
Introducing TensorFlow Recorder

Friday, August 7, 2020

When training computer vision machine learning models, data loading can often be a performance bottleneck, causing your GPU or TPU resources to be underutilized while waiting for data to be loaded into the model. Storing your dataset in the efficient TensorFlow Record (TFRecord) format is a great way to solve these problems, but creating TFRecords can unfortunately often require a great deal of complex code.

Last week we open sourced the TensorFlow Recorder project (also known as TFRecorder), which makes it possible for data scientists, data engineers, or AI/ML engineers to create image based TFRecords with just a few lines of code. Using TFRecords is incredibly important for creating efficient TensorFlow ML pipelines, but until now they haven’t been so easy to create. Before TFRecorder, in order to create TFRecords at scale you would have had to write a data pipeline that parsed your structured data, loaded images from storage, and serialized the results into the TFRecord format. TFRecorder allows you to write TFRecords directly from a Pandas dataframe or CSV without writing any complicated code.

You can see an example of TFRecoder below, but first let’s talk about some of the specific advantages of TFRecords.

How TFRecords Can Help

Using the TFRecord file format allows you to store your data in sets of files, each containing a sequence of protocol buffers serialized as a binary record that can be read very efficiently, which will help reduce the data loading bottleneck mentioned above.

Data loading performance can be further improved by implementing prefetching and parallel interleave along with using the TFRecord format. Prefetching reduces the time of each model training step(s) by fetching the data for the next training step while your model is executing training on the current step. Parallel interleave allows you to read from multiple TFRecords shards (pieces of a TFRecord file) and apply preprocessing of those interleaved data streams. This reduces the latency required to read a training batch and is especially helpful when reading data from the network.

Using TensorFlow Recorder

Creating a TFRecord using TFRecorder requires only a few lines of code. Here’s how it works.
import pandas as pd
import tfrecorder
df = pd.read_csv(...)

TFRecorder currently expects data to be in the same format as Google AutoML Vision.

This format looks like a pandas dataframe or CSV formatted as:

  • split can take on the values TRAIN, VALIDATION, and TEST
  • image_uri specifies a local or google cloud storage location for the image file.
  • label can be either a text-based label that will be integerized or an integer
In the future, we hope to extend TensorFlow Recorder to work with data in any format.

While this example would work well to convert a few thousand images into TFRecords, it probably wouldn’t scale well if you have millions of images. To scale up to huge datasets, TensorFlow Recorder provides connectivity with Google Cloud Dataflow, which is a serverless Apache Beam pipeline runner. Scaling up to DataFlow requires only a little bit more configuration.

What’s next?

We’d love for you to try out TensorFlow Recorder. You can get it from GitHub or simply pip install tfrecorder. Tensorflow Recorder is very new and we’d greatly appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and pull requests.

By Mike Bernico and Carlos Ezequiel, Google Cloud AI Engineers

Open source by the numbers at Google

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

At Google, open source is at the core of our infrastructure, processes, and culture. As such, participation in these communities is vital to our productivity. Within OSPO (Open Source Programs Office), our mission is to bring the value of open source to Google and the resources of Google to open source. To ensure our actions match our commitment, in this post we will explore a variety of metrics intended to increase context, transparency, and accountability across all of the communities we engage with.

Why we contribute: Open source has become a pervasive component in modern software development, and Google is no exception. We use thousands of open source projects across our internal infrastructure and products. As participants in the ecosystem, our intentions are twofold: give back to the communities we depend on as well as expand support for open source overall. We firmly believe in open source and its ability to bring together users, contributors, and companies alike to deliver better software.

The majority of Google’s open source work is done within one of two hosting platforms: GitHub and git-on-borg, Google’s production Git service which integrates with Gerrit for code review and access control. While we also allow individual usage of Bitbucket, GitLab, Launchpad, and other platforms, this analysis will focus on GitHub and git-on-borg. We will continue to explore how best to incorporate activity across additional channels.

A little context about the numbers you’ll read below:
  • Business and personal: While git-on-borg hosts both internal and external Google created repos, GitHub is a mixture of Google projects, experimental efforts and personal projects created by Googlers.
  • Driven by humans: We have created many automated bots and systems that can propose changes on both hosting platforms. We have intentionally filtered these data to ensure we are only showing human initiated activities.
  • GitHub data: We are using GH Archive as the primary source for GitHub data, which is currently available as a public dataset on BigQuery. Google activity within GitHub is identified by self registered accounts, which we anticipate under reports actual usage as employees acclimate to our policies.
  • Active counts: Where possible, we will show ‘active users’ and ‘active repositories’ defined by logged activity within each specified timeframe (for GH archive data, that’s any event type logged in the public GitHub event stream).
As numbers mean nothing without scale, let’s start by defining our applicable community: In 2019, more than 9% of Alphabet’s full time employees actively contributed to public repositories on git-on-borg and GitHub. While single digit, this percentage represents a portion of all full time Alphabet employees—from engineers to marketers to admins, across every business unit in Alphabet—and does not include those who contribute to open source projects outside of code. As our population has grown, so has our registered contributor base:
This chart shows the aggregate per year counts of Googlers active on public repositories hosted on GitHub and git-on-borg

What we create: As mentioned above, our contributing population works across a variety of Google, personal, and external repositories. Over the years, Google has released thousands of open source projects (many of which span multiple repositories) and ~2,600 are still active. Today, Google hosts over 8,000 public repositories on GitHub and more than 1,000 public repositories on git-on-borg. Over the last five years, we have doubled the number of public repos, growing our footprint by an average of 25% per year.

