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Credit Information System

Frequently asked questions
  • The Credit Information System (SCR) is a system managed by Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) containing information about credit operations (such as loans and financing) and credit limits granted by institutions authorized to operate by BACEN.

    SCR is monthly updated by institutions, through the collection of information about matured operations. Therefore, in line with Central Bank Resolution 4571, Nubank provides every month to Central Bank information about your credit operations related to the Credit Card and Loan products.

  • Based on evidence found in the SCR, Bacen is able to track financial institutions' credit portfolios, adopting preventive actions towards the management of the existing risks. In addition, the information available in the SCR helps institutions in their credit decisions. Important to highlight that, regardless SCR information on customer's credit operations, the decision to provide credit is exclusive of financial institutions, according to its credit policy.

  • SCR is the Credit Registry managed by BACEN containing all your credit operations. The system can help you to demonstrate your payment capacity. Besides that, by accessing SCR you will be able to see all your credit operations, having more control over your finances. On the other hand, the system gives more visibility for Institutions, enabling individualized credit analysis.

  • You are able to consult the SCR information in person in any of the Bacen's Central Offices of Attendance to the Public or by accessing the Central Bank’s Registrato System, which contains information about your relationships with financial institutions and credit operations. Registrato is a cost free system and can be accessed at the Bacen's website.

  • Your SCR information can be accessed by you and the Central Bank. Also, Institutions are allowed to consult it, as long as they obtain your previous authorization. At Nubank, we report your credit information to SCR, as mentioned in item 3 of our Privacy Policy and by accepting the terms of this policy, you authorize Nubank to consult your credit information in the SCR. In case Nubank transfers the receivables (sell) or offer them as guarantee to third parties, these parties could also access your SCR information if they have access to the system.

  • The statements based on SCR information are based on the last day of the basis month balances and follows accounting criterias stablished by Central Bank, and, because of that, ammounts of debts and limits may differ from the ones consulted through the app or bills. Any payments made after the reference date will be considered in the statement of the related reference month, considering the time lapse between the payment, the day we send this information to central bank and the timing for Central Bank to process and make this data available on Registrato. For example, if you made a payment on January 15th, it will be considered on the balance related to January, 31st. The balances related to dates prior to payment won't suffer any changes.

  • If you find an error in your SCR data reported by Nubank, please contact us through one of our service channels: e-mail ([email protected]), chat ou phone (0800 608 6236).