Forte Renewables

Forte Renewables

Opwekking van windenergie

Amsterdam, North Holland 4.483 volgers

Technical Advisory – Design - Project Management

Over ons

Technical Advisors & Risk Managers: Onshore Wind – Offshore Wind - Solar PV Established in Amsterdam in 2012, Forte Renewables stands as a beacon of expertise in Technical Advisory, Owners Engineering, and top-tier Project Management services on an international scale. We support investors in achieving their renewable energy project goals. From meticulously assessing Technical Due Diligence to steering the intricacies of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction stages, we're committed to ensuring projects not only meet but exceed industry standards. With Forte Renewables by your side, expect a seamless journey through each phase, where our dedicated professionals harness their unrivaled industry knowledge and meticulous attention to detail to propel your projects to unparalleled success.

Opwekking van windenergie
11 - 50 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Wind Farm Design, Wind Farm Development, Wind Farm Constrcution, Wind Turbine Operation & Maintenance, Wind Farm Asset Management en Wind Farm Procurement


Medewerkers van Forte Renewables


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Forte Renewables, afbeelding

    4.483 volgers

    Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) uruchomił nabór wniosków na pożyczki na morską energetykę wiatrową, co jest kolejnym ważnym krokiem w realizacji transformacji energetycznej Polski. Dzięki środkom na rzecz Morskiej Energetyki Wiatrowej o wartości prawie 5 mld EUR, BGK będzie wspierać budowę farm wiatrowych na Bałtyku. To nie tylko inwestycja w zieloną energię i bezpieczeństwo kraju, ale także w rozwój polskiej gospodarki, z potencjałem stworzenia wielu nowych miejsc pracy. Firma Forte Renewables Polska Sp. z o. o. z dumą doradza klientom w procesie realizacji inwestycji w morską energetykę wiatrową. Dzięki naszemu międzynarodowemu doświadczeniu w tego typu projektach, wspieramy przedsiębiorców w skutecznym wykorzystaniu tej niezwykłej szansy. Razem budujemy niezależność energetyczną i rozwój gospodarczy naszego kraju! #EnergetykaWiatrowa #BGK #ForteRenewables #ZielonaEnergia #TransformacjaEnergetyczna Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) has launched a call for applications for loans in offshore wind energy, marking another significant step in Poland's energy transformation. With nearly EUR 5 billion allocated to the Offshore Wind Energy Fund, BGK will support the construction of wind farms in the Baltic Sea. This is not only an investment in green energy and national security but also in the development of the Polish economy, with the potential to create numerous new jobs. Forte Renewables Polska Sp. z o.o. proudly advises clients in the process of investing in offshore wind energy. With our international experience in such projects, we support entrepreneurs in effectively seizing this unique opportunity. Together, we are building energy independence and the economic growth of our country!   #OffshoreWindEnergy #BGK #ForteRenewables #GreenEnergy #EnergyTransition

    Teraz-Srodowisko : Wiadomości dnia

    Teraz-Srodowisko : Wiadomości dnia

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Forte Renewables, afbeelding

    4.483 volgers

    Zespół polskich ekspertów ukończył pracę nad polską wersją umowy wczesnego zaangażowania wykonawcy (Early Contractor Involvement - ECI). ECI to strategia stosowana w branży budowlanej, polegająca na zaangażowaniu wykonawców w projekt budowlany już na wczesnym etapie projektowania. Dzięki ECI wykonawca jest zaangażowany w proces realizacji inwestycji od samego początku i może wnosić swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie w fazę planowania i projektowania. Współpraca od wczesnych faz projektu pozwala uniknąć potencjalnych problemów, zoptymalizować koszty oraz skrócić czas jego realizacji. Model ECI jest powszechnie wykorzystywany na świecie na potrzeby realizacji projektów OZE. Wzór polskiej wersji umowy jest dostępny pod adresem: Eksperci Forte Renewables posiadają bogate doświadczenie w doradztwie na rzecz inwestorów i deweloperów OZE zarówno w zakresie konstruowania umów, ich negocjowania jak i przeprowadzania analiz ryzyk dla poszczególnych projektów. A team of Polish experts has completed work on the Polish version of the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) contract. ECI is a strategy used in the construction industry to involve contractors in a construction project at an early design stage. Thanks to ECI, the contractor is involved in the construction process from the very beginning and can provide its knowledge and expertise in the planning and design phases. Cooperation from the early phases of the project avoids potential problems, optimises costs and shortens the project time. ECI model is widely used worldwide for the implementation of RES projects. A model of the Polish version of the agreement is available at: Forte Renewables experts have a wide experience in advising RES investors and developers, both in drafting contracts, negotiating them and carrying out individual project risk analyses.

