


Women's health at your fingertips.

Over ons

Flouria is a digital women’s health company dedicated to supporting female employees through every stage of their reproductive health journey. As a comprehensive platform, we revolutionise women's healthcare by facilitating easy access to experts and specialists via chat, video calls and personalised plans. Our innovative learning hub empowers women with self-awareness and advocacy, and we also offer in-company awareness events, policy advice, and training for managers to help reduce sick leave, increase retention and improve return to work after pregnancy programs. Ready to elevate employee wellbeing? Contact us at: [email protected]

2-10 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
women's health en employee wellbeing


Medewerkers van Flouria


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    Meet our founding team! Bringing a rounded combination of experience from VC, Product Development & Commercial Leadership, Jeanine van Munster, Vlatko Stojkovski and Anna Christie are putting their heads together to better women's healthcare in The Netherlands. Each has their own personal connection to Flouria's mission, making this an exceptionally driven team. 🧡 Flouria is a women’s health platform that provides direct access to a vetted network of certified health specialists via chat, supporting women during every phase of their menstrual & reproductive health. On top of this; ➡️ Our app offers a cycle, fertility, ovulation, and general wellbeing tracker, ➡️ Our medically-vetted comprehensive content library empowers women with crucial health information, and ➡️ As a full-service partner, we work with organisations to help improve their D&I/wellbeing benefits and initiatives We'll be sharing more about our founders, their stories, and the future they are working towards via our newsletter! Join for more exciting updates 📧👇🏽 #womenshealth #dutchfounders #dutchstartup #employeewellbeing #employeebenefits

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    Last night in Amsterdam we hosted a round table of women who shared their personal stories and gave us valuable feedback on the Flouria app! 📱💫 We were blown away by the diversity of experiences each woman has gone through. 🙏 From being given birth control as a teenager without appropriate consent, to years of fertility and menopausal challenges, each reproductive and menstrual phase brings its own unique mountain for women to climb. We don't need to make the climb alone. The most inspiring thing to come out of our conversations last night was hearing how motivated and encouraged we all are to come together and make a change. To quote one of our guests, "There is so much potential, exciting times ahead for the women's health industry!" 🎇 To the women who kindly gave us your time, thank you for coming, sharing and participating 🧡 your feedback is helping us lower the barrier to care for women in The Netherlands! Jeanine van Munster Anna Christie Kely Christ Luna van den Bemd #roundtable #flouria #amsterdam #womenshealth

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    91% of people say that psychological safety and an inclusive work culture are of paramount importance to them, according to the Diverse Leaders in Tech 'DEI in European Tech Benchmark Report, 2024'. At Flouria we are driven by a single vision: to ensure every woman feels supported throughout each stage of her unique health journey. Whether it's her menstrual cycle, neurodiversity, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum or menopause, we believe women should never have to hide their symptoms or experiences from the workplace. Creating a supportive work environment isn’t just a lofty goal. It’s a tangible reality that organisations can achieve with simple, actionable steps. Let’s work together to create a workplace where every woman thrives, feeling empowered and understood at every stage of her life! 🌟 Credits to: Ingrid Tappin 🏳️🌈, Gillian Tans, Diverse Leaders in Tech, powered by Techleap, MT/Sprout #Inclusivity #WomensHealth #EmployeeWellness #DEI #Flouria

    Waarom Europese techbedrijven worstelen met DE&I: 'Ze willen wel, maar weten niet hoe'

    Waarom Europese techbedrijven worstelen met DE&I: 'Ze willen wel, maar weten niet hoe'


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    Shining as always! 💫 Our Founder & CEO Jeanine van Munster shared her journey to Flouria at the ABN AMRO Leading Ladies event yesterday, which was dedicated to discussing a topic very close to our hearts: women's health. It was fantastic to see ABN AMRO Bank N.V. giving more attention to this topic, because women’s health challenges are so much more common than we think. The speakers Manon Kerkhof and Suzanne van Niekerk - de Veld inspired women to break taboos, stand up as leaders and empower ourselves around our health. Thank you Jantje De Bie and Jessica Niewierra for having us! ✴ #WomensHealth #BreakTaboos #LeadingLadies #FemaleFounders #Flouria

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    According to the World Economic Forum, The Netherlands is making little progress in closing the gender gap. For the third year, our country ranks 28th worldwide in the WEF's indicator of inequality between men and women. 🇳🇱 Many women in The Netherlands face career stagnation when they reach their 30s, often due to challenges related to pregnancy, care responsibilities and lack of existing female management. At Flouria, we support women through these crucial phases and help companies build processes and initiatives to ensure they don't lose their top female talent. 🧡 Step by step, we can work towards a better environment for women both now, and future generations to come! World Economic Forum MT/Sprout #DutchGenderGap #DiversityInclusivity #Flouria Read the full article here: https://shorturl.at/SCDkq

