Plastic Soup Foundation

Plastic Soup Foundation


No plastic in our water or our bodies!

Over ons

Plastic Soup Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Amsterdam. Our slogan is ‘No plastic in our water or our bodies'. We fight the plastic soup at its source and therefore, we focus on three main goals: 1. prevent plastic from ending up in the environment 2. share knowledge about the health risks related to plastics and plastic additives 3. achieve an absolute reduction in the production and use of plastic. You can support us via this link:

11 - 50 medewerkers
plastic soup, awareness, plastic pollution, innovations and solutions, policy, NGO, global coalition building, international cooperation, dissemination, microplastics, macroplastics, microfibers, microbeads en plastic and health


Medewerkers van Plastic Soup Foundation


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

    25.124 volgers

    New research by the Minderoo Foundation and the University of Adelaide provides irrefutable evidence that plastic chemicals are harmful to human health throughout the human life cycle, from pre-birth to old age. Not one of the plastic chemicals they studied is safe. However, the 5 classes of chemicals they researched (BPA, phthalates, PCB, PBDEs, and PFAS) are only a fraction of the thousands added to plastic. Most of these chemicals have not been adequately or even ever studied for effects on human health. The Minderoo Foundation therefore advocates taking precautionary measures. This study once again proves that we need a strong and comprehensive #GlobalPlasticTreaty. The fifth round of the UN negotiations will take place in three months’ time in Busan, South Korea. We, like the Minderoo Foundation, hope that this research will influence the negotiations. As our founder, Maria Westerbos, says: ”[the conversation] is no longer about ocean pollution, but about putting our own and our children’s health at risk”. Read the full article about the research here:

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

    25.124 volgers

    What to do on a business trip to London? Try alternatives to plastic of course! When Maria Westerbos and Jeroen Dagevos travelled to the Future of Fabrics expo last month, they had the pleasure to meet the people of Notpla who have developed food packaging that is not only: not plastic (notpla), but also edible! In this video Jeroen is trying their OHOO, which is their nature inspired, plastic free alternative to single-use plastic packaging. The liquid inside the OHOO is encapsulated in a thin, flexible layer that is 100% naturally biodegradable and entirely edible. This is a completely zero waste packaging alternative that we are very excited about. Thanks for having us Notpla, we can't wait to see what the future holds for you!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

    25.124 volgers

    If we don’t do something the plastic will be the end of us… That is the message that filmmakers Stuart Hackshaw and Alistair Little wanted to convey in their short film PLASTIC. They made PLASTIC with the goal of creating something out of the ordinary, that was eye catching and had impact, leaving the audience with a strong message. They kindly donated this film to us in 2022 and since then it has received lots of credit from viewers as well as a nomination from the Smiley Charity Film Awards. Since the weather this #PlasticFreeJuly is matching the gloomy atmosphere of the short video, and the message is even more relevant today, we thought it was a great moment to showcase PLASTIC again, together with our gratitude to Stuart and Allistair. Watch the video here (1 minute 36 seconds). #PlasticDiet #PlasticSoupFoundation #ReduceYourPlasticFootprint #SayNoToSingleUsePlastic #SingleUsePlastic #PlasticPollution #PlasticFree #NoWaste #PlasticHealth #MicroPlastics #PlasticNews


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

    25.124 volgers

    We are very glad to see that 70 international financial institutions are calling on petrochemical companies to transition to safe and environmentally sound practices, by reducing fossil fuel dependency and eliminating hazardous chemicals in plastics. We know that the plastic (health) crisis can only be stopped at the source. So holding the plastic producers accountable is essential. The Investor Statement demands that the producers of plastic stop stalling progress in the Global Plastic Treaty and instead present strategies and solutions for the plastic waste they produce and the harmful chemicals they put in this plastic. We fully support these demands and this great initiative! Great job Planet Tracker, Achmea, Arthur van Mansvelt. Together we can achieve the system change needed to close the plastic tap! Read the Investor Statement here: #GlobalPlasticsTreaty #PlasticPollution #Petrochemicals #ToxicChemicals #FossilFuels #INC4 #PlasticRisk #UpstreamSolutions #ClimateChange #Stewardship #ResponsibleInvestors

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

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    Right now, 70% of all the clothing produced is made with plastic, from oil; consuming 50bn kilos of oil annually. You might not expect it, but this makes the clothing industry one of the biggest polluters of the planet. The negative environmental impact is enormous, but it is also disastrous for human health. Plastic Soup Foundation travelled to the Future of Fabrics Expo in London to talk about plastic free alternatives and solutions, proving that it can be done as 10.000 new materials were presented at the expo. Our Founder Maria Westerbos led a panel discussion about the future of plastic free fashion, called ‘Clothes that don’t make us sick: solutions to the problem of plastics’. The panel discussed research which showed that nylon, in particular, can be detrimental to our lungs. It's not the fibre itself that's the primary culprit, but the chemicals that it is made with. These chemicals can clog our veins: they are heavily polluted with synthetic fibres and plastics, our Founder pointed out. The solutions? - Consuming less. The panel acknowledged that the current fast fashion business model is unlikely to change until consumer behaviour shifts dramatically, but even a 30% reduction in consumer purchases can have a significant impact. - Government action in terms of regulatory interventions as well as making the companies pay for their pollution. Extended Producer Responsibiliy (EPR) could make sure that producing plastic clothes is no longer the cheapest option. - System change within the industry. Materials should be tested for toxins and their long term impact before they are allowed to be used, but also they need to collaborate more with textile innovators to facilitate new research and thus the possibility of plastic free clothing. Our ‘Life is Plastic’ video was also played on a loop on the floor, highlighting the negative effects of plastic microfibers on human health. Interested in the future of fashion? Read about it here: Want a wardrobe that doesn’t make you sick? Download our fashion guide: You can also find our ‘Life is Plastic’ video here:



  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

    25.124 volgers

    This week our Maria Westerbos and Jeroen Dagevos travelled to London to join the Future of Fabrics Expo to talk about the need for plastic free fashion and the harmful effects of plastic microfibers that our clothes produce on our health. Want to read more about how clothes make us sick? Download the report here:

  • Plastic Soup Foundation heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor a.s.r. verzekeringen, afbeelding

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    Maria Westerbos richt in 2011 Plastic Soup Foundation op met als doel het stoppen van plasticvervuiling bij de bron. Zoals zij het zelf zeggen, de tsunami van plasticsoep moet stoppen. Bij deze missie past een pensioenregeling met oog voor duurzaamheid. Daarom heeft zij bewust gekozen voor een werknemerspensioenregeling bij a.s.r. "Wanneer je het als werkgever kunt betalen, vind ik dat je pensioen moet regelen voor je werknemers. Mensen denken vreemd genoeg weinig na over ouder worden en hun pensioen. Zorg ervoor dat ouder worden je niet plotseling overkomt."   Wij zijn blij dat we een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan haar missie. Succes met het mooie werk, Maria! #nulaterenaltijd #asrdoethet #werknemerspensioen #plasticsoupfoundation

    Plastic Soup Foundation kiest bewust pensioen van a.s.r.

    Plastic Soup Foundation kiest bewust pensioen van a.s.r.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

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    Giftenaftrek afschaffen? Slecht idee! Het nieuwe kabinet komt nu al met een voorstel waar wij niet blij van worden. Het wil namelijk de mogelijkheden voor miljoenen Nederlanders om royaal te kunnen schenken aan doelen en instellingen beperken, door de giftenaftrek voor de belasting af te schaffen. Dit zal er voor zorgen dat goede doelen - zoals Plastic Soup Foundation - en andere organisaties, tientallen miljoenen aan giften zullen missen. Daarmee vallen er grote gaten in de samenleving, want deze doelen en NGOs bouwen door eerdere afschaffingen van vele subsidies bijna volledig op deze giften. Wij sluiten ons daarom aan bij de velen die zich al hebben ingeschreven voor de petitie om de Giftenaftrek te redden. Doe jij ook mee? Onderteken de petitie hier:

    Red de giftenaftrek

    Red de giftenaftrek

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

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    The Dutch government proposed a National Circular Norm: from 2027 onwards plastic producers have to include a minimum percentage of recycled- or bioplastics in their products. Of course, we as PSF, have some notes on this proposal. First of all, recycling will not solve our problems, we have to drastically reduce the plastic production, especially of single use plastics. The Circular Norm will not cap plastic production, will in fact encourage it, and so, will have a negative effect on climate change. Second, the goal of the Circular Norm is to burn less plastic, with which we agree wholeheartedly. Only we don’t think that recycling some plastic, while producing more of it will in fact not lead to less plastic waste and the burning of it. To us, this just seems like temporarily postponing it. Third of all, recycling is not the problem, plastic is. Due to the added 16.000 different chemicals in plastics, recycling it is a nightmare. A true circular cycle is if the plastic was used again to make a product of similar quality, not to come up with creative ways to get rid of it, like to use it as filling in construction or make park benches out of it. This will just burden future generations with our plastic problem. Especially, since these plastic materials will create micro- and nanoplastics that affect the environment and human health. Fourth, the Circular Norm needs to tighten some of its plans, because as it is now it is easy to commit fraud and allowing greenwashing. Trade in Recycled Plastic is hard to track and thus susceptible to fraud and whitewashing of money. It is know that Plastic Waste has been illegally dumped in other countries, which don’t have the necessary facilities to deal with this plastic waste either. Dutch plastic waste have been found on dumpsites in Turkey and Indonesia. The current Circular Norm also makes greenwashing possible as it sets conditions for how much recycled plastic companies must buy/use, but it does not say that each individual plastic product produce needs to include this recycled plastic. It is hard to explain to consumers that the product they are buying is not made with recycled plastic, yet is allowed to be marketed as circular. In conclusion, we think the Netherlands is far behind in the development of alternative systems and materials, especially in the field of reducing plastic consumer waste and the development of materials that are a 100% biodegradable. The National Circulair Norm, as proposed does nothing to bridge this gap or to promote serious innovation. If we keep doing what we have been doing for decennia, i.e.: making conventional plastics out of bioplastics, it will do nothing to solve our plastic problem. In fact, these plastics are even harder to recycle and in order to meet the Zero Wast goals we have to replace the production of single use plastic completely with alternative systems and materials.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Plastic Soup Foundation, afbeelding

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    Wil je meer impact maken? Kom werken voor Plastic Soup Foundation als Financieel Medewerker! Door de pensionering van ons huidige teamlid zijn we per 1 september op zoek naar iemand die voor 24 per week bij ons de financiën op orde houdt. In de day-to-day business ben jij degene die zorgt dat alle financiële werkzaamheden tot in de puntjes geregeld zijn: je beheert de debiteuren en crediteuren, verwerkt de bankmutaties, houdt de afschrijvingen bij, draagt de btw af, verzorgt de maandelijkse salarismutaties en afdrachten, je zet de betalingen klaar en maakt donatie-overzichten. Klinkt dat als een goede volgende stap? Bekijk de volledige vacature hier: We horen graag van je! #WerkenvooreenNGO #PlasticSoupFoundation #Vacature #VacatureFinancieelMedewerken #KomBijOnsWerken #NGOBaan

    Financieel medewerker - Plastic Soup Foundation

    Financieel medewerker - Plastic Soup Foundation

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