Murphy's Draught Style Stout is an Irish style Dry Stout that comes in a can with a widget.
4.0% ABV
Murphy's is an exciting beer to pour. Because it is nitrogenated and has a widget, the tiny bubbles are slow to float to the surface and as a result the beer goes from foamy, to brown and thick with bubbles, to dark black with a tan head. It is also fun because the guys at Murphy's have trained the bubbles to creep up to the top of the glass and create a foam-dome but to never overflow.
Well played, lads!
Anyway, that nice thick head that is pictured above does reduce a bit as you are drinking this beer, but never really goes away. Honestly, it lasts throughout the glass. I've said before that I don't put much stock into the importance of the head retention, but still, I've gotta say that this is pretty impressive. The aroma is dominated by sweet roasted malts and not much else -- which is appropriate. As for the taste, well, it tastes like slightly chalky roasted malts. That's it. Can we go back to talking about the impressive foam now?
Oh, mouthfeel is very nice. Kinda like a pillow of nitrogen foam landed on your tongue and dissolved into light flavored beer.
(Side note: This page has a nice writeup about a taste-off between Murphy's and Guiness.)
Did I mention the foam...?
Grade: C
(Can Purchased at Liquor Collection)