What we work on: In addition to our own repositories, we contribute to a wide pool of external projects. In 2019, Googlers were active in over 70,000 repositories on GitHub, pushing commits and/or opening pull requests on over 40,000 repositories. Note that more than 75% of the repos with Googler-opened pull requests were outside of Google-managed organizations (on GitHub).
This charts shows per year counts of activities initiated by Googlers on GitHub

What we contribute: For contribution volume on GitHub, we chose to focus on push events, opened, and merged pull requests instead of commits as this metric on its own is difficult to contextualize. Note that push events and pull requests typically include one or more commits per event. In 2019, Googlers created over 570,000 issues comments, opened over 150,000 pull requests, and created more than 36,000 push events on GitHub. Since 2015, we have doubled our annual counts of issues created and push events, and more than tripled the number of opened pull requests. Over the last five years, more than 80% of pull requests opened by Googlers have been closed and merged into active repositories.

How we spend our time: Combining these two classes of metrics—contributions and repos—provides context on how our contributors focus their time. On GitHub: in 2015, about 40% of our opened pull requests were concentrated in just 25 repositories. However, over the next four years, our activity became more distributed across a larger set of projects, with the top 25 repos claiming about 20% of opened pull requests in 2019. For us, this indicates a healthy expansion and diversification of interests, especially given that this activity represents both Google, as well as a community of contributors that happen to work at Google.
This chart splits the total per year counts of Googler created pull requests on GitHub by Top 25 repos vs the remainder ranked by number of opened pull requests per repo per year.

Open source contribution is about more than code

Every day, Google relies on the health and continuing availability of open source, and as such we actively invest in the security and sustainability of open source and its supply chain in three key areas:
  • Security: In addition to building security projects like OpenTitan and gVisor, Google’s OSS-Fuzz project aims to help other projects identify programming errors in software. As of the end of 2019, OSS-Fuzz had over 250 projects using the project, filed over 16,000 bugs, including 3,500 security vulnerabilities.
  • Community: Open source projects depend on communities of diverse individuals. We are committed to improving community sustainability and growth with programs like Google Summer of Code and Season of Docs. Over the last 15 years, about 15,000 students from over 105 countries have participated in Google Summer of Code, along with 25,000 mentors in more than 115 countries working on more than 680 open source projects.
  • Research: At the end of 2019, Google invested $1 million in open source research, partnering with researchers at UVM, with the goal to deepen understanding of how people, teams and organizations thrive in technology-rich settings, especially in open-source projects and communities.
Learn more about our open source initiatives at

By Sophia Vargas – Researcher, Google Open Source Programs Office

Google joins the Open Source Security Foundation

Monday, August 3, 2020

In modern software development, much of the code developers use originates outside their organization and is open source. While the cloud and internet ecosystem depends on an open source foundation, the sheer scale and dependency chain of the libraries and packages we all use makes it difficult to validate and verify the origin of the code you’re ingesting; that it’s up to date on recent patches, and coming from projects following security best practices. To continue deriving benefits from open source, we need to ensure that as a community we are building on the strongest possible foundation. 

At Google, security is always top of mind, and we have developed robust systems and security tools—including open source ones—to protect our internal systems and our customers. We believe the more we share what we’ve learned about open source security, and the more we work with those who face similar challenges, the more we can improve the state of open source security for everyone.

We’re happy to announce that Google is joining the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) to work alongside the broader industry on this journey of improving the state of security of open source projects we all depend on. Google has key areas in open source security we want to work on, and we’re excited to share our ideas with the OpenSSF community and work together. Some of our key areas are:
  1. Shared schemas and metadata that enable automation for enforcing security best practices along the entire software supply chain.
  2. Dependency management and risk assessments through tooling and data. We want to make it easy to map vulnerabilities back to specific versions of code that are affected and take action.
  3. Verifiable builds through trusted build systems so that we know artifacts haven’t been tampered with. The Tekton project has been exploring this idea, and we’re excited to share some of these ideas with OpenSSF.
  4. A developer identity system to help associate code changes back to their original author and help code reviewers have developer authentication as part of their commit and PR review process.
  5. Securing critical OSS projects and helping projects respond to vulnerabilities. If you’re a maintainer who’s interested in getting help with vulnerability response or security engineering efforts, watch this space!
Security challenges are never going to disappear, and we must work together to maintain the security of the open source software we collectively depend on. If you're interested in getting involved in the OpenSSF initiatives, visit or OpenSSF on GitHub.You can be a part of how the OpenSSF serves the open source community and the world!

By Kim Lewandowski, Product Security Team, and Dan Lorenc, Infrastructure Security Team, Google