it involved illustrating the interplay between the brain and body, creating a visual that merged a neuron with a human form.

When it came time to design the Collective’s logo, it was important for it to stand out from the individual center logos. Given all of the center logos are combination marks, we decided a wordmark with a custom twist in the letters would suit the Collective best. We stylized the A’s in “Yang Tan” as upward arrows to represent the momentum and exponential growth driven by the research within the Collective.

2023 Impact report

To showcase the groundbreaking research and technologies within the Collective over the past year, we collaborated with them to compile stories from all six centers into a comprehensive impact report for donors. This report highlights not only the research and top discoveries of the year but also includes a profile of a researcher from each center.

To create a cohesive design, we utilized each center's color palette within their respective sections and applied the Collective’s master branding for the cover and introduction. This approach allowed readers to feel immersed in each center’s section without any sense of disjointedness. The cover, bold and high-contrast in design, features an oversized arrow from their logo applied in a clear foil, adding a dynamic element.

Researcher illustrations

As part of the research report we did for the Center for Autism Research, we were asked to create custom illustrations of the talented researchers featured throughout the report. We tested three different styles with the client before selecting the final one. The chosen style, characterized by high contrast lines and fills with a single pop color, complements the report’s overall aesthetic and reflects the dynamic research being conducted. Each portrait is layered with a shape from the center’s logo to seamlessly integrate with the overarching branding.

Flourish Fiber from the Farm

Food & Beverage

Flourish Fiber from the Farm

Flourish Fiber from the Farm

Complete branding

Bay State Milling partnered with us to conceptualize and launch their first consumer product brand — Flourish. Together, we thoughtfully and expeditiously brought this revolutionary brand to life. We established a robust brand strategy and drafted key messaging, identified and tested a brand name, designed a logo, packaging, and social media graphics, built an engaging website, created compelling infographics and presentations, and more.




Website Design & Development

Since Flourish, a naturally high fiber wheat flour, was an extension of an existing B2B ingredient brand within the Bay State Milling portfolio, we thoughtfully balanced creating an independent but connected visual identity. We built a detailed system of design elements to ensure a consistent consumer experiences across several different media and touch points.

Captivating packaging

Successful food packaging requires the thoughtful marriage of some critical goals: engaging target consumers, addressing regulatory requirements, and providing the most useful information to inspire consumers to purchase. With a commitment to disciplined simplicity, we were able to create a front panel design that stands out in the category and quickly grabs the attention of consumers. On the back panel, we took advantage of every bit of space to present valuable supporting information and expanded storytelling in an easy-to-follow and uncrowded way.

Website design

We worked closely with the Bay State Milling team to determine how their website could best support their overall sales growth and brand development goals. Through our discovery process we identified the most important user experience considerations and the most impactful content strategy. Among many other things this involved managing the food and lifestyle photography process, copywriting and copyediting support, and infographic design to quickly educate consumers about several compelling points of difference.


Reports & Publications



We partnered with MassArt to design two catalogs for gallery shows, Encircling the World: Contemporary Art, Science, and the Sublime, and Seeing the Elephant. While distinct in their content, it was important that the design of both catalogs allowed for the artwork to shine.

Encircling the World

Encircling the World: Contemporary Art, Science, and the Sublime is a multidisciplinary exhibition that features an international roster of artists whose work is rooted in scientific inquiry. Their compelling visualizations of complex datasets and natural phenomena make the unseen visible.


Reports & Publications

Cover inspiration

Inspired by the concept of the exhibition, instead of placing the featured artwork on the cover, we created a reveal with laser cut triangles that allowed the work to peek through. The intention with this choice was to reflect the concept of data, science and the universe. The image used on the cover was The Observable Universe which was key at portraying the concept. The cover uses a black paper with three hits of white ink to make sure the title and information printed on black really popped.

Design that doesn’t distract from the artwork

We designed the catalog with simple, elegant typography that does not distract from the artwork. Instead, it complimented the scientific concept but allowed the artwork to be the hero on the pages. The inside margins of the page were wide so the art would not get lost in the gutter. To show off the artwork, we repeated full-page images of the art with some pages displaying artists work with full-color background that bleeds to the image.

Seeing the Elephant

The Seeing the Elephant exhibition featured contemporary artists whose work explores a wide range of topics facing India today. Neon Pantones inspired by the color palettes of the artists’ work were used throughout the catalog and culminate on the cover in the form of an abstract elephant.

