Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Thank you for using OpenTopography!

We deeply value your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process, and disclose your information when you access and use the data, services and content provided by OpenTopography. The terms of use for OpenTopography are described here.

Information we collect

1. Account information
When you sign up for an OpenTopography Account, we ask you for personal information (such as your name, email address, affiliation, etc).

2. Information pertaining to advanced features.
You may choose to provide us information to use advanced features of OpenTopography (e.g. power user status).

3. Usage information
When submitting data download and processing jobs on OpenTopography (registered and guest users) we collect email information as well as details of algorithms used including parameters specified for the algorithms.

4. Log Data and Device Information
Standard server log information, such as IP address, time spent on the site, browser type, etc., is collected and assessed on an aggregate, rather than individual, basis in order to track site statistics, data that are most popular to our visitors, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting.

5. Cookies and Similar Technologies. 
We use cookies and other similar technologies. You may disable the usage of cookies through your browser settings. OpenTopography currently does not respond to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from your browser or mobile application due to lack of standardization regarding how that signal should be interpreted. 

How we use collected information

Studying access statistics and usage patterns helps to project future hardware needs, and aids in the design of new functionality. We also use this information for site and system security. Aggregate and anonymized usage information and users top/second-level domain name information may be shared with our data provider partners to allow them to quantify usage of their data. We also share anonymized/ top and second-level domain name information of users and usage information with our primary funders, the National Science Foundation.

We may also use the email information provided to contact you when there is a job failure. We may also periodically send you news updates pertaining to OpenTopography and high resolution topography if you opt-in to our newsletter during account registration.

User rights

The OpenTopography website employs Google Analytics, web analytics service offered by Google Inc. that tracks and reports website traffic. Google Analytics uses cookies that track your preferences during your visit to our websites. You always have the option of disabling cookies in your browser settings. Most browsers allow cookies as a default setting. Furthermore, you can prevent Google's acquisition and processing of the information that is generated by the cookie and concerns your activity on the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing a browser plug-in available here:

Further information on the terms of use and the privacy options of Google are available on:

For GDPR compliance information or to delete your account on OpenTopography, please email [email protected].

We do not share user account information or log data with third parties for marketing or other commercial purposes.