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If you are interested in No to Violence submissions and policy positions, they are available here.

Practice standards and frameworks

Victorian minimum standards

Family Safety Victoria released the ‘Men’s Behaviour Change Minimum Standards’ which took effect from 1 July 2018.

It is a requirement within funding agreements with the Victorian Government for delivery of Men’s Behaviour Change Programs that the provider is a member of No to Violence and adheres to the requirements of the Minimum Standards.

NSW practice guide, standards and compliance framework for men’s domestic violence behaviour change programs

A suite of resources for New South Wales practitioners that work with men who use violence. 

Other state and territory standards

  • ‘Queensland Professional Practice Standards’ – Working with men who perpetrate domestic and family violence (PDF – link to external site))
  • ‘Western Australian Practice Standards for Perpetrator Intervention’ (PDF – link to external site)
  • ‘National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions’ (PDF – link to external page)

NTV publications

No to Violence 2022 Conference Report

In August 2022, No to Violence held a national conference entitled and themed around Shifting the Burden. The conference took place in Adelaide and involved representatives from government, the DFV sector, member organisations, and keynote speakers.

2019 No to Violence NSW Listening Tour Report

In January 2019, No to Violence led a regional Listening Tour in NSW to hear what’s needed to better prevent and respond to domestic and family violence in local communities.

Working for change: Perpetrator interventions in LGBTI communities forum report – Melbourne 2018

On Friday 20 July 2018, No to Violence and Thorne Harbour Health co-hosted Victoria’s annual LGBTIQ perpetrator interventions forum.

2018 Victorian Listening Tour Report

A ‘Listening Tour of Victoria’ identified a genuine appetite for collaboration amongst these key community service providers. It has highlighted the skills and expertise of these groups and can readily identify opportunities for enhanced service delivery.

Working with Aboriginal Men and Family Violence Conference Report – Adelaide 2017

No to Violence partnered with KWY, an Adelaide based Aboriginal family violence service, to co-host the Working with Aboriginal Men and Family Violence conference as a means to showcasing the work being done with men in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

No to Violence resources for working with men who use violence

‘Better than this’ – Outreach resources

It can be better than this, is the message we are looking to send out. Many men who use violence don’t know where to go to get support to change their violent and abusive behaviour. ‘Better than this’ seeks to shift men into contemplating ‘maybe it can be better than this’ and that there are places that can help.

Please email [email protected] with information regarding your request and we will do our best to facilitate your order.

Man facing poster (A4) – perfect to hang in an area of quiet contemplation, like a bathroom or waiting room.

Sector-focused Poster (A3 and A4) – perfect for a staff room

Pamplet (DL) – perfect to place in a waiting room.

Wallet card (business card) – a subtle card for clients to keep in their wallet as they contemplate whether they need support.