The catalog won First Place in the 2019 New England Museum Association (NEMA) Publication Award Competition.


Reports & Publications

A fine balance

Showcasing the artwork in the best possible light is an important consideration for fine art catalog design. The goal was to create eye-catching books that promote the art without distracting from it. Using shapes, sizes and print production elements inspired by their themes, we were able to create clean, distinctive pieces to complement the work itself.

The colors chosen were inspired by works of the artists featured. Each spread of the catalog featured varying sets of colors that complemented the art. To really make the colors pop, we chose bright Pantone color swatches including a neon pink.

Kensa Inspections

Marketing Materials
Other Industries

Kensa Inspections

Kensa Inspections

Building a brand

The founder of Kensa Inspections came to us with a dream to start a new kind of home inspection business — one that embraced the possibility of sincere collaboration between home inspector, home buyer, and real estate agents. He also recognized that his role was bigger than inspecting electric boxes and plumbing; he was helping folks make an informed decision at one of the most major milestones in their life — buying a home.




Marketing Materials

Website Design & Development



Brand Strategy

Logo Design

Visual Identity

Promotional Material

Presentation Design

Digital Marketing Graphics

Kensa Website


Since collaboration and inclusivity are so important to Kensa, we took inspiration from cultures all around the world to identify several possible names before testing the most successful names with target audiences. The final name, Kensa, has many meanings across the world that speak to the essence of the brand — from the literal “inspection” translation in Japanese to the combination of the founder’s name “Ken” and “sa” which means protection in ancient hieroglyphics.

Logo design

As part of establishing a comprehensive visual identity, we created a distinctive, memorable logo. The vibrant colors balance the brand’s colorful personality and professional practices. The fonts are rounded and approachable, which was important to convey the collaboration which is central to the brand. The teardrop shape above the “K” can be read as the head on a person, reaffirming the humanity of Kensa, or also as a comment bubble to give nod to the inspection process.

Marketing materials

Social media is an important driver for building brand awareness and staying top of mind with local realtors. We worked with them to create a LinkedIn page and personal banners, profile icons, and custom social templates. We built easy-to-use templates for fast and simple editing. The templates are versatile enough for use across multiple platforms and to address multiple content needs to ensure a consistent and professional branded online presence.


We worked closely with Kensa to understand the waters in which they swim before diving into website design and copywriting. We conducted several interviews with target audience members to determine key points of difference that they most cared about. We researched competitors to benchmark all the types of content users might need and to identify how Kensa could stand out from the crowd. And, we facilitated a thoughtful brand strategy exploration to set clear guidelines for look and feel for design and voice and tone for writing.

This website, which we custom built using the Webflow content management system, embodies the personality of the brand in several different ways. The non-conventional primary navigation, the uplifting illustration style, and the simple and easy to navigate content, all connect to the critical attributes of the brand.


Reports & Publications



Capturing school spirit

Since 2016, Opus has designed over 10 alumni magazines for the alumnae audience at Westover School, an independent college-preparatory day and boarding school for girls located in Middlebury, Connecticut. Over the years we’ve evolved the magazine design to reflect of the school spirit and community that is so apparent when you visit the Westover campus. The magazine has received enthusiastic and positive feedback from alumnae and faculty and increased alumnae engagement.


Reports & Publications


Marketing Materials


Magazine & Editorial Design

Icon Design


Promotional Collateral

Design that works for a range of generations

Because the Westover magazine needs to work for a graduating class from 1942 or last year, the biggest design challenge we faced was making decisions that accommodate a wide range of readers. We approach design with the need to be inclusive of all audiences in its visual appeal, but also from a functionality perspective. Considerations like font sizes, color contrast, and covering content that everyone would be interested in reading more about was very important to the process.

A vibrant viewbook

A viewbook plays a vital and early role in the recruiting process for schools. When it came to designing the viewbook for Westover, we made sure it would serve as a welcome guide for all prospective students. We created custom lettering and supporting graphics for “Come As You Are” — the key message and concept for the viewbook — that reflects the vibrant energy and uniqueness of the Westover students.

The booklet also has an extended gatefold that highlights successful alumni stories, along with fun illustrations of the students’ day, a campus map, and more.


Reports & Publications



Icon Design


Compact and customizable

Inspired by the compact nature of personal journals, the viewbook was designed at a smaller size so that prospective students could more easily carry it around on campus tours. The back of the viewbook features a place for notes to be taken, and a diecut pocket folder to hold on to additional materials.