    Umowa ECI – wzór umowy wczesnego zaangażowania wykonawcy

    Umowa ECI – wzór umowy wczesnego zaangażowania wykonawcy

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Forte Renewables, afbeelding

    4.483 volgers

    Polska i Litwa rozpoczynają przełomowy projekt budowy nowego lądowego mostu energetycznego, który zwiększy bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w całym regionie Bałtyku. Przy okazji realizacji tak ważnej i strategicznej inicjatywy, chcielibyśmy z dumą podkreślić, że Forte Renewables działa na obu tych rynkach, wspierając klientów w projektach związanych z energetyką odnawialną i magazynowaniem energii. Dzięki międzynarodowej współpracy mamy możliwość przyczyniania się do zapewniania zrównoważonej przyszłości energetycznej dla Polski i Litwy. #EnergetykaOdnawialna #MagazynowanieEnergii #Polska #Litwa #BezpieczeństwoEnergetyczne #ForteRenewables #Zrównoważony #Rozwój #HarmonyLink Poland and Lithuania are embarking on a groundbreaking project to build a new land-based energy bridge that will enhance energy security across the entire Baltic region. As this significant and strategic initiative gets underway, we proudly highlight that Forte Renewables operates in both markets, supporting clients in renewable energy and energy storage projects. Through international cooperation, we have the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable energy future for Poland and Lithuania. #RenewableEnergy #EnergyStorage #Poland #Lithuania #EnergySecurity #ForteRenewables #Sustainability #HarmonyLink Lenkija ir Lietuva pradeda novatorišką naujo sausumos energetinio tilto statybos projektą, kuris padidins energetinį saugumą visame Baltijos regione. Pradėdami šią svarbią ir strateginę iniciatyvą, su pasididžiavimu pabrėžiame, kad „Forte Renewables“ veikia abiejose rinkose, remdami klientus atsinaujinančios energetikos ir energijos kaupimo projektuose. Tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo dėka turime galimybę prisidėti prie tvarios energetinės ateities užtikrinimo Lenkijai ir Lietuvai. #AtsinaujinantiEnergija #EnergijosKaupimas #Lenkija #Lietuva #EnergetinisSaugumas #ForteRenewables #Tvarumas #HarmonyLink

    Polska i Litwa zbudują most energetyczny. Inwestycja kluczowa dla bezpieczeństwa regionu

    Polska i Litwa zbudują most energetyczny. Inwestycja kluczowa dla bezpieczeństwa regionu

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Forte Renewables, afbeelding

    4.483 volgers

    Upcoming amendments to the law regarding the implementation of wind power plants in Poland will bring some significant changes that may substantially impact the renewable energy market in the coming years.   Key elements of these modifications will include the removal of the general 10H distance limit from residential buildings and the reduction of the minimum distance from residential buildings to 500 meters. Moreover, the minimum distance from national parks, reserves, and Natura 2000 areas is also likely to be reduced and specified in meters.   These changes will create many opportunities for investors both in terms of implementing new projects and resuming previously suspended wind power plant projects. However, there is a risk that despite the relaxation of regulations concerning the location of wind power plants, their implementation in some areas will still not be possible due to other factors, such as the development of residential buildings, including suburbanisation of cities, acoustic standards, nature protection, or the provisions of local spatial development plans.   Forte offers comprehensive support in verifying the existing project portfolio for compliance with current regulations, taking into account all risk factors that may negatively affect their feasibility. We also support clients in the process of implementing completely new investments.   We help our clients through: ✅Project compliance analysis: We check whether the documents obtained so far and the conceptual assumptions meet the new legal requirements and are adapted to the current and planned land use; ✅Modification of projects to the latest technology: We advise and assist in updating projects to comply with the latest technological standards while fitting within the framework of existing permits and documents, which can increase their efficiency and profitability; ✅Implementation of necessary actions for the launch of energy storage facilities: To ensure the stabilisation of energy supplies and increase the revenues of existing and developing projects. We have a team of specialists who help prepare the best-suited legislative, technical, and administrative action plans in this area.   The planned regulatory changes will be a stimulus for renewed, dynamic growth in wind energy investments. Thanks to Forte's experience and the knowledge of our engineers, we support clients in optimising the investment and execution process of projects, contributing to their faster implementation and increased profitability.   We invite both current and new clients to contact us. With our help, you will be able to fully utilise the potential brought by the planned regulatory changes and the green transformation of Poland's energy sector. Together, we can contribute to the development of sustainable and efficient renewable energy in Poland.

  • Forte Renewables heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Radosław Łapszyński, afbeelding

    Regulatory Affairs & Legal Manager ⚡ Lawyer ⚡ Economist ⚡ Researcher ⚡ Energy ⚡ Public Policy

    Brief summary of the second phase of the Polish Balancing Market reform:   ⚡Main Objective: Strengthen market mechanisms to incentivise participants to increase flexibility. Adjust energy production or consumption to current needs of the power system through appropriate price signals; ⚡Integration of Renewable Energy: Improvements will aid better integration of renewable energy sources and reduce the number of non-market curtailments of renewable generation; ⚡Real-Time Pricing: Enhanced by shortening settlement periods for balancing energy and imbalances from one hour to 15 minutes; ⚡Energy Pricing: Will include valuation of operational reserves and costs of maintaining stabilising sources; ⚡Participant Structure: Redefines participants as Balancing Service Providers and Balance Responsible Parties; ⚡Minimum Generation Capacity: Lowers the threshold for participation to entities with at least 0.2 MW generation capacity, down from 1 MW; ⚡Market Aggregation: Allows smaller market participants to combine into larger groups, increasing competitiveness; ⚡New Categories and Services: Introduces new object categories, Balancing Units and Graphic Units, and new balancing services (Frequency Maintenance Reserve, Frequency Restoration Reserve, and Replacement Reserve); ⚡Planning and Reporting: Updates the planning process for the national power system and reporting rules for market participants to the transmission system operator; ⚡European Integration: Establishes rules for Polish producers to participate in European platforms for balancing energy exchange from replacement reserves and imbalance compensation. Allowing Poland to engage in EU-wide energy balancing instruments. If you have any queries regarding the Balancing Market, feel free to contact Forte Renewables team.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Forte Renewables, afbeelding

    4.483 volgers

    We are delighted to have contributed as Owners Engineers to the successful handover of the Ter Apel PV project in the Netherlands. 🤗🤗🤗 Our team managed reviews of all document submissions, QHSE site inspections and quality control along with providing extensive project management support to the Low Carbon. We look forward to working with Menno Gijrath and rest of Low Carbon team in helping to deliver the remaining 8 PV projects in NL which are currently under construction.

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Low Carbon, afbeelding

    18.938 volgers

    Low Carbon is delighted to announce that we have fully commissioned Ter Apel Solar Farm.   The 27MW Dutch solar farm is Low Carbon’s first utility-scale solar project to issue the Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) since we became an Independent Power Producer (IPP) capable of delivering large-scale renewable energy capacity globally.   Located in the province of Groningen, Ter Apel has the capacity to generate enough renewable energy to power more than 10,000 homes and avoid an estimated 7,000 tonnes CO2e annually, playing a key role in supporting the decarbonisation efforts of the Netherlands.   To deliver the project, Low Carbon have worked closely with BELECTRIC GmbH, our long-term partner, and one of Europe’s leading providers of engineering, procurement and construction services for solar farms.   Low Carbon and BELECTRIC are working together on a portfolio of large-scale Dutch solar projects that are expected to enter operations later this year and share a mutual goal of delivering renewable energy infrastructure in a sustainable way.   Commenting on the milestone, Low Carbon’s Managing Director of Portfolio Management, Steven Hughes said: “We are delighted to formally hand over our first renewable energy project since becoming an IPP. This is a landmark moment in Low Carbon’s journey and reinforces our capability to deliver renewable energy projects at scale. Our long-term partnership with BELECTRIC has been fundamental to the success of Ter Apel, and we look forward to working together on the delivery of further projects in the coming months as we look to play a key role in accelerating the energy transition.”   Dr. Thorsten Blanke, Managing Director at BELECTRIC, added: “The fact that Low Carbon selected us to construct these exciting projects speaks volumes about us and our project experience. We have been working successfully with our customer since the beginning of 2022 and look forward to expanding the partnership and helping Low Carbon deliver 20 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030.”   Low Carbon is on a mission. Together we will power tomorrow. #NewRenewables #Solar #PoweringTomorrow

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  • Forte Renewables heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Carlos Hernandez PMP®_Civil Eng., afbeelding

    Project Manager Professional at Forte Renewables

    ¿Cómo mitigar los RIESGOS EN LA GESTIÓN DE LOS INTERESADOS en la construcción de plantas SOLARES Y EÓLICAS? Debido al gran número de INTERESADOS en los proyectos de energías renovables, como por ejemplo Propietarios de terrenos, Comunidades locales, Entidades gubernamentales y reguladoras, Inversores y Financiadores,  Proveedores y contratistas, el volumen de riesgos que aparecen en la gestión de todas las partes es, sin duda, enorme. Existen diversas CAUSAS en la aparición de estos  y algunas pueden enumerarse como: -Falta de compromiso -Intereses conflictivos -Cambios en los requisitos -Resistencia a la implementación del proyecto -Ruptura de comunicación Para mitigar estos riesgos, se pueden tomar las siguientes MEDIDAS: -Aumentar la participación con reuniones y actualizaciones regulares. -Sesiones de resolución de conflictos para abordar y alinear los intereses. -Implementar un proceso robusto de gestión de cambios. -Plan de comunicación integral para asegurar: comunicación consistente. Implementar estas medidas mejora la fiabilidad, reduce defectos, mejora rendimiento y asegura la SATISFACCIÓN DE LOS INTERESADOS. A través del servicio EPCM y Supervisión de la Construcción para activos renovables que responde a todos los riesgos mencionados con compromiso hacia el cliente y el proyecto. A continuación, algunas fotos de los proyectos en los que hemos colaborado, mitigando riesgos y colaborando con nuestros clientes. ---------- How to mitigate the RISKS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS in the construction of SOLAR AND WIND plants? Due to the large number of STAKEHOLDERS in renewable energy projects, such as Landowners, Local Communities, Governmental and regulatory entities, Investors and Financiers, Suppliers, and Contractors, the volume of risks that arise in managing all parties is undoubtedly enormous. There are various CAUSES for the emergence of these risks, and some can be listed as: -Lack of engagement -Conflicting interests -Changes in requirements -Resistance to project implementation -Communication breakdown To mitigate these risks, the following MEASURES can be taken: -Increase engagement through regular meetings and updates. -Conflict resolution sessions to address and align interests. -Implement a robust change management process. -Comprehensive communication plan to ensure consistent communication. Implementing these measures enhances reliability, reduces defects, improves performance, and ensures STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION. Through the EPCM and Construction Monitoring service for renewable assets, which addresses all the aforementioned risks with commitment to the client and the project. Here are some photos of the projects we have collaborated on, mitigating risks and working with our clients.

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  • Forte Renewables heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Carlos Hernandez PMP®_Civil Eng., afbeelding

    Project Manager Professional at Forte Renewables

    ¿COMO DESTACAR como CONTRATISTA EPC para proyectos renovables? Sin lugar a dudas una de las preguntas claves a la hora de cualquier TENDER DE CONSTRUCCIÓN DE PROYECTOS RENOVABLES, es saber, además del precio obviamente, en que ámbitos las empresas y contratistas EPC pueden destacarse y/o diferenciarse en una “short list” a la hora de competir. Si bien se emiten ciertos requisitos y puntajes mínimos a obtener en varios ámbitos, es fundamental demostrar el VALOR AGREGADO y el PORQUE UN EPC SI Y PORQUE OTRO NO… Aquí les dejo el “top 5” de áreas en cuales destacar: 1.     Innovación Tecnológica 2.     Gestión de Riesgos 3.     Optimización del Tiempo de Ejecución 4.     Experiencia y Credenciales 5.     Solidez Financiera De los primeros 3, podemos decir: 1.     Proponer uso de tecnologías avanzadas y SOLUCIONES INNOVADORAS 2.     Presentar un enfoque claro y eficaz para la GESTIÓN DE RIESGOS 3.     Debemos ofrecer un CRONOGRAMA BIEN PLANIFICADO que demuestre la capacidad de completar el proyecto Para llevar a cabo estos puntos es que se necesitan SOCIOS TÉCNICOS que aseguren una posicionamiento consistente en base a un “Track Record” sólido, el cual asegure control y seguridad en el proyecto. Algunas imágenes relativas a proyectos SOLARES y EÓLICOS donde se evidencia parte de nuestra experiencia en el soporte para la Construcción de Proyectos. ---------- HOW TO STAND OUT as an EPC CONTRACTOR for Renewable Projects? Undoubtedly, one of the key questions when BIDDING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS is understanding, besides price obviously, in what areas EPC companies and contractors can stand out and/or differentiate themselves on a "short list" when competing. While certain minimum requirements and scores are set in various areas, it is essential to demonstrate the ADDED VALUE and WHY ONE EPC YES AND ANOTHER NO... Here is the “top 5” list of areas to excel in: 1.     Technological Innovation 2.     Risk Management 3.     Optimization of Execution Time 4.     Experience and Credentials 5.     Financial Solvency Regarding the first 3, we can say: 1.     We must propose the use of advanced technologies and INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS 2.     Present a clear and effective approach to RISK MANAGEMENT, 3.     We must offer a WELL-PLANNED SCHEDULE that demonstrates the ability to complete the project To achieve these points, TECHNICAL PARTNERS are needed to ensure a consistent positioning based on a solid “Track Record,” which ensures control and security in the project. Some images related to SOLAR and WIND projects where part of our experience in supporting the construction of projects is evident.

    • Solar in EUROPE
    • WIND in Asia
    • Solar in EUROPE
    • WIND in Europe
    • WIND in Asia
  • Forte Renewables heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor John Reilly, afbeelding

    Head of Renewable Energy, Bord na Móna

    Summer hasn't really arrived yet on the rock on the edge of the Atlantic. Average temperatures have been 4-5oC below normal for the first week of June in Ireland and it's been pretty windy too over the last couple of days. With demand reducing as we head in to "summer", you'd expect % RES-E to be quite high on windy days and it wasn't too bad over the last 24 hrs, where just shy of 40% of demand was met by renewables. But what is remarkable about the data below is that over that 24hr period almost 25% of demand was met by electricity imports from the UK. And that's no problem at all provided those imports are displacing gas or coal, driven as they are by price differentials across the interconnectors. But is that what is really happening here or are there other factors at play? Time for some detailed analysis. I'll need to check the level of dispatch down across our wind assets over the last 24hrs. Are imports displacing gas and coal fired generation or are they displacing indigenous renewables? Answers on a post card while I do my own analysis.

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