    Gelijke kansen? 'Nederlandse vrouwen worden in hun carrière ingehaald rond hun 30ste'

    Gelijke kansen? 'Nederlandse vrouwen worden in hun carrière ingehaald rond hun 30ste'


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    We surveyed 350+ female professionals in The Netherlands, who told us… - The system does not feel effective for women - Their are symptoms are often dismissed - Referrals to specialists are postponed, and waitlists are long - They feel under informed about their own health - They struggle to access relevant information and support - They do not feel secure being open about their health challenges at work Flouria is coming to workplaces across the The Netherlands, offering women personalized support, education, and resources to navigate their health journeys. Our app will provide accurate information, support, and resources tailored to individual needs. Show your female employees you care about their wellbeing Contact us to learn how we can support your HR & People leaders! [email protected] #womenshealth #netherlands #employeebenefits

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    At Flouria, our mission is to make women's health care in The Netherlands more accessible. Not only are we building an app that lowers the barrier to care, we are also creating a learning hub that is both fun and interesting, where women can take ownership over their own wellbeing knowledge! 🍏 To help us achieve this, we would love to know how you would prefer to learn about women's health. Our Content & Communications Intern Abigail Keighley has created a short survey for women between the ages of 25 to 45. We'd be so appreciative if you could take 5 minutes to participate in her research. 🙏 👉 Here’s the survey: https://lnkd.in/eBgxuuny

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    ''Periods are everywhere, and do not stop at school or work.'' - Yoni Today marks World Menstrual Hygiene Day, an annual awareness day on May 28th to highlight the importance of good menstrual hygiene management at a global level. Here is why we need to highlight menstrual support in the workplace: Research done by Plan Nederland shows that 40% of young menstruating people between the ages of 12 and 25 years have missed school or work because of their period. This impacts their potential to develop, learn and contribute. So how do you create a menstrual-friendly workplace? Some tips: 🧡 Provide free menstrual hygiene products (pads, tampons etc). Adding more period products to your workplace not only results in a safer, more inclusive workplace, but also reduces period-related absences. 🧡 Flexible working options. For many women, being able to work from home during their period allows for them to prioritise comfort and more easily manage menstrual pain and other symptoms of PMS. 🧡 Break down the stigma. Only good things can come from eliminating taboos and having open conversations about menstrual health. You may want to share valuable resources on periods or set up a menstrual wellbeing talk. Contact our team at Flouria to learn how we can support you with this! #PeriodPower #MenstrualHealth #MenstrualHygiene

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    ✨ Exciting news for women’s health! ✨ After months of intensive building and testing, we are thrilled to announce that the Flouria app is coming soon, and today we are opening up our waitlist for beta users! If you haven't heard about us, Flouria is a women’s health platform that supports women through every stage of their hormonal health journey. Our app is designed to support women in three powerful ways: 🧡 Our chat functionality easily connects women to a database of specialized women's health providers. 🧡 Women can take control of their wellbeing through our self-paced learning hub. 🧡 They can create actionable personal plans with the support of our experts. By joining the waitlist, you will have the opportunity to be one of the first users of Flouria and access all features for FREE! 👉 Sign up for the waitlist here: https://lnkd.in/ebBQiDAs We can't wait to have you join us on this exciting journey! 🌸 The Flouria team Jeanine van Munster Vlatko Stojkovski Jolijn Huisman Luna van den Bemd Kely Christ Alina Neu Abigail Keighley Sophie van Dijk (LL.M, MBA) Damjan Velickovski Stefan Tasevski

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    The day after… Did you know that the day after mother's day, women's Mental Health Awareness Week started? 19% of women struggle with mental health issues, over app. 12% of men. It's time to be more open about these issues! For instance, approximately 1 in 10 women will experience postpartum depression, with some studies reporting even 1 in 7 women. It's a severe condition that generally lasts 3 to 6 months. The taboo around the topic is big: it is estimated that nearly 50% of mothers with postpartum depression are not diagnosed by a health professional, and therefor also do not receive the proper care. Time for a change! At Flouria we try to support women in their overall health, including supporting them with their mental wellbeing. We make the barrier to contact as low as possible, and stimulate women to seek and find the help they need, when they need it most... #womenshealth #femalefounders #healthtech #mentalhealthweek #womensmentalhealth

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