The admission into undergraduate courses, considering the current lawis conducted mainly by University Entrance Examination (called “Vestibular”), which is planned, coordinated and executed by the Standing Committee of Vestibular - COPEVEreporting directly to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.





The Standing Committee of Vestibular - COPEVE - is responsible for the planning, organization and execution of the selection process for admission into undergraduate courses at UFSJ. It is composed of teachers and technicians who work year-round in the designing, development, implementation and analysis of the competition.

The Selection Process of UFSJ ensures all candidates equal opportunity to access, without any distinction whatsoever. The selection is also based on equal treatment and the evaluation criteria in order to rank the candidates according to their ability to take the courses desired.

Concerned with maintaining a permanent sync with current educational policy discussions, COPEVE adopted, from the year 2000, a new form of entry for undergraduate courses. The traditional Brazilian “Student Entrance Examination” (vestibular) opened space for coexistence with the National Secondary Education Examination (ENEM). The candidates’ ENEM results are obtained by COPEVE directly from the Ministry of Education (INEP / MEC), using data supplied by the candidate in their application form. 


UFSJ - Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

PROEN - Pró-Reitoria de Ensino de Graduação

COPEVE - Comissão Permanente de Vestibular

Campus Santo Antônio - Praça Frei Orlando 170 - Centro

36.307-352 - São João del-Rei - Minas Gerais

Fones: (32)3379-2328 e 3379-2505 Fax:(32)3379-2328

email::[email protected]


International students from Universities/Institutes which maintain International Cooperation Agreement with UFSJ have a different kind of admission. More information for prospective foreign students at: